爱立信基站维护告警说明:BTS faults are classified according to importance and origin of fault:
Class 1A: fault inside MO, affecting MO functionality.
Class 1B: fault outside MO, affecting MO functionality.
Class 2A: fault inside MO, not affecting MO functionality.
Upon reception of a BTS fault report, the BSC takes following action:
Class 1A: the MO is taken out of operation and tested.
- If test result indicates MO not faulty, the MO is taken back into operation and the fault is considered as intermittent. A fault counter keeps track of intermittent faults and the MO will be permanently taken out of operation if the number of intermittent faults gets too high.
- If test result indicates MO faulty, the MO is permanently taken out of operation until fault cease or operator intervention. An alarm A2 is issued in BSC/OSS.
Class 1B: the MO is permanently taken out of operation until fault cease or operator intervention.
An alarm A2 is issued in BSC/OSS.
Class 2A: an alarm A2 or A3 is issued in BSC/OSS. The MO stays in operation.
Note that a class 2A fault on CF or TRXC can indicate that a class 1 fault is present on a subordinate MO.
Always read the RU map on CF/TRXC to find out where the fault is located but keep in mind that sometimes it is the unit who detected the fault who is indicated instead of the faulty unit.
BTS fault information can be retrieved from BSC with MML commands or on site with OMT.
From BSC
- All active alarms in a M RXASP:MO=RXO…;
- All active faults (class 1) in TG: RXMFP:MO=RXOTG-x,FAULTY,SUBORD;
- All active faults in a M RXMFP:MO=RXO…;
- Fault log for a M RXELP:MO=RXO…;
From OMT
- All active faults in TG: ”System view / Select RBS 2000 / Operations / Monitor / Fault status”
- Fault log for a RU: ”Hardware view / Select RU / Operations / Save log” (only DXU, TRU and ECU have a log area).
If a unit is indicated in CF/TRXC RU map and it has a red LED, then the red LED is turned on. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the unit is faulty, it could be the unit who detected the fault.
If the red LED is flashing, the fault is more likely to be SW-related: RBS/RU database corrupted or missing, DXU running on base application. This can usually be fixed by reinstalling the IDB and resetting DXU or performing a SW download.
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