目前安装的照明控制系统使用有线和无线连接。无线通信中,使用最广泛的威廉希尔官方网站 是802.15.4标准,它定义了一个低速率无线个人区域网(LR-WPAN)也是ZigBee通信协议的基础上®。到目前为止,很多系统已经部署了专有的协议,但越来越多的公司,如楼宇自动化公司Daintree的网络和关键照明供应商飞利浦照明系统,采用标准的解决方案,如ZigBee®促进互操作性的需要。
本文将探讨ZigBee的好处和它的网状拓扑结构作为无线威廉希尔官方网站 的选择照明控制。更具体地说,它将从领先的供应商看一些®ZigBee收发器解决方案;对芯片的em351系统从Silicon Labs,Jennic jn5148-001模块恩智浦和单独的无线电和单片机解决方案从爱特梅尔(at86rf231和ATmega2560);看到这些有助于更广泛的生态系统。
Understanding the standards
The word ZigBee® is rapidly becoming another of those brand names like Hoover, Sellotape, and even Google that have become nouns and verbs, referring to generic products and actions; respectively a vacuum cleaner, clear adhesive tape, and searching the Internet. ZigBee® of course comes from the ZigBee® Alliance, a non-profit association formed in 2002 to provide open wireless networking standards focused on monitoring, control and sensor applications. The Alliance’s activities are very much determined by its members, which come from all around the world and include large and small companies, public bodies / government agencies, universities, and other interested parties. Consequently, a number of standards have been formulated to address the needs of specific markets and applications such as: ZigBee® Building Automation, ZigBee® Remote Control and more recently ZigBee® Light Link, a standard designed to provide LED lighting controls for consumer products.
The prime purpose of the ZigBee® standards is to provide equipment manufacturers with an open-source specification that enables them to develop interoperable products. As such, it is essential to understand what the standards cover and, just as importantly, what they do not cover. Networking, whether wired or wireless, is mostly based on the OSI model, which defines seven layers from the physical layer through to the application layer. ZigBee® defines networking protocols that operate from layer 3 upwards but does not define layers 1 and 2. Instead, it relies on 802.15.4, one of the IEEE’s 802.15 groups of standards for wireless personal area networks (WPAN), to do this. This is often a source of confusion as devices that solely implement 802.15.4 may be referred to as ZigBee® transceivers when strictly they are not implementing any specific ZigBee® function, and are probably just as applicable to other low data rate WPAN applications supported by 802.15.4.
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