The ADF7020 is a low power, highly integrated FSK/ASK/OOK transceiver designed for operation in the license-free ISM bands at 433 MHz, 868 MHz, and 915 MHz, as well as the proposed Japanese RFID band at 950 MHz. A Gaussian data filter option is available to allow either GFSK or G-ASK modulation, which provides a more spectrally efficient modulation. In addition to these modulation options, the ADF7020 can also be used to perform both MSK and GMSK modulation, where MSK is a special case of FSK with a modulation index of 0.5. The modulation index is calculated as twice the deviation divided by the data rate. MSK is spectrally equivalent to O-QPSK modulation with half-sinusoidal Tx baseband shaping, so the ADF7020 can also support this modulation option by setting up the device in MSK mode. This device is suitable for circuit applications that meet the European ETSI-300-220, the North American FCC (Part 15), or the Chinese Short Range Device regulatory standards. A complete transceiver can be built using a small number of external discrete components, making the ADF7020 very suitable for price-sensitive and area-sensitive applications. The transmitter block on the ADF7020 contains a VCO and low noise fractional-N PLL with an output resolution of 《1 ppm. This frequency agile PLL allows the ADF7020 to be used in frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) systems. The VCO operates at twice the fundamental frequency to reduce spurious emissions and frequency-pulling problems. The transmitter output power is programmable in 0.3 dB steps from −16 dBm to +13 dBm. The transceiver RF frequency and modulation are programmable using a simple 3-wire interface. The device operates with a power supply range of 2.3 V to 3.6 V and can be powered down when not in use. A low IF architecture is used in the receiver (200 kHz), minimizing power consumption and the external component count and avoiding interference problems at low frequencies. The ADF7020 supports a wide variety of programmable features, including Rx linearity, sensitivity, and IF bandwidth, allowing the user to trade off receiver sensitivity and selectivity against current consumption, depending on the application. The receiver also features a patent-pending automatic frequency control (AFC) loop, allowing the PLL to track out the frequency error in the incoming signal. An on-chip ADC provides readback of an integrated temperature sensor, an external analog input, the battery voltage, or the RSSI signal, which provides savings on an ADC in some applications. The temperature sensor is accurate to ±10°C over the full operating temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. This accuracy can be improved by doing a 1-point calibration at room temperature and storing the result in memory.
- EVADF7020 ADF7020 评估板
- EVADF7901 ADF7901 评估板
- EVAD7020-1 ADF7020-1 评估板
- ADF7024:易于使用、低功耗、次GHz、ISM/SRD、FSK/GFSK、收发器IC产品手册
- ADF7023-J:高性能、低功耗、ISM频段FSK/GFSK/MSK/GMSK收发器IC产品手册
- ADF7011:高性能ISM频段ASK/FSK/GFSK发射机IC数据表
- ADF7010:高性能ISM磁带Ask/FSK/GFSK发射器IC过时的数据Sheet
- ADF7020:高性能ISM频段FSK/ASK收发器IC数据表
- ADF7025:高性能ISM频段收发器产品手册
- ADF7901:高性能ISM波段00K/FSK发射器IC数据表
- ADF7030:高性能,低功率,169 MHz ISM磁带,无线电收发器IC数据Sheet
- ADF7020-1:高性能FSK/ASK收发器IC产品手册
- ADF7020无线传输模块的介绍和单片机与ADF7020接线步骤详细说明
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- ADF7023 高性能低功耗ISM频段收发器IC 58次下载
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