nxp公司的PN7150是新一代RF无接触前端,根据NFCIP-1和NFCIP-2,ISO/IEC 14443,ISO/IEC 15693以及MIFARE Classic 卡和FeliCa卡指标,支持各种发送模式,嵌入ARM Cortex-M0 MCU核和集成的固件支持NCI 1.0主通信,工作电压3.0V-4.75V,并提供较高的发送输出功率。器件高度集成了解调器和译码器,RF电平检测器和用于发现自动设备的轮询回路,主要用在需要NFC功能的所有设备,TV,机顶盒,蓝光译码器和音频设备,家庭自动化,网光和无线路由器,家用电器,可穿戴,遥控,健康和健美以及打印机,IP电话,游戏控制台和附件。本文介绍了PN7150主要特性和优势,发送模式框图和框图,以及演示板OM5578/PN7150S 单板计算机主要特性,NFC控制器板电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图。
Best plug´n play and high-performance full NFC solution PN7150 is a full NFCcontroller solution with integrated firmware and NCI interface designed for contactlesscommunication at 13.56 MHz. It is compatible with NFC forum requirements.PN7150 is designed based on learnings from previous NXP NFC device generation. It is the ideal solution for rapidly integrating NFC technology in any application, especially those running O/S environment like Linux and Android, reducing Bill of Material (BOM) size and cost, thanks to:
•Full NFC forum compliancy (see [1]) with small form factor antenna
•Embedded NFC firmware providing all NFC protocols as pre-integrated feature
•Direct connection to the main host or microcontroller, by I2C-bus physical and NCI protocol
•Ultra-low power consumption in polling loop mode
•Highly efficient integrated power management unit (PMU) allowing direct supply from a Battery
PN7150 embeds a new generation RF contactless front-end supporting varioustransmission modes according to NFCIP-1 and NFCIP-2, ISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC15693, MIFARE Classic IC-based card and FeliCa card specifications. It embeds anARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller core loaded with the integrated firmware supporting theNCI 1.0 host communication. It also allows to provide a higher output power by supplyingthe transmitter output stage from 3.0 V to 4.75 V.
The contactless front-end design brings a major performance step-up with on one handa higher sensitivity and on the other hand the capability to work in active load modulation communication enabling the support of small antenna form factor.
Supported transmission modes are listed in Figure 1. For contactless card functionality,the PN7150 can act autonomously if previously configured by the host in such a manner.PN7150 integrated firmware provides an easy integration and validation cycle as all the NFC real-time constraints, protocols and device discovery (polling loop) are being taken care internally.In few NCI commands, host SW can configure the PN7150 to notify forcard or peer detection and start communicating with them.
•Includes NXP ISO/IEC14443-A and Innovatron ISO/IEC14443-B intellectual property licensing rights
•ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller core
•Highly integrated demodulator and decoder
•Buffered output drivers to connect an antenna with minimum number of external components
•Integrated RF level detector
•Integrated Polling Loop for automatic device discovery
•RF protocols supported
–NFCIP-1, NFCIP-2 protocol (see [8] and [11])
–ISO/IEC 14443A, ISO/IEC 14443B PICC, NFC Forum T4T modes via host interface(see[3])
–NFC Forum T3T via host interface
–ISO/IEC 14443A, ISO/IEC 14443B PCD designed according to NFC Forum digital protocol T4T platform and ISO-DEP (see [1])
–FeliCa PCD mode
–MIFARE Classic PCD encryption mechanism (MIFARE Classic 1K/4K)
–NFC Forum tag 1 to 5 (MIFARE Ultralight, Jewel, Open FeliCa tag,MIFAREDESFire) (see [1])
–ISO/IEC 15693/ICODE VCD mode (see [9])
•Supported host interfaces
–NCI protocol interface according to NFC Forum standardization (see [2])
–I2C-bus High-speed mode (see [4])
•Integrated power management unit
–Direct connection to a battery (2.3 V to 5.5 V voltage supply range)
–Support different Hard Power-Down/Standby states activated by firmware
–Autonomous mode when host is shut down
•Automatic wake-up via RF field, internal timer and I2C-bus interface
•Integrated non-volatile memory to store data and executable code for customization
•All devices requiring NFC functionality especially those running in an Android or Linux environment
•TVs, set-top boxes, blu-ray decoders, audio devices
•Home automation, gateways, wireless routers
•Home appliances
•Wearables, remote controls, healthcare, fitness
•Printers, IP phones, gaming consoles, accessories
The present document describes the OM5578/PN7150S demonstration kit, a flexible and easy-to-use Single Board Computer (SBC) Kit for the PN7150 NFC Controller.
It enables the development of an NFC solution based on PN7150 in a Linux, Android or Windows for IoT environment or even in system based on RTOS or without OS.
It exists in different configurations:
- OM5578/PN7150RPI to be used with Raspberry Pi platform (see [1])
- OM5578/PN7150BBB to be used with BeagleBone Interface Board (see [2])
- OM5578/PN7150ARD to be used with platforms offering Arduino compatible interface (see [3]), like LPCXpresso (see [5]) or Kinetis Freedom (see [4])。
图4.演示板OM5578/PN7150S PN7150 NFC控制器板外形图
图8.OM29110RPI Raspberry Pi接口板外形图
图9. OM29110BBBBeagleBone接口板外形图
图10. OM29110ARD Arduino接口板外形图
图12.PN7150 NFC控制器板电路图
图13.PN7150 NFC控制器顶层元件层
图14.PN7150 NFC控制器底层元件层
图15.PN7150 NFC控制器层1
图16.PN7150 NFC控制器层2
图17.PN7150 NFC控制器层3
图18.PN7150 NFC控制器层4
图19.PN7150 NFC控制器顶层丝印层
图20.PN7150 NFC控制器板电路图(1)
图21.PN7150 NFC控制器板电路图(2)
图22.PN7150 NFC控制器板电路图(3)
PN7150 NFC控制器板材料清单: