TI公司的LMG102是单个低边GaN和Si MOSFET驱动器,高达60MHz工作频率,输入脉冲宽度1ns,传输时延典型值2.5ns,上升和下降时间为400ps,7A峰值源电流和5A峰值沉电流,5V工作电压,主要用在激光雷达(LiDAR),TOF激光驱动器,面部识别,E类无线充电器,VHF谐振电源转换器,GaN同步整流器和增强现实(AR)。本文介绍了LMG1020主要特性,框图和典型应用电路图以及高压评估板LMG1020-HB-EVM主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图。
The LMG1020 device is a single, low-side driverdesigned for driving GaN FETs and logic-levelMOSFETs in high-speed applications includingLiDAR, time-of-flight, facial recognition, and anypower converters involving low side drivers. Thedesign simplicity of the LMG1020 enables extremelyfast propagation delays of 2.5 nanoseconds andminimum pulse width of 1 nanosecond. The drivestrength is independently adjustable for the pull-upand pull-down edges by connecting external resistorsbetween the gate and OUTH and OUTL, respectively.
The driver features undervoltage lockout (UVLO) andovertemperature protection (OTP) in the event ofoverload or fault conditions.
0.8-mm × 1.2-mm WCSP package of LMG1020minimizes gate loop inductance and maximizespower density in high-frequency applications.
• Low-Side, Ultra-Fast Gate Driver for GaN andSilicon FETs
• 1 ns Minimum Input Pulse Width
• Up to 60 MHz Operation
• 2.5 ns Typical, 4.5 ns Maximum PropagationDelay
• 400 ps Typical Rise and Fall Time
• 7-A Peak Source and 5-A Peak Sink Currents
• 5-V Supply Voltage
• UVLO and Overtemperature Protection
• 0.8 mm × 1.2 mm WCSP Package
• Time-of-Flight Laser Drivers
• Facial Recognition
• Class-E Wireless Chargers
• VHF Resonant Power Converters
• GaN-Based Synchronous Rectifier
• Augmented Reality
图1. LMG102功能框图
图2. LMG102简化LiDAR驱动级框图
图3. LMG102典型应用电路图
The LMG1020-HB-EVM is designed to evaluate the LMG1020 Nano-second low-side driver for GaN FETs.
This EVM consists of one Gallium Nitride (GaN) eFET driven by one LMG1020 and with the sourceconnected to a resistive load emulating a laser diode for LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging)applications.
The guide shows a circuit and the list of materials describing how to power the board up and how to setthe board up for a certain regulation voltage. The EVM board is designed to accelerate the evaluation ofthe LMG1020.
This board is not intended to be used as a standalone product but it intended to evaluate the switchingperformance of LMG1020.
This EVM guide describes correct operation and measurement of the EVM, as well as the EVMconstruction and typical performance.
The LMG1020-EVM is a small, easy-to-use power stage with integrated resistive load. It takes a shortpulseinput that can either be buffered (and shorten further), or passed directly to the power stage.
The input pulse is signal is used to pulse the current through the load, to achieve 1-2ns wide currentpulses, which are the state-of-the-art target for LiDAR systems.
The EVM features a LMG1020 low side nano-second driver, driving a single EPC2039 FET referenced toground and with the drain connected to the resistive load.
The load is split between two current loops to reduce the effective inductance. The board has larger padson which a laser diode of choice can be mounted.
图4. LMG102 LiDAR功率级电路图
图7.评估板LMG1020-HB-EVM PCB设计图(1):顶层和元件图
图8.评估板LMG1020-HB-EVM PCB设计图(2):底层和元件图
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贸泽推出TI LMG1210 MOSFET和GaN FET驱动器 高频应用的好选择
GaN FET重新定义电源电路设计
TI助力GaN威廉希尔官方网站 的推广应用
LMG1020 具有 60MHz/1ns 速度的 5V、7A/5A 低侧 GaN 驱动器

贸泽LMG1020 GaN驱动器可用于高速LiDAR和TOF 达到最高功率密度

具有集成驱动器的 650V 120mΩ GaN FET LMG3612数据表

650V 50mΩ具有集成驱动器、保护和温度报告功能的GaN FET LMG3522R050数据表

650V 50mΩ 具有集成驱动器、保护和温度报告功能的GaN FET LMG3526R050数据表

具有集成驱动器和电流检测功能的650V 170mΩ GaN FET LMG3624数据表

具有集成式驱动器和保护功能GaN FET LMG3522R030数据表
