作者:Calista Redmond | RISC-V International 首席执行官
我怀着深深的感激之情宣布辞去 RISC-V International 的职务,因为我接受了职业生涯下一步的新角色。我在 RISC-V 的时光是一段非凡的旅程,由一个非凡社区的集体努力和热情塑造。我们共同取得了令人难以置信的进步,为未来几代人重新定义计算奠定了基础。回顾过去几年,我对我们作为一个团队所取得的成就感到无比自豪。
自 2019 年 3 月加入 RISC-V 以来,我们共同的愿景推动了惊人的进步。会员人数从 236 人增加到 4,600 多人,遍布 70 个国家/地区,汽车、AI、HPC 和嵌入式系统行业的采用也加速了。目前 SoC 数量超过 20 亿,预计到 2031 年将达到 200 亿,RISC-V 的影响力不容置疑。在威廉希尔官方网站 方面,我们批准了 68 项新规范,将工作组扩展到 80 多个,并建立了具有工具、协作和全球操作系统采用的先进软件生态系统。这些里程碑反映了协作的力量和对开放创新的共同承诺。
我们的全球和地方举措加强了 RISC-V 作为全球标准的作用,促进了与世界各地政府、大学和开发者的合作。RISC-V 最令人惊奇的事情之一是世界各地的人们如何在当地采用它来解决他们特有的问题,同时也参与到全球运动中。我很荣幸能与全球 RISC-V 生态系统会面并一起工作,共同制定标准。
未来,RISC-V International 将寻找我的继任者。我完全相信 RISC-V 董事会和员工能够找到最合适的人选来领导,同时保持组织的稳定和高效。
在为职业生涯的下一个篇章做准备时,我永远感激那些定义 RISC-V 的经验、关系和支持,以及我们共同取得的成就。我满怀信心地离开,相信 RISC-V 的未来比以往任何时候都更加光明。我祝愿社区继续取得成功,并相信 RISC-V 将在未来几代继续发展。
It is with deep gratitude that I announce my resignation from RISC-V International as I’ve accepted a new role for the next step in my career. My time with RISC-V has been a remarkable journey, shaped by the collective efforts and passion of an extraordinary community. Together, we have made incredible strides that have laid the foundations that will redefine computing for generations to come. Reflecting on the past few years, I am filled with immense pride in what we have achieved as a team.
Since joining RISC-V in March 2019, our shared vision has driven amazing progress. Membership has grown from 236 to over 4,600 members spanning 70 countries, and industry adoption has accelerated across automotive, AI, HPC, and embedded systems. With over 2 billion SoCs today and projections of 20 billion by 2031, RISC-V’s impact is undeniable. On the technical front, we’ve ratified 68 new specifications, expanded work groups to more than 80, and advanced software ecosystems with tools, collaboration, and global OS adoption. These milestones reflect the power of collaboration and a shared commitment to open innovation.
Our global and local initiatives have strengthened RISC-V’s role as a global standard, fostering partnerships with governments, universities, and developers around the world. One of the most amazing things about RISC-V is how people around the world have adopted it locally to solve problems specific to them, while also engaging in a global movement. It has been a privilege to meet with and work alongside the worldwide RISC-V ecosystem and develop the standard together.
Going forward, RISC-V International will be conducting a search to find my replacement. I have full trust in the RISC-V Board of Directors and staff to find the best individual to lead, while still maintaining a stable and effective organization.
As I prepare for the next chapter in my career, I am forever grateful for the experiences, relationships, and support that have defined RISC-V and all that we have achieved together. I leave with the confidence that RISC-V’s future is brighter than ever. I wish the community continued success and know that RISC-V will continue to grow for generations to come.
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