14.1.1 PNG格式图标转换
l 打开软件加载上面的图片
14.3 绘制无需加载到存储器的PNG图片
Ø 使用芯片内部的SRAM作为动态内存
Ø 图片的加载以及显示函数
Ø 主函数
l 使用芯片外部的SRAM作为动态内存,这部分函数与上面第11章的11.2小节一样,由于PNG比较的消耗内存,这里和BMP不同也需要使用动态内存。
l 图片的加以及显示函数。
* _GetData
* Purpose:
* This routine is called by GUI_GIF_DrawEx(). The routine is responsible
* for setting the data pointer to a valid data location with at least
* one valid byte.
* Parameters:
* p - Pointer to application defined data.
* NumBytesReq - Number of bytes requested.
* ppData - Pointer to data pointer. This pointer should be set to
* a valid location.
* StartOfFile - If this flag is 1, the data pointer should be set to the
* beginning of the data stream.
* Return value:
* Number of data bytes available.
static int _GetData(void * p, const U8 ** ppData, unsigned NumBytesReq, U32 Off) {
static int FileAddress = 0;
FIL *file;
DWORD NumBytesRead;
U8 * pData;
pData = (U8 *)*ppData;
file = (FIL *)p;
// Set file pointer to the required position
if(Off == 1) FileAddress = 0;
else FileAddress = Off;
result =f_lseek(file, FileAddress);
// Read data into buffer
result = f_read(file, pData, NumBytesReq, &NumBytesRead);
// Return number of available bytes
return NumBytesRead;
* 函 数 名: _ShowPNG
* 功能说明: 显示PNG图片
* 形 参:sFilename 要显示的图片名字
* usPOSX 显示位置X
* usPOSY 显示位置Y
* 返 回 值: 无
static void _ShowPNGEx(const char * sFilename, uint16_t usPOSX, uint16_t usPOSY)
/* 打开文件 */
result = f_open(&file, sFilename, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS);
if (result != FR_OK)