在高速电路设计中信号完整性分析 由于系统时钟频率和上升时间的增长,信号完整性设计变得越来越重要。不幸的是,绝 大多数数字电路设计者并没意识到信号完整性问题的重要性,或者是直到设计的最后阶段才 初步认识到。 本篇介绍了高速数字硬件电路设计中信号完整性在通常设计的影响。这包括特征阻抗控 制、终端匹配、电源和地平面、信号布线和串扰等问题。掌握这些知识,对一个数字电路设 计者而言,可以在电路设计的早期,就注意到潜在可能的信号完整性问题,还可以帮助设计 则在设计中尽量避免信号完整性对设计性能的影响。 As system clock frequencies and rise times increase, signal integrity design considerations are becoming ever more important. Unfortunately many Digital Designers may not recognize the importance of signal integrity issues and problems may not be identified until it is too late. This paper presents the most common design issues affecting signal integrity in high-speed digital hardware design. These include impedance control, terminations, ground/power planes, signal routing and crosstalk. Armed with the knowledge presented here, a digital designer will be able to recognize potential signal integrity problems at the earliest design stage. Also, the designer will be able to apply techniques presented in this paper to prevent these issues affecting the performance of their design.
以下是引用admin在2009-10-14 9:32:02的发言: 在高速电路设计中信号完整性分析 由于系统时钟频率和上升时间的增长,信号完整性设计变得越来越重要。不幸的是,绝 大多数数字电路设计者并没意识到信号完整性问题的重要性,或者是直到设计的最后阶段才 初步认识到。 本篇介绍了高速数字硬件电路设计中信号完整性在通常设计的影响。这包括特征阻抗控 制、终端匹配、电源和地平面、信号布线和串扰等问题。掌握这些知识,对一个数字电路设 计者而言,可以在电路设计的早期,就注意到潜在可能的信号完整性问题,还可以帮助设计 则在设计中尽量避免信号完整性对设计性能的影响。 As system clock frequencies and rise times increase, signal integrity design considerations are becoming ever more important. Unfortunately many Digital Designers may not recognize the importance of signal integrity issues and problems may not be identified until it is too late. This paper presents the most common design issues affecting signal integrity in high-speed digital hardware design. These include impedance control, terminations, ground/power planes, signal routing and crosstalk. Armed with the knowledge presented here, a digital designer will be able to recognize potential signal integrity problems at the earliest design stage. Also, the designer will be able to apply techniques presented in this paper to prevent these issues affecting the performance of their design.