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不断增长的电动车和混合动力车(EV/HEV)市场,以及不断增长的间歇性可再生能源(风能、太阳能)市场占有率,正在重塑固定式电池市场。 固定式电池如何加快能源管理转型,并将在2023年创造135亿美元市场规模? 近期公布的关于特斯拉电池存储的解决方案证实了大规模部署分布式静态存储系统的发展趋势。 能量存储在目前所有主要电力市场中的能量转换部分扮演着重要角色。由于威廉希尔官方网站
进步、可再生能源装置和能量存储解决方案的成本下降,使得电力来源的分散化成为可能。分散化和可再生能源装置的增加成为持续性驱动力:获得清洁能源、二氧化碳减排、降低核危害、能源独立、绿色交通、使用当地的能源以降低传输或配电损耗。传统基于集中式能源供应的商业模式已经变得过时。新的能源管理解决方案和商业模式都将“大展拳脚”。如本报告所示,在发电领域,不断增长的间歇性可再生新能源(风能、太阳能)市场份额表明了各大厂商对固定式电池能量存储系统的强烈兴趣。但是,近期案例,如中国(风力发电削减)、日本和一些欧洲国家(由于大量间歇性可再生能源引起的电网稳定性问题)表明可再生能源在各领域的进一步部署需要升级电网,部署更大范围的能量存储系统和合适的能源管理解决方案。 能源管理是促使新威廉希尔官方网站
和应用的重中之重。根据本报告分析,固定式电池的储能系统市场在未来将实现强劲增长,到2023年将超过135亿美元。两大驱动因素推动该市场发展,其一:供应商研发性能更好、更低成本的电池解决方案;其二:电池解决方案在既有太阳能又有电力存储的楼宇运用中特别受欢迎,尤其是住宅楼。多余的太阳能能存储在电池内,这样白天电费高的时候,就可以从太阳能或电池中获取便宜的能源;而晚上电网价格低时,则采用电网供电。多余的本地发电还可以卖给公共事业单位。 ![]() 2014-2013年固定式电池市场规模 可再生能源,电池和合适的能源管理相结合,帮助客户增加本地生产电力的消费,从而减少电费。如今最受欢迎的选择还是保持电网连接,只是降低商业用电量。这将对电网运营商造成巨大挑战:在客户消费更少电力基础上(同时,意味着电网运营、升级和维护的费用缩减),如何让电网运营商保证电网的稳定性和连接性。这就意味着传统的商业模式必须彻底重塑,新的商业模式也将出现。这对现有供应商和新厂商而言,都将产生很大影响。 EV/HEV厂商(如特斯拉、比亚迪)如何驱动固定式电池的储能业务发展? 可充电电池特别适合于分布式能量储存。虽然使用电池作为能量存储解决方案已经有几十年的历史,但是新的电池威廉希尔官方网站
的应用研发和部署,从而带来新的商业机会。不断增长的EV/HEV市场将改变游戏规则,驱动电池性能提高和成本降低。新款特斯拉定位于EV/HEV和固定式电池,这既能帮助增加市场成交量,又能降低生产成本。 电池系统的模块化特性意味着电池的大小和特征可以在多样化应用中满足不同的需求。尤其是,与其他能量存储威廉希尔官方网站
都将面临来自锂离子电池的激烈竞争。与其它电池相比,锂离子电子具有高能量密度、高功率密度、高度模块化、低成本等诸多优势。 ![]() 电池存储优势 能源管理价值链孕育的机遇吸引了整个行业的企业 与能量流管理(发电、输电、配电、存储和消费)相关的价值链提供了丰富的机遇给来自不同行业的诸多厂商。 由于大部分电池是由小型电芯(battery cells)构建而成的。电芯供应商帮助改善电池性能、降低成本。目前,锂离子电芯供应商主要分布于日本、韩国和中国。这些公司以电芯的大批量生产为主。其中,占据领先地位的供应商有三星SDI、松下、LG化学、索尼、天津力神、新能源科技有限公司(ATL)和比亚迪。 目前,很多厂商从成熟供应商那里购买安全可信赖的电芯,以电池集成商的身份进入该市场——设计和制造电池系统,特别是在运输和固定式储能应用(住宅和大尺寸的电池能量存储系统)的应用。如本报告所述,住宅用电存储市场的进入壁垒比较低,又与其它产品/应用有很强的协同效果,因此激励很多厂商专注于这一细分市场。住宅电力存储市场的价值链仍旧非常分散,由很多小厂商组成——超过50家厂商提供商业解决方案,还有一些将很快推出自己的产品。汽车制造厂商(特斯拉、比亚迪、丰田、尼桑)的供应商和合伙人也进入住宅或大型储能市场。由于他们可以从大批量购买电芯中获益(价格优势),因此汽车制造厂商能以较低的价格与只做固定式电池储能的厂商展开竞争。根据本报告分析,即将来临的商业合作和并购活动在未来几年将对固定式电池储能市场的重塑带来深远影响。 ![]() 案例:住宅储能电池业务中的各种厂商 能源生产商都青睐于与电池制造商和能量解决方案供应商合作。他们中的许多厂商测试不同的电池解决方案或投资涉及电池业务的公司。可再生能源发电的能源供应商需要通过开发解决方案,使得可再生能源比较容易地集成到电网中,从而加强自己的地位。能源供应商想要与传统电力“并驾齐驱”,就需要提高自己的能力,并优化工厂运营。电池解决方案可以轻松化解上述难题。 电池和可再生能源厂商以及EV/HEV制造商将越来越关注能源供应和能源管理(智能电网、智慧城市、智慧楼宇)的相关业务。与那些只销售电力存储产品的厂商相比,能提供“能源解决方案”的厂商将占据市场主导地位。 由于巨大的市场机遇,电子和功率器件、安全装置和冷却系统的生产厂商等也纷纷投身于不断增长的电池业中。 报告目录: • Why energymanagement and focus on batteries? • Motivation forthis report • Executivesummary • Market forecastfor stationary battery storage Geographical specificities ofstationary battery electricity storage market Market segmentation used within the report 2014–2023 grid-connected stationary battery market in MWh and value ($ million) How critical is return on investment for different market segments? Penetration rate of battery electricity storage systems in PV installations 2014–2023 grid-connected stationary battery market—key messages How electric vehicle drives the stationary battery electricity storageapplications Most promising countries for stationary battery electricity storage solutions • Energy storagesystems: technologies, applications and trends Classification of energy storagesystems Overview of energy storage technologies Energy capacity vs. Power capacity 10 reasons why battery is the most promising energy storage technology Advantages of battery storage compared to diesel-generator Battery—key for many applications From a battery cell to a battery container Battery electrical energy storage system—from Watt-hours to mega-Watt-hours Characteristics of main battery technologies Large variety of battery cell technologies and types We have entered a Li-based battery era… Battery Management System—BMS Safety issues related to batteries Overview of hazards related to battery systems • Value chain Synergies in energy management=> numerous business opportunities for different players Recent Investments, Merger & Acquisitions Positioning within the value chain and relationship between different players Expected movements within the value chain • Electricity storageand renewable electricity sources Overview of renewable energy sources Why renewable energy are sources a part of our future? Electricity vs. thermal energy storage for renewables Why electricity storage matches well with renewables? Battery electricity storage: key element of future energy solutions Which RES has the strongest potential for electricity storage solutions? Photovoltaic technology and applications Three main stationary PV segments 2014–2023 PV and wind market size (in MW) Battery electricity storage and photovoltaics—a strong synergy BESS not indispensable for RES integration—Case of Denmark Battery electricity storage and RES—case studies Variables to monitor within a RES+battery system Benefits of battery storage for renewables Regulatory issues vs. technology solution for better grid flexibility • Battery electricity storage systems for buildings Strong dominancy of AC technologyin buildings DC technology RAPIDLY gains interest… and so the role of battery Smart building and battery solutions Pros and Cons for battery integration in buildings Residential PV inverter and battery storage solutions Examples of residential battery electrical storage systems Modular systems vs. systems with fixed energy capacity Overview of commercially available residential systems—power vs. energy capacitygraph Battery electricity storage and PV on building—a strong synergy Added value of power back-up in the building Benefits of battery storage for building Zero Emission Total Solution from BYD Prefabricated houses with integrated PV & electricity storage solution andtheir suppliers Battery as an integrated part of building energy management system Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) concept—Nissan LEAF / Toyota Prius • Battery electricitystorage solution for electricity grid Why battery solutions for a “conventionalgrid”? Area Energy Management System Battery vs. grid reinforcement and building new generation capacities Load defection or grid defection? New challenges in grid management related to data communication and treatment Alternatives to battery electricity storage systems Large battery storage systems for grid services Case study—BESS BESS as a solution to rapid (and unexpected) electricity demand increase Used batteries from EV vehicle to provide grid stabilization services – casestudy—BMW Partnership for V2G: Nissan and Endesa (Enel Group) • EV/HEV andelectricity storage Why EV/HEV technologies and players are important forstationary electricity storage business? Different options to electrify vehicles Why developing electrified vehicles? Electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles: still a smart part of the whole automotivemarket in 2013 A market in expansion from one year to another Electrified vehicles market forecasts worldwide to 2023 Different solutions for energy storage in the automotive market Battery evolution is mandatory for EV/PHEV market expansion Battery capacity: different groups of cars Which type of evolution for battery capacity to 2020? Three scenarios andYole’s expectations EV/HEV: a huge market for energy storage—Energy storage capacity to 2023 (inGWh and in $M) What will be the impact of electrified vehicles development on power demand? How to supply so much power to electrified vehicles: smart charging Which player for smart charging? More than smart charging: V2X systems V2G systems use the car as an energy storage system integrated in smart grid • Conclusion 购买该报告请联系:麦姆斯咨询 吴越 电话:15190305084 若需要《智能电网、智慧城市和智慧楼宇的能源管理:电池电力存储解决方案的机遇》样刊请发E-mail:wuyue#memsconsulting.com(#换成@)。 |
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