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简述:LTC3108是高度集成的升压型 DC/DC 转换器,该器件专为在采用极低输入电压电源的情况下启动和运行而设计,例如:热电发生器(TEG)、热电堆和小型太阳能电池。其自谐振拓扑从低至 20mV 的输入电压升压。可以获取并使用小的温差来产生系统电源,而不必使用传统的电池电源。 基本特点: LTC3108 采用一个小外形的升压变换器,可提供一款面向无线检测和数据采集应用的完整电源管理解决方案。2.2V LDO 负责给一个外部微处理器供电,而主输出则设置为 4 种固定电压之一,用于为一个无线发送器或传感器供电。当主输出电压处于调节状态时,电源良好指示器将发出指示信号。第二个输出可以由主机来使能。一个存储电容器在没有可用的输入电压电源时用于提供所需的电源。极低的静态电流和高效率设计可确保输出存储电容器拥有尽可能最快的充电时间。 ![]() 从 20mV 的输入工作 完整的能量收集电源管理系统 - 可选的 VOUT:2.35V、3.3V、4.1V 或 5V - LDO:2.2V (在 3mA) - 逻辑控制的输出 - 保存能量输出 电源良好指示器 采用紧凑的升压型变压器 小外形 12 引脚 (3mm x 4mm) DFN 或 16 引脚 SSOP 封装 方案特点: Demonstration Circuit 1582B featuring the LTC3108 is a highly integrated DC/DC converter optimized for harvesting and managing energy from extremely low input voltage sources such as thermoelectric generators (TEG). The step-up topology operates from input voltages as low as 20mV. The DC 1582B Demonstration Circuit has been optimized for low start-up voltage with a 100:1 turns ratio transformer. For application where it is desirable to trade-off a higher start-up voltage for higher current, a lower turns ratio transformer can be used. Refer to the LTC3108 datasheet for more information. The LTC3108 is designed to accumulate and manage energy over a long period of time to enable short bursts of power to be used to acquire and transmit data. The burst must occur at a low enough duty cycle such that the total output energy during the burst does not exceed the average source power integrated over the accumulation time between bursts. 参考原理图: ![]() |
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