ARM Compiler toolchain 4.1 Build 894 patch for Linux - 软件 - 电子威廉希尔官方网站 论坛 - 最好最受欢迎电子论坛!

ARM Compiler toolchain 4.1 Build 894 patch for Linux

芒果冰 ( 楼主 ) 2014-10-15 14:20:59  只看该作者 倒序浏览


ARM Compiler Toolchain v4.1 Web Patch, Build 894 for Linux

The ARM Compiler Toolchain v4.1 Web Patch, Build 894, is intended for use with ARM RVDS v4.1 products. It can be used to update RVDS 4.1 Standard, Professional or Evaluation installation, whether previously patched or an original installation. It is NOT compatible with other releases of RVCT/RVDS.

This patch consists of an updated compiler, linker, assembler, fromelf, and armar program executables, include files and C/C++ libraries.

Enhancements and CorrectionsDetails of the enhancements and corrections implemented by this patch are available on the ARM websiteOS Platforms

This version of the tools has been tested on the following supported platforms:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP SP2, 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Windows XP SP3, 32-bit
  • Windows Vista Business Edition SP1, 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Windows Vista Enterprise Edition SP1, 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2003 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4 for x86, 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5 for x86, 32-bit & 64-bit
  • Solaris for SPARC 10

In addition, the tools have been tested on the following non-supported platforms:

  • Windows 2000 SP4
  • SUSE Linux 9.2
  • Ubuntu Linux 8.10
Installation Instructions

To install the patch carry out the following steps:

  • Ensure that you are currently using RVCT 4.1. To do this, type:
    armcc --vsn
    and ensure that this returns RVCT 4.1 build 462 or later.
  • Extract all the files from the ZIP file into a temporary directory.
  • Copy the include directory from the temporary directory to replace your existing include directory. The existing directory can be located by the ARMCC41INC environment variable, e.g:
    > echo $ARMCC41INC
  • Copy the lib directory from the temporary directory to replace your existing lib directory. The existing directory can be located by the ARMCC41LIB environment variable, e.g.:
    > echo $ARMCC41LIB
  • Copy the linux-pentium directory from the temporary directory to replace your existing linux-pentiumdirectory. The existing directory can be located by the ARMCC41BIN environment variable, e.g.:
    > echo $ARMCC41BIN
  • The updated tools should now have been installed. To confirm this, open a terminal window and enter:
    armcc --vsn
    armlink --vsn
    armasm --vsn
    fromelf --vsn
    armar --vsn
    The version returned should be RVCT 4.1 build 894.
  • After unzipping the executables, you may find that they cannot be executed because the UNIX permissions have been reset. The workaround is to set the execute permissions for the user with, e.g.:
    chmod u+x armcc

64-bit Linker

RVDS 4.1 Service Pack 1, and this patch, include a 64-bit version of the armlink binary. If you have installed RVDS 4.1 Sevice Pack 1 or later, there will also be a directory for 64-bit binaries. For example:


These can be updated by copying the contents of the linux-x86_64 directory from the temporary directory to this location. If have not installed RVDS Service Pack 1 or later this directory will not be present, but can be created if you wish to use the 64-bit version of the linker.

The linux-x86_64 directory also contains copies of armcc, armasm, fromelf and armar binaries. However, these are 32-bit binaries, and are provided because some functionality requires all the binaries to be in the same directory.

Note: By default, your system will be configured to use the 32-bit version of the linker. If you wish to use the 64-version, you must change the ARMCCBIN environment variable to point to the linux-x86_64 directory, and modify the PATH to include this directory instead of, or before, the linux-pentium directory.


durongze 发表于 2023-8-14 23:33:20
这个文件有损坏了,不能解压了。 另外这个也不是什么破解文件。就是未破解的。其他几个我都看了
durongze 发表于 2023-8-14 23:38:20
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