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本帖最后由 mdevi 于 2014-6-28 11:58 编辑
请问,任意的双键按钮是怎样来判断的?单键按钮判断可以,但是双键按钮按下出现1 和 8 ,4 和 5判断是一样的,请问如何区别这角对线出现的按钮。 我使用的是行扫描法:PA2-PA5 PC3-PC5为所用的引脚。 xPORT_A=xPORT_A&(~0x3C); //0x3C(111100) Wait_ms(10); tmp=xPORT_C; tmp=tmp&0x38; //00111000 if(0x38 != tmp) { Wait_ms(10); // Eliminating shiver if(0x38 != (tmp & 0x38)) { sccode = ~0x04; //从PA2开始扫描 while(0xFF != sccode) { xPORT_A = sccode; tmp = xPORT_C; tmp = tmp & 0x38 ; if(0x38 != tmp ) { recode = ((sccode & 0x3C) >> 2) & 0x0f | 0xf0; //PA: xxxx 00 >>2 = xxxx 11111101 tmpi = (~((tmp << 1) & 0xf0 | 0x0f)) & 0x7f | (~recode); //Mode:xxx(pc) xxxx(pa) KeyCode[tmpj++] = tmpi; } sccode = (sccode << 1)|0x01; Wait_ms(10); } } j = tmpj; i = fnKeycode(tmpj); ComplexFlag = ComplexFlag + 1; } |
#include #include #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int //矩阵键盘按键特征码表 uchar code KeyCodeTable[]={0x11,0x12,0x14,0x18,0x21, 0x22,0x24,0x28,0x41,0x42,0x44,0x48,0x81,0x82,0x84,0x88}; //延时 void DelayMS(uint x) { uchar i; while(x--) for(i=0;i<120;i++); } //键盘扫描 uchar Keys_Scan() { uchar sCode,kCode,i,k; //低 4 位置 0,放入 4 行 P1=0xf0; //若高 4 位出现 0,则有键按下 if((P1&0xf0)!=0xf0) { DelayMS(2); if((P1&0xf0)!=0xf0) { sCode=0xfe; //行扫描码初值 for(k=0;k<4;k++) //对 4 行分别进行扫描 { P1=sCode; if((P1&0xf0)!=0xf0) { kCode=~P1; for(i=0;i<16;i++) //查表得到按键序号并返回 if(kCode==KeyCodeTable[i]) 上海师范大学信息与机电工程学院—倪继锋 16 } 《单片机 C 语言程序设计实训 100 例---基于 return(i); 8051 和 PROTEUS 仿真》案例 } } } else sCode=_crol_(sCode,1); } return(-1); //主程序 void main() { uchar i,P2_LED,P3_LED; uchar KeyNo=-1; //按键序号,-1 表示无按键 while(1) { KeyNo=Keys_Scan(); //扫描键盘获取按键序号 KeyNo if(KeyNo!=-1) { P2_LED=0xff; P3_LED=0xff; for(i=0;i<=KeyNo;i++)键值越大,点亮的 LED 越多 { if(i<8) P3_LED>>=1; else P2_LED>>=1; } P3=P3_LED; //点亮条形 LED P2=P2_LED; } } } 上面这个是仿真的程序。但是用在真的单片机板子上,对IO需要哪些修改呢? P1=0xf0; //若高 4 位出现 0,则有键按下 if((P1&0xf0)!=0xf0) 刚才指导说,高四位作为输入,低四位作为输出。在板子上,我是将A口置1,C口置0,请问,是不是需要将A的模式设置为输入模式,C设置为输出模式? |
我使用的是行扫描方法,如果按着两个按钮单步调试获取的结果没有问题,但是如果不是这样,常常只能得到其中一个按键的值。具体实现的程序如下: if(0x38 != (tmp & 0x38)) { sccode = ~0x04; //从PA2开始扫描 while(0xFF != sccode) { xPORT_A = sccode; tmp = xPORT_C; tmp = tmp & 0x38 ; if(0x38 != tmp ) { recode = ((sccode & 0x3C) >> 2) & 0x0f | 0xf0; //PA: xxxx 00 >>2 = xxxx 11111101 tmpi = (~((tmp << 1) & 0xf0 | 0x0f)) & 0x7f | (~recode); //Mode:xxx(pc) xxxx(pa) KeyCode[tmpj++] = tmpi; } sccode = (sccode << 1)|0x01; Wait_ms(10); } } 整个的程序上面有。但看不出哪有问题。 |
** ** name : ScanKey ** ** function : ** Scan from PA2 to PA5 to get the pressed key ** **parameters: ** NULL */ void ScanKey() { u8 tmp, k, sccode, recode,Tmpsccode; u8 TmpCode ,TmpPreCode = 0,TmpKeyCode[4] = {0}; u8 i,j, scancount = 2; for(scancount; scancount > 0; scancount--) // Scanning repetitions { sccode = ~0x04; Tmpsccode = sccode & 0x3C; Wait_ms(5); // Scan from PA2 while(0x3C != Tmpsccode) { xPORT_A = sccode; tmp = xPORT_C; tmp = tmp & 0x38 ; Wait_ms(5); if(0x38 != tmp) { recode = ((sccode & 0x3C) >> 2) & 0x0f | 0xf0; //PA: xxxx 00 >>2 = xxxx 11111101 TmpCode = (~((tmp << 1) & 0xf0 | 0x0f)) & 0x7f | (~recode); //Mode:xxx(PC) xxxx(PA) if(0 != TmpCode) { TmpCode = fnKeycode(TmpCode); if((0x0F < TmpCode) && (TmpCode != 0xFF)) { TmpKeyCode[0] = TmpCode; break; // Press two keys at the same time } for(k = 0;k<(sizeof(TmpKeyCode)/sizeof(u8));k++) { if(0 == TmpKeyCode[k]) { TmpKeyCode[k] = TmpCode; break; } } } } sccode = (sccode << 1)|0x01; Tmpsccode = sccode & 0x3C; } if(0x0F >= TmpKeyCode[0] ) // It still cannot to judgement whether click the two keys at the same time { /*TmpKeyCode insert into gu8_KeyCode which gu8_KeyCode is 0*/ for(k = 0;k<(sizeof(TmpKeyCode)/sizeof(u8));k++) { if(0 < TmpKeyCode[k]) { for(i = 0; i<(sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8)); i++) { if(TmpKeyCode[k] != gu8_KeyCode[i]) { for(j = 0;k<(sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8));j++) { if(0 == gu8_KeyCode[j]) { gu8_KeyCode[j] = TmpKeyCode[k]; TmpKeyCode[k] = 0; break; } } } if(0 == TmpKeyCode[k]) break; } } else break; } /*Sort as descending order*/ for(j=0;j for(i=0;i if(gu8_KeyCode[i] < gu8_KeyCode[i+1]) { TmpCode = gu8_KeyCode[i]; gu8_KeyCode[i] = gu8_KeyCode[i+1]; gu8_KeyCode[i+1] = TmpCode; } } } /*Delete repeat data*/ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8) ; i++) { if(0 != gu8_KeyCode[i]) { k = 0; if(gu8_KeyCode[i] == gu8_KeyCode[i+1]) { for(j = i+1; j < sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8) -1; j++) { gu8_KeyCode[j] = gu8_KeyCode[j+1]; } gu8_KeyCode[sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8)-1-k] = 0; k++; } } else break; } } else { gu8_KeyCode[0] = TmpKeyCode[0] ; } Wait_ms(50); //Delay time } } 已经解决,时间复杂度很大,不好。但没想出好方法,头大。 |
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