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用了iccavr 和 atmel studio 写了同样的代码编译..
// 595 operation #define PORT_595_CLK PORTB #define PORT_595_DAT PORTA #define DAT_595 0 #define SHCLK 0 #define STCLK 1 #define CLR_595_ST() PORT_595_CLK &= ~(1< { CLR_595_ST(); for(char i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) { CLR_595_SH(); if ((word) & (1<<(7-i))) { SET_595_DAT(); } else { CLR_595_DAT(); } SET_595_SH(); } SET_595_ST(); } while (0) //segment LED operation #define SEGLED_CLR() PORTD |= 0xf0 #define SEGLED_SET(i) PORTD &= ~(1<<(7-i)) #define SEGLED_CODE(word) SEND_TO_595(word) //display data unsigned char led_code[] = {0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71} ; unsigned char dis_buff[] = {0,0,0,0}; unsigned char clock[] = {0,0}; ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect) { static unsigned char disIndex = 0; unsigned char dis_data; dis_data = led_code[dis_buff[disIndex]]; SEGLED_CLR(); SEGLED_CODE(dis_data); SEGLED_SET(disIndex); ++disIndex; if (disIndex >4) { disIndex = 0; } } 在iccavr上面只是把那个ISR改了.. 结果iccavr是对的.. as确实错的.. iccavr 附图是as编译结果的运行.. iccavr是实现动态扫描 二楼附上as编译出来的汇编
00000000 JMP 0x0000002A Jump
00000002 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000004 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000006 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000008 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 0000000A JMP 0x00000047 Jump 0000000C JMP 0x00000047 Jump 0000000E JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000010 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000012 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000014 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000016 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000018 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 0000001A JMP 0x00000047 Jump 0000001C JMP 0x00000047 Jump 0000001E JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000020 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000022 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000024 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 00000026 JMP 0x00000049 Jump 00000028 JMP 0x00000047 Jump 0000002A CLR R1 Clear Register 0000002B OUT 0x3F,R1 Out to I/O location 0000002C LDI R28,0x5F Load immediate 0000002D LDI R29,0x04 Load immediate 0000002E OUT 0x3E,R29 Out to I/O location 0000002F OUT 0x3D,R28 Out to I/O location 00000030 LDI R17,0x00 Load immediate 00000031 LDI R26,0x60 Load immediate 00000032 LDI R27,0x00 Load immediate --- No source file ------------------------------------------------------------- 00000033 LDI R30,0x68 Load immediate 00000034 LDI R31,0x01 Load immediate 00000035 RJMP PC+0x0003 Relative jump 00000036 LPM R0,Z+ Load program memory and postincrement 00000037 ST X+,R0 Store indirect and postincrement 00000038 CPI R26,0x70 Compare with immediate 00000039 CPC R27,R17 Compare with carry 0000003A BRNE PC-0x04 Branch if not equal 0000003B LDI R18,0x00 Load immediate 0000003C LDI R26,0x70 Load immediate 0000003D LDI R27,0x00 Load immediate 0000003E RJMP PC+0x0002 Relative jump 0000003F ST X+,R1 Store indirect and postincrement 00000040 CPI R26,0x77 Compare with immediate 00000041 CPC R27,R18 Compare with carry 00000042 BRNE PC-0x03 Branch if not equal 00000043 CALL 0x0000009F Call subroutine 00000045 JMP 0x000000B2 Jump 00000047 JMP 0x00000000 Jump 00000049 PUSH R1 Push register on stack 0000004A PUSH R0 Push register on stack 0000004B IN R0,0x3F In from I/O location 0000004C PUSH R0 Push register on stack 0000004D CLR R1 Clear Register 0000004E PUSH R18 Push register on stack 0000004F PUSH R19 Push register on stack 00000050 PUSH R20 Push register on stack 00000051 PUSH R21 Push register on stack 00000052 PUSH R24 Push register on stack 00000053 PUSH R25 Push register on stack --- No source file ------------------------------------------------------------- 00000054 PUSH R30 Push register on stack 00000055 PUSH R31 Push register on stack 00000056 LDS R30,0x0076 Load direct from data space 00000058 LDI R31,0x00 Load immediate 00000059 SUBI R30,0x8E Subtract immediate 0000005A SBCI R31,0xFF Subtract immediate with carry 0000005B LDD R30,Z+0 Load indirect with displacement 0000005C LDI R31,0x00 Load immediate 0000005D SUBI R30,0xA0 Subtract immediate 0000005E SBCI R31,0xFF Subtract immediate with carry 0000005F LDD R18,Z+0 Load indirect with displacement 00000060 IN R24,0x12 In from I/O location 00000061 ORI R24,0xF0 Logical OR with immediate 00000062 OUT 0x12,R24 Out to I/O location 00000063 CBI 0x18,1 Clear bit in I/O register 00000064 LDI R24,0x07 Load immediate 00000065 LDI R25,0x00 Load immediate 00000066 LDI R19,0x00 Load immediate 00000067 CBI 0x18,0 Clear bit in I/O register 00000068 MOVW R20,R18 Copy register pair 00000069 MOV R0,R24 Copy register 0000006A RJMP PC+0x0003 Relative jump 0000006B ASR R21 Arithmetic shift right 0000006C ROR R20 Rotate right through carry 0000006D DEC R0 Decrement 0000006E BRPL PC-0x03 Branch if plus 0000006F SBRS R20,0 Skip if bit in register set 00000070 RJMP PC+0x0003 Relative jump 00000071 SBI 0x1B,0 Set bit in I/O register 00000072 RJMP PC+0x0002 Relative jump --- No source file ------------------------------------------------------------- 00000073 CBI 0x1B,0 Clear bit in I/O register 00000074 SBI 0x18,0 Set bit in I/O register 00000075 SBIW R24,0x01 Subtract immediate from word 00000076 BRCC PC-0x0F Branch if carry cleared 00000077 SBI 0x18,1 Set bit in I/O register 00000078 IN R21,0x12 In from I/O location 00000079 LDS R20,0x0076 Load direct from data space 0000007B LDI R18,0x07 Load immediate 0000007C LDI R19,0x00 Load immediate 0000007D SUB R18,R20 Subtract without carry 0000007E SBC R19,R1 Subtract with carry 0000007F LDI R24,0x01 Load immediate 00000080 LDI R25,0x00 Load immediate 00000081 MOV R0,R18 Copy register 00000082 RJMP PC+0x0002 Relative jump 00000083 LSL R24 Logical Shift Left 00000084 DEC R0 Decrement 00000085 BRPL PC-0x02 Branch if plus --- No source file ------------------------------------------------------------- 00000086 COM R24 One's complement 00000087 AND R24,R21 Logical AND 00000088 OUT 0x12,R24 Out to I/O location 00000089 MOV R24,R20 Copy register 0000008A SUBI R24,0xFF Subtract immediate 0000008B CPI R24,0x05 Compare with immediate 0000008C BRCC PC+0x04 Branch if carry cleared 0000008D STS 0x0076,R24 Store direct to data space 0000008F RJMP PC+0x0003 Relative jump 00000090 STS 0x0076,R1 Store direct to data space 00000092 POP R31 Pop register from stack 00000093 POP R30 Pop register from stack 00000094 POP R25 Pop register from stack 00000095 POP R24 Pop register from stack 00000096 POP R21 Pop register from stack 00000097 POP R20 Pop register from stack 00000098 POP R19 Pop register from stack 00000099 POP R18 Pop register from stack --- No source file ------------------------------------------------------------- 0000009A POP R0 Pop register from stack 0000009B OUT 0x3F,R0 Out to I/O location 0000009C POP R0 Pop register from stack 0000009D POP R1 Pop register from stack 0000009E RETI Interrupt return 0000009F SBI 0x1A,0 Set bit in I/O register 000000A0 CBI 0x1A,7 Clear bit in I/O register 000000A1 IN R24,0x17 In from I/O location 000000A2 ORI R24,0x03 Logical OR with immediate 000000A3 OUT 0x17,R24 Out to I/O location 000000A4 IN R24,0x11 In from I/O location 000000A5 ORI R24,0xF0 Logical OR with immediate 000000A6 OUT 0x11,R24 Out to I/O location 000000A7 CBI 0x11,3 Clear bit in I/O register 000000A8 SBI 0x12,3 Set bit in I/O register 000000A9 LDI R24,0x73 Load immediate 000000AA OUT 0x3C,R24 Out to I/O location 000000AB LDI R24,0x0B Load immediate --- No source file ------------------------------------------------------------- 000000AC OUT 0x33,R24 Out to I/O location 000000AD IN R24,0x39 In from I/O location 000000AE ORI R24,0x02 Logical OR with immediate 000000AF OUT 0x39,R24 Out to I/O location 000000B0 SEI Global Interrupt Enable 000000B1 RJMP PC-0x0000 Relative jump 000000B2 CLI Global Interrupt Disable 000000B3 RJMP PC-0x0000 Relative jump 000000B4 CPC R3,R31 Compare with carry 000000B5 SBCI R21,0xFB Subtract immediate with carry 000000B6 ORI R22,0xD6 Logical OR with immediate 000000B7 CPC R23,R29 Compare with carry 000000B8 ORI R23,0xFF Logical OR with immediate 000000B9 ANDI R23,0xC7 Logical AND with immediate 000000BA SUBI R19,0xE9 Subtract immediate 000000BB ANDI R23,0x19 Logical AND with immediate |
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