跟着这篇学习了一下wifi连网:【HarmonyOS HiSpark Wi-Fi IoT 套件试用连载】第5章 WiFi联网(STA模式) - HarmonyOS威廉希尔官方网站
社区 - 电子威廉希尔官方网站
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- /**
- ******************************************************************************
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=1455510]@file[/url] wifi_app.c
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=40524]@author[/url] BruceOu
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=644434]@version[/url] V1.0
- * @date 2022-06-19
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=2676013]@blog[/url]
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=3179494]@Official[/url] Accounts
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=2666770]@Brief[/url]
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include "ohos_init.h"
- #include "cmsis_os2.h"
- #include"hi_wifi_api.h"
- #include"lwip/ip_addr.h"
- #include "lwip/netifapi.h"
- #define SSID "HUAWEI-21321312"
- #define PASSWORD "12423424234@"
- static struct netif *g_lwip_netif = NULL;
- /**
- * @brief Set netif's ip, gatewayand netmask
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=3142012]@param[/url] pst_lwip_netif
- * @retval None
- */
- void hi_sta_set_addr(struct netif *pst_lwip_netif)
- {
- ip4_addr_t st_gw;
- ip4_addr_t st_ipaddr;
- ip4_addr_t st_netmask;
- if (pst_lwip_netif == NULL)
- {
- printf("hisi_reset_addr::Nullparam of netdevrn");
- return;
- }
- IP4_ADDR(&st_gw, 192, 168, 3, 1);
- IP4_ADDR(&st_ipaddr, 192, 168, 3,100);
- IP4_ADDR(&st_netmask, 255, 255, 255,0);
- netifapi_netif_set_addr(pst_lwip_netif,&st_ipaddr, &st_netmask, &st_gw);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Wifi connect
- * @param None
- * @retval None
- */
- int hi_wifi_start_connect(void)
- {
- int ret;
- errno_t rc;
- hi_wifi_assoc_request assoc_req = {0};
- // Copy SSID to assoc_req
- rc = memcpy_s(assoc_req.ssid,HI_WIFI_MAX_SSID_LEN + 1, SSID, strlen(PASSWORD));
- if (rc != EOK)
- {
- printf("[Wifi Connnect]hi_wifi_sta_connect fail");
- printf("%s %d rn",__FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- //Set encryption method
- assoc_req.auth = HI_WIFI_SECURITY_WPA2PSK;
- // Wifi password
- memcpy(assoc_req.key, PASSWORD,strlen(PASSWORD));
- ret = hi_wifi_sta_connect(&assoc_req);
- if (ret != HISI_OK)
- {
- printf("[WifiConnnect] hi_wifi_sta_connect fail");
- printf("%s %d rn",__FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * @brief wifi task
- * @param None
- * @retval None
- */
- void wifi_task(void)
- {
- int ret;
- char ifname[WIFI_IFNAME_MAX_SIZE + 1] ={0};
- int len = sizeof(ifname);
- unsigned int num = WIFI_SCAN_AP_LIMIT;
- //Step 1: Start STA mode, AT+STARTSTA
- ret = hi_wifi_sta_start(ifname, &len);
- if (ret != HISI_OK)
- {
- printf("[Wifi Connnect]hi_wifi_sta_start fail");
- printf("%s %d rn",__FILE__, __LINE__);
- return;
- }
- // Step 2: Connect to the specified AP:,AT+CONN="SSID", ,2,"PASSWORD"
- ret = hi_wifi_start_connect();
- if (ret != 0)
- {
- printf("[Wifi Connnect]hi_wifi_start_connect fail");
- printf("%s %d rn",__FILE__, __LINE__);
- return ;
- }
- // Step 3: DHCP requests the IP address ofwlan0 from the AP, AT+DHCP=wlan0,1
- g_lwip_netif = netifapi_netif_find(ifname);
- if(NULL == g_lwip_netif)
- {
- printf("[Wifi Connnect]netifapi_netif_find fail");
- printf("%s %d rn",__FILE__, __LINE__);
- return;
- }
- //DHCP automatically assigns IP
- if(ret !=netifapi_dhcp_start(g_lwip_netif))
- {
- printf("[Wifi Connnect]netifapi_dhcp_start fail");
- return;
- }
- printf("[Wifi Connnect] Connect towifi successfullyn");
- }
- SYS_RUN(wifi_task);
- static_library("wifi_app") {
- sources = [
- "wifi_app.c"
- ]
- include_dirs = [
- "//utils/native/lite/include"
- ]
- }
- import("//build/lite/config/component/lite_component.gni")
- lite_component("app") {
- features = [
- "iothardware:led_example",
- "wifi_connect:wifi_app"
- ]
- }
- ready to OS start
- sdk ver:Hi3861V100R001C00SPC025 2020-09-03 18:10:00
- FileSystem mount ok.
- wifi init success!
- hilog will init.
- hievent will init.
- hievent init success.
- [Wifi Connnect] Connect towifi successfully
- hiview init success.
- No crash dump found!