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openBLT 是开源的小型嵌入式系统bootloader,目前支持ST、NXP、T、InfineonI等多个厂商的ARM、HSC12等内核MCU,非常小巧精致,整体代码整洁规范,下面就从整体上梳理下openBLT。 1 框架 先整体把握一下openBLT的框架,所谓一图胜千言,从上面的图基本就能大概看懂整体系统框架以及实现的机制了。接下来逐个击破。 1.1设备层 设备层是最接近硬件设备的部分,涵盖了在固件升级过程中会使用到的各个硬件接口,如: 通信接口:CAN、ETH、USART、USB、IIC、MMC等 外设模块:TIM、FLASH等 openBLT在设备层针对不同的MCU做了不同的硬件实现,每个硬件接口都做了统一了约定。 CAN底层接口 /************************************************************************************//** * file Source/can.h * brief Bootloader CAN communication interface header file. * ingroup Core * internal *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef CAN_H #define CAN_H #if (BOOT_COM_CAN_ENABLE > 0) /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ void CanInit(void); void CanTransmitPacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u len); blt_bool CanReceivePacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u *len); #endif /* BOOT_COM_CAN_ENABLE > 0 */ #endif /* CAN_H */ UART底层接口 /************************************************************************************//** * file Source/uart.h * brief Bootloader UART communication interface header file. * ingroup Core * internal *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef UART_H #define UART_H #if (BOOT_COM_UART_ENABLE > 0) /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ void UartInit(void); void UartTransmitPacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u len); blt_bool UartReceivePacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u *len); #endif /* BOOT_COM_UART_ENABLE > 0 */ #endif /* UART_H */ /*********************************** end of uart.h *************************************/ 类似的都对设备的硬件接口进行统一了封装,这样做的好处有二: 方便了接下来中间件实现更高一级的功能实现; 实现了中间件与不同硬件MCU的隔离,方便不同平台的移植。 所以这一层的文件下就会有各种各样的板级文件夹,里面实现了不同MCU底层驱动的封装: . ├── ARM7_LPC2000 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM0_STM32F0 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── Keil │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM0_XMC1 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM3_EFM32 │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM3_LM3S │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM3_STM32F1 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── Keil │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ ├── uart.c │ └── u***.c ├── ARMCM3_STM32F2 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM4_STM32F3 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ ├── uart.c │ └── u***.c ├── ARMCM4_STM32F4 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ ├── uart.c │ └── u***.c ├── ARMCM4_STM32L4 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM4_TM4C │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ ├── uart.c │ └── u***.c ├── ARMCM4_XMC4 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── ARMCM7_STM32F7 │ ├── can.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── IAR │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── HCS12 │ ├── can.c │ ├── CodeWarrior │ │ └── cpu_comp.c │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash_ecc.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c ├── TRICORE_TC1798 │ ├── cpu.c │ ├── flash.c │ ├── flash.h │ ├── GCC │ │ ├── cpu_comp.c │ │ └── cpu_comp.h │ ├── nvm.c │ ├── target.dox │ ├── timer.c │ ├── types.h │ └── uart.c 1.2中间件 有了设备层的加持,中间件就可以实现更多高级的东西啦,在最开始的框图里面,我们在第二层里面能看到很多的中间件: COM,负责整个通信数据的收发 硬件层面,CAN、UART、ETH、USB等等; 应用协议,XCP; COP,看门狗; DOOR,后门,负责固件跳转、与主机端连接等工作; FILE,负责实现固件从文件系统(FatFS)中进行更新的逻辑; Assert,断言检测,出现异常后,保持正常喂看门狗,防止异常程序跑飞; 可以说中间件在设备层的支持下,基本实现了固件数据的获取(CAN、UART、USB、ETH、MMC等)以及固件更新(NVM); 1.2.1 COM COM主要功能逻辑是通过硬件接口获取数数据、按照既定的协议进行数据的解包和封包,完成整个系统的数据交换; /************************************************************************************//** * file Source/com.h * brief Bootloader communication interface header file. * ingroup Core * internal *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef COM_H #define COM_H #if (BOOT_COM_ENABLE > 0) /**************************************************************************************** * Include files ****************************************************************************************/ #include "xcp.h" /* xcp communication layer */ /**************************************************************************************** * Macro definitions ****************************************************************************************/ /** brief Defines the maximum number of bytes for transport layer reception * depending on the activates interface(s). */ #define BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA (1) /* update in case CAN interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_CAN_RX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_CAN_RX_MAX_DATA) #endif /* update in case UART interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_UART_RX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_UART_RX_MAX_DATA) #endif /* update in case USB interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_USB_RX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_USB_RX_MAX_DATA) #endif /* update in case NET interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_NET_RX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_NET_RX_MAX_DATA) #endif /** brief Defines the maximum number of bytes for transport layer transmission * depending on the activates interface(s). */ #define BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA (1) /* update in case CAN interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_CAN_TX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_CAN_TX_MAX_DATA) #endif /* update in case UART interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_UART_TX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_UART_TX_MAX_DATA) #endif /* update in case USB interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_USB_TX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_USB_TX_MAX_DATA) #endif /* update in case NET interface uses more */ #if (BOOT_COM_NET_TX_MAX_DATA > BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA) #undef BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA (BOOT_COM_NET_TX_MAX_DATA) #endif /**************************************************************************************** * Plausibility ****************************************************************************************/ #if (BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA < 1) #undef BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA (8) #endif #if (BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA > 256) #error "COM.H, BOOT_COM_TX_MAX_DATA cannot be larger than 256." #endif #if (BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA < 1) #undef BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA #define BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA (8) #endif #if (BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA > 65536) #error "COM.H, BOOT_COM_RX_MAX_DATA cannot be larger than 65536." #endif /**************************************************************************************** * Type definitions ****************************************************************************************/ /** brief Enumeration for the different communication interfaces. */ typedef enum { COM_IF_UART, /**< UART interface */ COM_IF_CAN, /**< CAN interface */ COM_IF_USB, /**< USB interface */ COM_IF_NET, /**< NET interface */ COM_IF_OTHER /**< Other interface */ } tComInterfaceId; /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ void ComInit(void); #if (BOOT_COM_DEFERRED_INIT_ENABLE == 1) void ComDeferredInit(void); #endif void ComTask(void); void ComFree(void); blt_int16u ComGetActiveInterfaceMaxRxLen(void); blt_int16u ComGetActiveInterfaceMaxTxLen(void); void ComTransmitPacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int16u len); blt_bool ComIsConnected(void); #endif /* BOOT_COM_ENABLE > 0 */ #endif /* COM_H */ /*********************************** end of com.h **************************************/ /**********************************************************************************// ** brief Updates the communication module by checking if new data was received ** and submitting the request to process newly received data. ** return none ** ****************************************************************************************/ void ComTask(void); 主要是完成硬件接口的数据获取(调用设备层通信接口),然后调用XCP接口进行解析 /**********************************************************************************// ** brief Releases the communication module. ** return none ** ****************************************************************************************/ void ComFree(void); 调用硬件接口关闭底层通信 /**********************************************************************************// ** brief Transmits the packet using the xcp transport layer. ** param data Pointer to the byte buffer with packet data. ** param len Number of data bytes that need to be transmitted. ** return none ** ****************************************************************************************/ void ComTransmitPacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int16u len) 调用XCP接口进行数据封包 1.2.2 BACKDOOR Backdoor整体逻辑比较简单,主要判断是否满足程序跳转逻辑。 是否超时 是否与主机建立连接 /************************************************************************************//** * file Source/backdoor.h * brief Bootloader backdoor entry header file. * ingroup Core * internal *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef BACKDOOR_H #define BACKDOOR_H /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ void BackDoorInit(void); void BackDoorCheck(void); #if (BOOT_BACKDOOR_HOOKS_ENABLE == 0) void BackDoorSetExtension(blt_int32u extension_ms); blt_int32u BackDoorGetExtension(void); void BackDoorRestartTimer(void); #endif #endif /* BACKDOOR_H */ /*********************************** end of backdoor.h *********************************/ 1.2.3 FILE file实现固件从文件系统中更新,依赖MMC、USB等设备接口的支持。 /************************************************************************************//** * file Source/file.h * brief Bootloader file system interface header file. * ingroup Core * internal *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef FILE_H #define FILE_H #if (BOOT_FILE_SYS_ENABLE > 0) /**************************************************************************************** * Include files ****************************************************************************************/ #include "ff.h" /* FATFS file system library */ /**************************************************************************************** * Defines ****************************************************************************************/ /** brief Error code for not being able to open the firmware file. */ #define FILE_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_FIRMWARE_FILE (1) /** brief Error code for not being able to read from the firmware file. */ #define FILE_ERROR_CANNOT_READ_FROM_FILE (2) /** brief Error code because in incorrect checksum was found in the firmware file. */ #define FILE_ERROR_INVALID_CHECKSUM_IN_FILE (3) /** brief Error code because the file pointers read pointer could not be rewinded. */ #define FILE_ERROR_REWINDING_FILE_READ_POINTER (4) /** brief Error code because an error occurred during the memory erase operation. */ #define FILE_ERROR_CANNOT_ERASE_MEMORY (5) /** brief Error code because an error occurred during the memory write operation. */ #define FILE_ERROR_CANNOT_PROGRAM_MEMORY (6) /** brief Error code because the program's checksum could not be written to memory. */ #define FILE_ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_CHECKSUM (7) /** brief Maximum number of characters that can be on a line in the firmware file. */ #define MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE (256) /** brief Maximum number of data bytes that can be on a line in the firmware file * (S-record). */ #define MAX_DATA_BYTES_PER_LINE (MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE/2) /** brief Return code in case an invalid checksum was detected on an S-record line. */ #define ERROR_SREC_INVALID_CHECKSUM (-1) /**************************************************************************************** * Type definitions ****************************************************************************************/ /** brief Enumeration for the different S-record line types. */ typedef enum { LINE_TYPE_S1, /**< 16-bit address line */ LINE_TYPE_S2, /**< 24-bit address line */ LINE_TYPE_S3, /**< 32-bit address line */ LINE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED /**< unsupported line */ } tSrecLineType; /** brief Structure type for grouping the parsing results of an S-record line. */ typedef struct { blt_char line[MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE]; /**< string buffer for the line chars */ blt_int8u data[MAX_DATA_BYTES_PER_LINE]; /**< array for S1, S2 or S3 data bytes*/ blt_addr address; /**< address on S1, S2 or S3 line */ } tSrecLineParseObject; /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ void FileInit(void); void FileTask(void); blt_bool FileIsIdle(void); blt_bool FileHandleFirmwareUpdateRequest(void); /* functions for reading data from a Motorola S-record file. */ tSrecLineType FileSrecGetLineType(const blt_char *line); blt_bool FileSrecVerifyChecksum(const blt_char *line); blt_int16s FileSrecParseLine(const blt_char *line, blt_addr *address, blt_int8u *data); #endif /* BOOT_FILE_SYS_ENABLE > 0 */ #endif /* FILE_H */ /*********************************** end of file.h *************************************/ 1.3应用层 应用层主要是通过调用各个中间件来实现整个完整openBLT的应用逻辑。 /************************************************************************************//** * file Source/boot.h * brief Bootloader core module header file. * ingroup Core * internal *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef BOOT_H #define BOOT_H /**************************************************************************************** * Defines ****************************************************************************************/ /** brief Main version number of the bootloader core. */ #define BOOT_VERSION_CORE_MAIN (1u) /** brief Minor version number of the bootloader core. */ #define BOOT_VERSION_CORE_MINOR (8u) /** brief Patch number of the bootloader core. */ #define BOOT_VERSION_CORE_PATCH (0u) /**************************************************************************************** * Include files ****************************************************************************************/ /* Note that it is possible to override the standard blt_conf.h configuration header * file with a project specific one that is defined in the IDE/makefile. For example, * the following define could be configured: PROJ_BLT_CONF_H="my_boot_config.h". This can * be handy if you use the bootloader in several projects with a different configuration, * and enables you to have just one bootloader source base. */ #include "types.h" /* variable types */ #include "assert.h" /* assertion checks */ #ifdef PROJ_BLT_CONF_H #include PROJ_BLT_CONF_H /* custom configuration */ #else #include "blt_conf.h" /* bootloader configuration */ #endif /* PROJ_BLT_CONF_H */ #include "plausibility.h" /* plausibility checks */ #include "cpu.h" /* cpu driver module */ #include "cop.h" /* watchdog driver module */ #include "nvm.h" /* memory driver module */ #include "timer.h" /* timer driver module */ #include "backdoor.h" /* backdoor entry module */ #include "file.h" /* file system module */ #include "com.h" /* communication interface */ #include "led.h" /* communication interface */ #if (ADDON_GATEWAY_MOD_ENABLE > 0) #include "gateway.h" /* gateway add-on module */ #endif /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ void BootInit(void); void BootTask(void); #endif /* BOOT_H */ /*********************************** end of boot.h *************************************/ 整个代码运行的功能逻辑入口就在void BootTask(void); /************************************************************************************//** ** brief Task function of the bootloader core that drives the program. ** return none ** ****************************************************************************************/ void BootTask(void) { /* service the watchdog */ CopService(); /* update the millisecond timer */ TimerUpdate(); /* update the led */ LedBlinkTask(); #if (BOOT_FILE_SYS_ENABLE > 0) /* call worker task for updating firmware from locally attached file storage */ FileTask(); #endif /* BOOT_FILE_SYS_ENABLE > 0 */ #if (BOOT_COM_ENABLE > 0) /* process possibly pending communication data */ ComTask(); #endif #if (ADDON_GATEWAY_MOD_ENABLE > 0) /* run the gateway */ GatewayTask(); #endif /* control the backdoor */ BackDoorCheck(); } /*** end of BootTask ***/ 总体来说openBLT的代码层级非常清晰,也很简洁,是一个非常不错的bootloader。 |
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