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ifconfig wlan0 promisc #使能混杂模式ifconfig wlan0 -promisc #取消混杂模式
Monitor mode: Sniffing the packets in the air without connecting (associating) with any access point. Think of it like listening to people's conversations while you walk down the street. Promiscuous mode: Sniffing the packets after connecting to an access point. This is possible because the wireless-enabled devices send the data in the air but only "mark" them to be processed by the intended receiver. They cannot send the packets and make sure they only reach a specific device, unlike with switched LANs. Think of it like joining a group of people in a conversation, but at the same time being able to hear when someone says "Hey, Mike, I have a new laptop". Even though you're not Mike, and that sentence was intended to be heard by Mike, but you're still able to hear it. xr829应该也是支持monitor模式的,我在代码里面有看到MONITOR_MODE这个宏,可以试下用iw工具打开。 如果你的SDK是tina,airkiss或者smartlink相关示例可以参考package/allwinner/smartlinkd目录,里面就有xr819的例子。 |
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