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下图是一简单的文氏电桥振荡器电路图 This Wien bridge oscillator is very simple and as every wien oscillator has low distorsion and the resonance frequency can be easily adjusted. This frequency depends on a pair of resistors and a pair of capacitors and is defined by the formula: F = 1/2ΠRC. In this wien oscillator circuit, R is formed by R1 + P1a (or R2 + P1b) and C is C1, C2 or C3 (or C4, C5 or C6). Part of output signal from IC2 is send to the attenuator built with IC3 and T1. This FET transistor, used here as variable resistor it’s part of reaction circuit of IC2. The gain of this operational amplifier is voltage controlled and can be adjusted by voltage variation through P2. This potentiometer must be adjusted in such way that the wien bridged oscillator frequency is stable. The frequency range is between 20 Hz … 22.5 kHz and the distorsions are lower than 2%. 该文氏电桥振荡器是非常简单的,作为每一个文氏电桥振荡器具有低畸变和共振频率可以很容易地调整。一双一对电阻和一个电容对频率取决于定义公式为:F =1/2ΠRC。在此维恩振荡电路中,R是形成R1 + P1A(或R2+ P1B)和C C1,C2或C3(C4,C5或C6)。 图 文氏电桥(Wien bridge)振荡电路图 文氏电桥(Wien bridge)是一种由四个臂组成的桥式电路,其中一个臂由一个电阻串联一个电容组成,一个臂由电阻电容并联组成,另外两个臂单独由电阻组成。文氏电桥(Wien bridge)主要用于准确测量电容值,也可以用作一个滤波器。 |
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