完善资料让更多小伙伴认识你,还能领取20积分哦, 立即完善>
ljmlvmd 发表于 2020-8-25 17:09 两个板子用的库的版本是一样的,所以只要把button的对应关系改一改,再把ek-tm4c123g没有的外设相关处理函数去掉不就行了吗? 主机获取描述符的过程是u***lib/device/u***dhidkeyb.c里面处理好了的吧? 然后我这样改过之后,编译,然后烧进去,接到主机上没反应啊,按键功能没反应还好说,但是根本没被识别为键盘啊,是还需要做什么吗? 贴下改过之后的u***_dev_keyboard.c #include USB HID Keyboard Device (u***_dev_keyboard)//!//! This example application turns the evaluation board into a USB keyboard//! supporting the Human Interface Device class. When the push button is//! pressed, a sequence of key presses is simulated to type a string. Care//! should be taken to ensure that the active window can safely receive the//! text; enter is not pressed at any point so no actions are attempted by the//! host if a terminal window is used (for example). The status LED is used to//! indicate the current Caps Lock state and is updated in response to any//! other keyboard attached to the same USB host system.//!//! The device implemented by this application also supports USB remote wakeup//! allowing it to request the host to reactivate a suspended bus. If the bus//! is suspended (as indicated on the application display), pressing the//! push button will request a remote wakeup assuming the host has not//! specifically disabled such requests.////*****************************************************************************//*****************************************************************************//// The system tick timer period.////*****************************************************************************#define SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND 100//*****************************************************************************//// A mapping from the ASCII value received from the UART to the corresponding// USB HID usage code.////*****************************************************************************static const int8_t g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[][2] =[ [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_SPACE ], // 0x20 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_1 ], // ! 0x21 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FQUOTE ], // " 0x22 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_3 ], // # 0x23 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_4 ], // $ 0x24 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_5 ], // % 0x25 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_7 ], // & 0x26 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FQUOTE ], // ' 0x27 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_9 ], // ( 0x28 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_0 ], // ) 0x29 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_8 ], // * 0x2a [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_EQUAL ], // + 0x2b [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_COMMA ], // , 0x2c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_MINUS ], // - 0x2d [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_PERIOD ], // . 0x2e [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FSLASH ], // / 0x2f [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_0 ], // 0 0x30 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_1 ], // 1 0x31 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_2 ], // 2 0x32 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_3 ], // 3 0x33 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_4 ], // 4 0x34 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_5 ], // 5 0x35 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_6 ], // 6 0x36 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_7 ], // 7 0x37 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_8 ], // 8 0x38 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_9 ], // 9 0x39 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_SEMICOLON ], // : 0x3a [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_SEMICOLON ], // ; 0x3b [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_COMMA ], // < 0x3c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_EQUAL ], // = 0x3d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_PERIOD ], // > 0x3e [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FSLASH ], // ? 0x3f [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_2 ], // @ 0x40 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_A ], // A 0x41 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_B ], // B 0x42 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_C ], // C 0x43 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_D ], // D 0x44 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_E ], // E 0x45 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_F ], // F 0x46 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_G ], // G 0x47 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_H ], // H 0x48 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_I ], // I 0x49 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_J ], // J 0x4a [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_K ], // K 0x4b [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_L ], // L 0x4c [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_M ], // M 0x4d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_N ], // N 0x4e [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_O ], // O 0x4f [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_P ], // P 0x50 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Q ], // Q 0x51 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_R ], // R 0x52 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_S ], // S 0x53 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_T ], // T 0x54 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_U ], // U 0x55 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_V ], // V 0x56 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_W ], // W 0x57 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_X ], // X 0x58 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Y ], // Y 0x59 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Z ], // Z 0x5a [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_LBRACKET ], // [ 0x5b [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BSLASH ], // 0x5c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_RBRACKET ], // ] 0x5d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_6 ], // ^ 0x5e [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_MINUS ], // _ 0x5f [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BQUOTE ], // ` 0x60 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_A ], // a 0x61 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_B ], // b 0x62 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_C ], // c 0x63 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_D ], // d 0x64 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_E ], // e 0x65 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_F ], // f 0x66 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_G ], // g 0x67 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_H ], // h 0x68 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_I ], // i 0x69 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_J ], // j 0x6a [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_K ], // k 0x6b [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_L ], // l 0x6c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_M ], // m 0x6d [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_N ], // n 0x6e [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_O ], // o 0x6f [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_P ], // p 0x70 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Q ], // q 0x71 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_R ], // r 0x72 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_S ], // s 0x73 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_T ], // t 0x74 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_U ], // u 0x75 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_V ], // v 0x76 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_W ], // w 0x77 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_X ], // x 0x78 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Y ], // y 0x79 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Z ], // z 0x7a [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_LBRACKET ], // [ 0x7b [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BSLASH ], // | 0x7c [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_RBRACKET ], // ] 0x7d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BQUOTE ], // ~ 0x7e];//*****************************************************************************//// This global indicates whether or not we are connected to a USB host.////*****************************************************************************volatile bool g_bConnected = false;//*****************************************************************************//// This global indicates whether or not the USB bus is currently in the suspend// state.////*****************************************************************************volatile bool g_bSuspended = false;//*****************************************************************************//// Global system tick counter holds elapsed time since the application started// expressed in 100ths of a second.////*****************************************************************************volatile uint32_t g_ui32SysTickCount;//*****************************************************************************//// The number of system ticks to wait for each USB packet to be sent before// we assume the host has disconnected. The value 50 equates to half a second.////*****************************************************************************#define MAX_SEND_DELAY 50//*****************************************************************************//// This global is set to true if the host sends a request to set or clear// any keyboard LED.////*****************************************************************************volatile bool g_bDisplayUpdateRequired;//*****************************************************************************//// This enumeration holds the various states that the keyboard can be in during// normal operation.////*****************************************************************************volatile enum[ // // Unconfigured. // STATE_UNCONFIGURED, // // No keys to send and not waiting on data. // STATE_IDLE, // // Waiting on data to be sent out. // STATE_SENDING]g_eKeyboardState = STATE_UNCONFIGURED;//*****************************************************************************//// The error routine that is called if the driver library encounters an error.////*****************************************************************************#ifdef DEBUGvoid__error__(char *pcFilename, uint32_t ui32Line)[]#endif//*****************************************************************************//// Handles asynchronous events from the HID keyboard driver.//// param pvCBData is the event callback pointer provided during// USBDHIDKeyboardInit(). This is a pointer to our keyboard device structure// (&g_sKeyboardDevice).// param ui32Event identifies the event we are being called back for.// param ui32MsgData is an event-specific value.// param pvMsgData is an event-specific pointer.//// This function is called by the HID keyboard driver to inform the application// of particular asynchronous events related to operation of the keyboard HID// device.//// return Returns 0 in all cases.////*****************************************************************************uint32_tKeyboardHandler(void *pvCBData, uint32_t ui32Event, uint32_t ui32MsgData, void *pvMsgData)[ switch (ui32Event) [ // // The host has connected to us and configured the device. // case USB_EVENT_CONNECTED: [ g_bConnected = true; g_bSuspended = false; break; ] // // The host has disconnected from us. // case USB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: [ g_bConnected = false; break; ] // // We receive this event every time the host acknowledges transmission // of a report. It is used here purely as a way of determining whether // the host is still talking to us or not. // case USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE: [ // // Enter the idle state since we finished sending something. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_IDLE; break; ] // // This event indicates that the host has suspended the USB bus. // case USB_EVENT_SUSPEND: [ g_bSuspended = true; break; ] // // This event signals that the host has resumed signalling on the bus. // case USB_EVENT_RESUME: [ g_bSuspended = false; break; ] // // This event indicates that the host has sent us an Output or // Feature report and that the report is now in the buffer we provided // on the previous USBD_HID_EVENT_GET_REPORT_BUFFER callback. // case USBD_HID_KEYB_EVENT_SET_LEDS: [ // // Set the LED to match the current state of the caps lock LED. // ROM_GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTG_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, (ui32MsgData & HID_KEYB_CAPS_LOCK) ? GPIO_PIN_2 : 0); break; ] // // We ignore all other events. // default: [ break; ] ] return(0);]//***************************************************************************//// Wait for a period of time for the state to become idle.//// param ui32TimeoutTick is the number of system ticks to wait before// declaring a timeout and returning b false.//// This function polls the current keyboard state for ui32TimeoutTicks system// ticks waiting for it to become idle. If the state becomes idle, the// function returns true. If it ui32TimeoutTicks occur prior to the state// becoming idle, false is returned to indicate a timeout.//// return Returns b true on success or b false on timeout.////***************************************************************************boolWaitForSendIdle(uint_fast32_t ui32TimeoutTicks)[ uint32_t ui32Start; uint32_t ui32Now; uint32_t ui32Elapsed; ui32Start = g_ui32SysTickCount; ui32Elapsed = 0; while(ui32Elapsed < ui32TimeoutTicks) [ // // Is the keyboard is idle, return immediately. // if(g_eKeyboardState == STATE_IDLE) [ return(true); ] // // Determine how much time has elapsed since we started waiting. This // should be safe across a wrap of g_ui32SysTickCount. // ui32Now = g_ui32SysTickCount; ui32Elapsed = ((ui32Start < ui32Now) ? (ui32Now - ui32Start) : (((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF - ui32Start) + ui32Now + 1)); ] // // If we get here, we timed out so return a bad return code to let the // caller know. // return(false);]//*****************************************************************************//// Sends a string of characters via the USB HID keyboard interface.////*****************************************************************************voidSendString(char *pcStr)[ uint32_t ui32Char; // // Loop while there are more characters in the string. // while(*pcStr) [ // // Get the next character from the string. // ui32Char = *pcStr++; // // Skip this character if it is a non-printable character. // if((ui32Char < ' ') || (ui32Char > '~')) [ continue; ] // // Convert the character into an index into the keyboard usage code // table. // ui32Char -= ' '; // // Send the key press message. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_SENDING; if(USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange((void *)&g_sKeyboardDevice, g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[ui32Char][0], g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[ui32Char][1], true) != KEYB_SUCCESS) [ return; ] // // Wait until the key press message has been sent. // if(!WaitForSendIdle(MAX_SEND_DELAY)) [ g_bConnected = 0; return; ] // // Send the key release message. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_SENDING; if(USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange((void *)&g_sKeyboardDevice, 0, g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[ui32Char][1], false) != KEYB_SUCCESS) [ return; ] // // Wait until the key release message has been sent. // if(!WaitForSendIdle(MAX_SEND_DELAY)) [ g_bConnected = 0; return; ] ]]//*****************************************************************************//// This is the interrupt handler for the SysTick interrupt. It is used to// update our local tick count which, in turn, is used to check for transmit// timeouts.////*****************************************************************************voidSysTickIntHandler(void)[ g_ui32SysTickCount++;]//*****************************************************************************//// This is the main loop that runs the application.////*****************************************************************************intmain(void)[ uint_fast32_t ui32LastTickCount; // // Enable lazy stacking for interrupt handlers. This allows floating-point // instructions to be used within interrupt handlers, but at the expense of // extra stack usage. // ROM_FPULazyStackingEnable(); // // Set the clocking to run from the PLL at 50MHz. // ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_4 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ); // // Enable the GPIO that is used for the on-board LED. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOG); ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTG_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); ROM_GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTG_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_PIN_2); // // Enable the GPIO peripheral used for USB, and configure the USB // pins. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); SysCtlGPIOAHBEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUSBAnalog(GPIO_PORTD_AHB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5); // // Initialize the buttons driver // ButtonsInit(); // // Not configured initially. // g_bConnected = false; g_bSuspended = false; //bLastSuspend = false; // // Initialize the USB stack for device mode. // USBStackModeSet(0, eUSBModeDevice, 0); // // Pass our device information to the USB HID device class driver, // initialize the USB // controller and connect the device to the bus. // USBDHIDKeyboardInit(0, &g_sKeyboardDevice); // // Set the system tick to fire 100 times per second. // ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND); ROM_SysTickIntEnable(); ROM_SysTickEnable(); // // The main loop starts here. We begin by waiting for a host connection // then drop into the main keyboard handling section. If the host // disconnects, we return to the top and wait for a new connection. // while(1) [ uint8_t ui8Buttons; uint8_t ui8ButtonsChanged; // // Wait here until USB device is connected to a host. // while(!g_bConnected) [ ] // // Enter the idle state. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_IDLE; // // Keep transferring characters from the UART to the USB host for as // long as we are connected to the host. // while(g_bConnected) [ // // Remember the current time. // ui32LastTickCount = g_ui32SysTickCount; // // See if the button was just pressed. // ui8Buttons = ButtonsPoll(&ui8ButtonsChanged, 0); if(BUTTON_PRESSED(ALL_BUTTONS, ui8Buttons, ui8ButtonsChanged)) [ // // If the bus is suspended then resume it. Otherwise, type // some "random" characters. // if(g_bSuspended) [ USBDHIDKeyboardRemoteWakeupRequest( (void *)&g_sKeyboardDevice); ] else [ SendString("Make the Switch to TI Microcontrollers!"); ] ] // // Wait for at least 1 system tick to have gone by before we poll // the buttons again. // while(g_ui32SysTickCount == ui32LastTickCount) [ ] ] ]] |
我也看不到了,但是论坛给我发的邮件里有,再贴一遍~ 问一下,如果先不在板子上实现任何按键功能,只是想让它被识别为keyboard,需要做哪些功工作? 我是把dk-tm4c123g例程里的button.h/c替换成了ek的,改了一下makefile,然后删掉关于OLED屏的处理函数,因为ek-tm4c123g上没有OLED屏。 #include USB HID Keyboard Device (u***_dev_keyboard)//!//! This example application turns the evaluation board into a USB keyboard//! supporting the Human Interface Device class. When the push button is//! pressed, a sequence of key presses is simulated to type a string. Care//! should be taken to ensure that the active window can safely receive the//! text; enter is not pressed at any point so no actions are attempted by the//! host if a terminal window is used (for example). The status LED is used to//! indicate the current Caps Lock state and is updated in response to any//! other keyboard attached to the same USB host system.//!//! The device implemented by this application also supports USB remote wakeup//! allowing it to request the host to reactivate a suspended bus. If the bus//! is suspended (as indicated on the application display), pressing the//! push button will request a remote wakeup assuming the host has not//! specifically disabled such requests.////*****************************************************************************//*****************************************************************************//// The system tick timer period.////*****************************************************************************#define SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND 100//*****************************************************************************//// A mapping from the ASCII value received from the UART to the corresponding// USB HID usage code.////*****************************************************************************static const int8_t g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[][2] =[ [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_SPACE ], // 0x20 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_1 ], // ! 0x21 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FQUOTE ], // " 0x22 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_3 ], // # 0x23 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_4 ], // $ 0x24 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_5 ], // % 0x25 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_7 ], // & 0x26 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FQUOTE ], // ' 0x27 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_9 ], // ( 0x28 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_0 ], // ) 0x29 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_8 ], // * 0x2a [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_EQUAL ], // + 0x2b [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_COMMA ], // , 0x2c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_MINUS ], // - 0x2d [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_PERIOD ], // . 0x2e [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FSLASH ], // / 0x2f [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_0 ], // 0 0x30 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_1 ], // 1 0x31 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_2 ], // 2 0x32 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_3 ], // 3 0x33 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_4 ], // 4 0x34 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_5 ], // 5 0x35 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_6 ], // 6 0x36 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_7 ], // 7 0x37 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_8 ], // 8 0x38 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_9 ], // 9 0x39 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_SEMICOLON ], // : 0x3a [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_SEMICOLON ], // ; 0x3b [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_COMMA ], // < 0x3c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_EQUAL ], // = 0x3d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_PERIOD ], // > 0x3e [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_FSLASH ], // ? 0x3f [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_2 ], // @ 0x40 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_A ], // A 0x41 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_B ], // B 0x42 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_C ], // C 0x43 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_D ], // D 0x44 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_E ], // E 0x45 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_F ], // F 0x46 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_G ], // G 0x47 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_H ], // H 0x48 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_I ], // I 0x49 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_J ], // J 0x4a [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_K ], // K 0x4b [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_L ], // L 0x4c [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_M ], // M 0x4d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_N ], // N 0x4e [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_O ], // O 0x4f [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_P ], // P 0x50 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Q ], // Q 0x51 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_R ], // R 0x52 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_S ], // S 0x53 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_T ], // T 0x54 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_U ], // U 0x55 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_V ], // V 0x56 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_W ], // W 0x57 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_X ], // X 0x58 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Y ], // Y 0x59 [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Z ], // Z 0x5a [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_LBRACKET ], // [ 0x5b [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BSLASH ], // 0x5c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_RBRACKET ], // ] 0x5d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_6 ], // ^ 0x5e [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_MINUS ], // _ 0x5f [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BQUOTE ], // ` 0x60 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_A ], // a 0x61 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_B ], // b 0x62 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_C ], // c 0x63 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_D ], // d 0x64 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_E ], // e 0x65 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_F ], // f 0x66 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_G ], // g 0x67 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_H ], // h 0x68 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_I ], // i 0x69 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_J ], // j 0x6a [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_K ], // k 0x6b [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_L ], // l 0x6c [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_M ], // m 0x6d [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_N ], // n 0x6e [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_O ], // o 0x6f [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_P ], // p 0x70 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Q ], // q 0x71 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_R ], // r 0x72 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_S ], // s 0x73 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_T ], // t 0x74 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_U ], // u 0x75 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_V ], // v 0x76 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_W ], // w 0x77 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_X ], // x 0x78 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Y ], // y 0x79 [ 0, HID_KEYB_USAGE_Z ], // z 0x7a [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_LBRACKET ], // [ 0x7b [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BSLASH ], // | 0x7c [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_RBRACKET ], // ] 0x7d [ HID_KEYB_LEFT_SHIFT, HID_KEYB_USAGE_BQUOTE ], // ~ 0x7e];//*****************************************************************************//// This global indicates whether or not we are connected to a USB host.////*****************************************************************************volatile bool g_bConnected = false;//*****************************************************************************//// This global indicates whether or not the USB bus is currently in the suspend// state.////*****************************************************************************volatile bool g_bSuspended = false;//*****************************************************************************//// Global system tick counter holds elapsed time since the application started// expressed in 100ths of a second.////*****************************************************************************volatile uint32_t g_ui32SysTickCount;//*****************************************************************************//// The number of system ticks to wait for each USB packet to be sent before// we assume the host has disconnected. The value 50 equates to half a second.////*****************************************************************************#define MAX_SEND_DELAY 50//*****************************************************************************//// This global is set to true if the host sends a request to set or clear// any keyboard LED.////*****************************************************************************volatile bool g_bDisplayUpdateRequired;//*****************************************************************************//// This enumeration holds the various states that the keyboard can be in during// normal operation.////*****************************************************************************volatile enum[ // // Unconfigured. // STATE_UNCONFIGURED, // // No keys to send and not waiting on data. // STATE_IDLE, // // Waiting on data to be sent out. // STATE_SENDING]g_eKeyboardState = STATE_UNCONFIGURED;//*****************************************************************************//// The error routine that is called if the driver library encounters an error.////*****************************************************************************#ifdef DEBUGvoid__error__(char *pcFilename, uint32_t ui32Line)[]#endif//*****************************************************************************//// Handles asynchronous events from the HID keyboard driver.//// param pvCBData is the event callback pointer provided during// USBDHIDKeyboardInit(). This is a pointer to our keyboard device structure// (&g_sKeyboardDevice).// param ui32Event identifies the event we are being called back for.// param ui32MsgData is an event-specific value.// param pvMsgData is an event-specific pointer.//// This function is called by the HID keyboard driver to inform the application// of particular asynchronous events related to operation of the keyboard HID// device.//// return Returns 0 in all cases.////*****************************************************************************uint32_tKeyboardHandler(void *pvCBData, uint32_t ui32Event, uint32_t ui32MsgData, void *pvMsgData)[ switch (ui32Event) [ // // The host has connected to us and configured the device. // case USB_EVENT_CONNECTED: [ g_bConnected = true; g_bSuspended = false; break; ] // // The host has disconnected from us. // case USB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: [ g_bConnected = false; break; ] // // We receive this event every time the host acknowledges transmission // of a report. It is used here purely as a way of determining whether // the host is still talking to us or not. // case USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE: [ // // Enter the idle state since we finished sending something. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_IDLE; break; ] // // This event indicates that the host has suspended the USB bus. // case USB_EVENT_SUSPEND: [ g_bSuspended = true; break; ] // // This event signals that the host has resumed signalling on the bus. // case USB_EVENT_RESUME: [ g_bSuspended = false; break; ] // // This event indicates that the host has sent us an Output or // Feature report and that the report is now in the buffer we provided // on the previous USBD_HID_EVENT_GET_REPORT_BUFFER callback. // case USBD_HID_KEYB_EVENT_SET_LEDS: [ // // Set the LED to match the current state of the caps lock LED. // ROM_GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTG_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, (ui32MsgData & HID_KEYB_CAPS_LOCK) ? GPIO_PIN_2 : 0); break; ] // // We ignore all other events. // default: [ break; ] ] return(0);]//***************************************************************************//// Wait for a period of time for the state to become idle.//// param ui32TimeoutTick is the number of system ticks to wait before// declaring a timeout and returning b false.//// This function polls the current keyboard state for ui32TimeoutTicks system// ticks waiting for it to become idle. If the state becomes idle, the// function returns true. If it ui32TimeoutTicks occur prior to the state// becoming idle, false is returned to indicate a timeout.//// return Returns b true on success or b false on timeout.////***************************************************************************boolWaitForSendIdle(uint_fast32_t ui32TimeoutTicks)[ uint32_t ui32Start; uint32_t ui32Now; uint32_t ui32Elapsed; ui32Start = g_ui32SysTickCount; ui32Elapsed = 0; while(ui32Elapsed < ui32TimeoutTicks) [ // // Is the keyboard is idle, return immediately. // if(g_eKeyboardState == STATE_IDLE) [ return(true); ] // // Determine how much time has elapsed since we started waiting. This // should be safe across a wrap of g_ui32SysTickCount. // ui32Now = g_ui32SysTickCount; ui32Elapsed = ((ui32Start < ui32Now) ? (ui32Now - ui32Start) : (((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF - ui32Start) + ui32Now + 1)); ] // // If we get here, we timed out so return a bad return code to let the // caller know. // return(false);]//*****************************************************************************//// Sends a string of characters via the USB HID keyboard interface.////*****************************************************************************voidSendString(char *pcStr)[ uint32_t ui32Char; // // Loop while there are more characters in the string. // while(*pcStr) [ // // Get the next character from the string. // ui32Char = *pcStr++; // // Skip this character if it is a non-printable character. // if((ui32Char < ' ') || (ui32Char > '~')) [ continue; ] // // Convert the character into an index into the keyboard usage code // table. // ui32Char -= ' '; // // Send the key press message. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_SENDING; if(USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange((void *)&g_sKeyboardDevice, g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[ui32Char][0], g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[ui32Char][1], true) != KEYB_SUCCESS) [ return; ] // // Wait until the key press message has been sent. // if(!WaitForSendIdle(MAX_SEND_DELAY)) [ g_bConnected = 0; return; ] // // Send the key release message. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_SENDING; if(USBDHIDKeyboardKeyStateChange((void *)&g_sKeyboardDevice, 0, g_ppi8KeyUsageCodes[ui32Char][1], false) != KEYB_SUCCESS) [ return; ] // // Wait until the key release message has been sent. // if(!WaitForSendIdle(MAX_SEND_DELAY)) [ g_bConnected = 0; return; ] ]]//*****************************************************************************//// This is the interrupt handler for the SysTick interrupt. It is used to// update our local tick count which, in turn, is used to check for transmit// timeouts.////*****************************************************************************voidSysTickIntHandler(void)[ g_ui32SysTickCount++;]//*****************************************************************************//// This is the main loop that runs the application.////*****************************************************************************intmain(void)[ uint_fast32_t ui32LastTickCount; // // Enable lazy stacking for interrupt handlers. This allows floating-point // instructions to be used within interrupt handlers, but at the expense of // extra stack usage. // ROM_FPULazyStackingEnable(); // // Set the clocking to run from the PLL at 50MHz. // ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_4 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ); // // Enable the GPIO that is used for the on-board LED. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOG); ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTG_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); ROM_GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTG_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_PIN_2); // // Enable the GPIO peripheral used for USB, and configure the USB // pins. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); SysCtlGPIOAHBEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUSBAnalog(GPIO_PORTD_AHB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5); // // Initialize the buttons driver // ButtonsInit(); // // Not configured initially. // g_bConnected = false; g_bSuspended = false; //bLastSuspend = false; // // Initialize the USB stack for device mode. // USBStackModeSet(0, eUSBModeDevice, 0); // // Pass our device information to the USB HID device class driver, // initialize the USB // controller and connect the device to the bus. // USBDHIDKeyboardInit(0, &g_sKeyboardDevice); // // Set the system tick to fire 100 times per second. // ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND); ROM_SysTickIntEnable(); ROM_SysTickEnable(); // // The main loop starts here. We begin by waiting for a host connection // then drop into the main keyboard handling section. If the host // disconnects, we return to the top and wait for a new connection. // while(1) [ uint8_t ui8Buttons; uint8_t ui8ButtonsChanged; // // Wait here until USB device is connected to a host. // while(!g_bConnected) [ ] // // Enter the idle state. // g_eKeyboardState = STATE_IDLE; // // Keep transferring characters from the UART to the USB host for as // long as we are connected to the host. // while(g_bConnected) [ // // Remember the current time. // ui32LastTickCount = g_ui32SysTickCount; // // See if the button was just pressed. // ui8Buttons = ButtonsPoll(&ui8ButtonsChanged, 0); if(BUTTON_PRESSED(ALL_BUTTONS, ui8Buttons, ui8ButtonsChanged)) [ //这里的第一个参数原来是“SELECT_BUTTON”,但是ek上没有这个按键, //所以我改成了“ALL_BUTTONS”,不知道什么影响。。 // // If the bus is suspended then resume it. Otherwise, type // some "random" characters. // if(g_bSuspended) [ USBDHIDKeyboardRemoteWakeupRequest( (void *)&g_sKeyboardDevice); ] else [ SendString("Make the Switch to TI Microcontrollers!"); ] ] // // Wait for at least 1 system tick to have gone by before we poll // the buttons again. // while(g_ui32SysTickCount == ui32LastTickCount) [ ] ] ]] |
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