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以下是关于labview 和Stellaris配合的相关内容请参考。
1> 目前labview支持的Stellaris只有LM3S8962 2> 要使EK-LM3S8962在labview下工作,要满足一下条件 2.1> A LabView for ARM license 2.2> Keil license 2.3> uLink2 3> 若要labview支持LM3S9B96,请参考以下NI给的移植说明 To port LabVIEW Embedded Module for ARM Microcontrollers to a Texas Instruments Stellaris Microcontroller use the following instructions first to create your port: 3.1> Create a new ARM Project in LabVIEW. 3.2>When asked to select a target type choose Other. 3.3> Select Luminary Micro LM3S8962 Stellaris for the processor. This will load a generic template. 3.4> In the project right-click on the LM3Sxxxx target and select the target processor to be Luminary Micro LM3S8962 Stellaris. Now you have a generic target for Luminary Micro parts. 3.5> If you are using Elemental I/O right-click on the LM3Sxxxx target and choose select elemental I/O... Select the LM3S8962 device. 3.6> Create an application build specification if there is not one already. 3.7> Right-click on the Application under Build Specifications and select Properties. 3.8> Go to the Advanced Compiler section. 3.9> Add a Preprocesser symbol of: LM3S_PART_DEFINED PART_LM3Sxxxx Where xxxx is the model number that you want to use. Note: The uVision project created for this target will assume a flash memory size of 256K and 64K of RAM (as configured for the LM3S8962 target). If the memory configuration for your microcontroller is different, edit your uVision project. If the Texas Instruments Stellaris Microcontroller that you are using is newer than the LM3S8962, you might need to upddate software support installed with LabVIEW. To update the software follow the instructions in KnowledgeBase 4YBA2IBN: Error: #20: Identifier is Undefined when Compiling for Texas Instruments (Formerly Luminary Micro) Stellaris TI StellarisWare 软件 |
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