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一个月前下载过一次成功,现在又没办法下载了。 提示错误信息: ERROR:iMPACT - A problem may exist in the hardware configuration. Check that the cable, scan chain, and power connections are intact, that the specified scan chain configuration matches the actual hardware, and that the power supply is adequate and delivering the correct voltage. 下载过程: '1': Loading file 'D:/FPGA/FPGA_project/ISE_5_key_test/key_test.bit' ... done. INFO:iMPACT:1777 - Reading D:/FPGA/ISE/ISE14_7/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/spartan6/data/xc6slx9.bsd... INFO:iMPACT:2257 - Startup Clock has been changed to 'JtagClk' in the bitstream stored in memory, but the original bitstream file remains unchanged. UserID read from the bitstream file = 0xFFFFFFFF. Data width read from the bitstream file = 1. INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc6slx9 successfully. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected part: M25P16 Unprotect sectors: FALSE GUI --- Auto connect to cable... INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Plugin Version: 2.4.4 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: found 1 device(s). INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: opening device: "JtagHs1", SN:210512180081 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: User Name: JtagHs1 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Product Name: Digilent JTAG-HS1 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Serial Number: 210512180081 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Product ID: 30900152 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Firmware Version: 0108 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: JTAG Port Number: 0 INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: JTAG Clock Frequency: 10000000 Hz INFO:iMPACT - Current time: 2020/2/22 1:35:34 INFO:iMPACT:583 - '0': The idcode read from the device does not match the idcode in the bsdl File. INFO:iMPACT:1578 - '0': Device IDCODE : 00001111111111111111111111111111 INFO:iMPACT:1579 - '0': Expected IDCODE: 00000100000000000001000010010011 PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation. INFO:iMPACT:583 - '1': The idcode read from the device does not match the idcode in the bsdl File. INFO:iMPACT:1578 - '1': Device IDCODE : 00001111111111111111111111111111 INFO:iMPACT:1579 - '1': Expected IDCODE: 00000100000000000001000010010011 PROGRESS_END - End Operation. Elapsed time = 0 sec. 好像是说标识码不匹配,线和JTAG应该是好的,问题不大,驱动也有安装,还重装了一遍。 求助大佬要怎么解决,谢谢谢谢!
00.IMPACT和Vivado的Hardware_Manager不能同时扫描FPGA,否则导致FPGA加载程序失败,致错率90%; 01.一般针对FPGA加载bit文件;对FLASH加载mcs或者bin文件,同时,在对FLASH加载程序的时候,需要选择与FLASH匹配的型号。 如果文件选错,或者FLASH型号选错,也会导致加载失败,致错率100%。 02.你换台电脑或者换个板卡试试,也可以考虑换一个仿真器。 <<<<建议优先排除仿真器的问题>>>> 对于仿真器扫描失败,参考以下几点: 00.IMPACT和Vivado的Hardware_Manager不能同时扫描FPGA,否则可能导致FPGA扫描失败; 01.大多数情况是下载器/仿真器接触问题,常用的处理方式是在FPGA断电情况下重新插拔(USB线和电脑,USB线和仿真器,仿真器和杜邦线,杜邦线和JTAG接口); 02.重启电脑,重启FPGA; 03.更换仿真器/下载器尝试; 04.更换电脑尝试(仿真器驱动会和极个别的软件有冲突,导致仿真器不稳定)。 之前帖子链接: https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_1886911_1_1.html |
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