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命令?Ø¢yË«+。n +}(“&Nrzǧujyy++ - ”&Ý™,jaÉšXXj)l + j z {ry ^“a***”+ - jg w ++ - “& 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dose anybody know that why always make error(Query Interrupted!) when I measure CDMA channel power by using E5515C with "FETCH:CPOWER?" command? Ø¢yË«+.n+}("&Nrzǧujy y++-"&Ý™,j aÉšXXj)l+j z{ry^" a***)+-jg w++-"& |
但是,有许多共同点会使您失望。当输出缓冲区具有数据时,当仪器认为它已在输入缓冲区中接收到数据时,会发生查询中断错误。 例如,发送查询然后在不读取响应的情况下发送新命令将生成查询中断错误.IEEE 488.2允许发送多个命令,包括如果命令由分号分隔并且未发送换行符的查询。 但是,Ialways建议用户每行只发送一个命令,因为这是488.2的区域,这通常是错误的。 因此你无法预测仪器将会做什么。我将假设你只发送了FETCH:CPOWER? 命令。 Hasdata被收购了吗? 获取是一个较低级别的SCPI命令,它通常跟随配置和INIT。 INIT触发数据采集,如果没有收到,FETCH可能超时,因为没有数据可用。 然后,您将收到超时错误,然后在发送SYST:ERR时查询中断? 查询。 许多错误处理程序只会返回最后一个错误的第一个错误,因此超时很容易就会出现问题。另一种可能性是已知错误。 早期版本的Agilent commonparser有一个错误,它在输入和输出缓冲区之间产生竞争条件。 解析器通过字节OUT为字节IN提供中断优先级。接收数据后,用户发送一个新命令,并在解析器清除输出缓冲区状态位之前接收第一个字节。 这将暂停要设置的查询。 有两种解决方法。 最简单的方法是在每次查询读取后添加一个等待。 最好的方法是执行串行轮询,直到在statu***yte中清除输出缓冲区。希望其中一个能解决问题。 祝你好运。 此致,Jay Nemeth-Johannes完整测试邮箱6拉夫兰,科罗拉多州80539(970)663-0006 www.completetest.com -----原始信息-----来自:ȯ[mailto:uwaver @ hotmail。 发送时间:2002年8月27日星期二6:54 AM:VEE vrfSubject:[vrf]通过使用Agilent E5515测量CDMA信道功率任何人都知道为什么总是在使用E5515C测量CDMA信道功率时出错(查询中断!) “Fetch:CPOWER?” 命令?---您目前订阅了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。要向此邮件列表发送邮件, 发送电子邮件至“vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I am not familiar with the E5515C. However, there are a number of common things that will trip you up. The query interrupted error occurs when the instrument believes it has received data in its input buffer at a time when the output buffer has data in it. For example, sending a query and then sending a new command without reading the response would generate a query interrupted error. IEEE 488.2 allows that multiple commands can be sent, including a query if commands are separated by semicolons and a newline is not sent. However, I always recommend that users only send one command per line because this is an area of 488.2 which is often done wrong. Therefore you can't predict what the instrument will do. I am going to assume that you have only sent the FETCH:CPOWER? Command. Has data been acquired? A fetch is a lower level SCPI command which generally follows a CONFIGURE and an INIT. The INIT triggers the data acquisition and if not received, the FETCH could time out because there was no data available. You would then get a timeout error, followed by the query interrupted when you sent the SYST:ERR? Query. Many error handlers will only return the first of the last error, so the timeout could easily be lost. Another possibility is in a known bug. Early versions of the Agilent common parser had a bug which created a race condition between the input and output buffers. The parser gave interrupt priority to Byte IN over Byte OUT. After receiving the data, the user sends a new command and the first byte is received before the parser has cleared the Output buffer status bit. This causes the Query interrupted to be set. There are two workarounds. The simplest one is to add a wait after every query read. The better one is to perform serial polls until the output buffer bit is cleared in the status byte. Hopefully, one of these will fix the problem. Good luck. Best regards, Jay Nemeth-Johannes Complete Test PO Box 6 Loveland, Colorado 80539 (970) 663-0006 www.completetest.com -----Original Message----- From: ȯ [mailto:uwaver@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 6:54 AM To: VEE vrf Subject: [vrf] Measurement CDMA channel power by using Agilent E5515C Dose anybody know that why always make error(Query Interrupted!) when I measure CDMA channel power by using E5515C with "FETCH:CPOWER?" command? --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: [email=r***@soco.agilent.com]r***@soco.agilent.com[/email] To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". |
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