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所有,Dan最近关于他的PC和sig gen锁定的问题提醒我这个问题。我们有一个带有85620A内存模块和32K卡的8563E频谱分析仪。
当这个模块连接到规范,并且我发送'TS'(取扫描)命令时,分析器*偶尔会产生错误,因为命令TS没有足够的参数。因为我们很少使用内存模块,所以工作 周围一直在删除内存模块。我们使用Vee和Delphi。 对于Delphi而言,似乎发生了更多的事情,但我确实记得Vee.Any想法发生了这个问题?-ShawnP.S。 我尝试在TS命令之前和之后添加延迟,但它没有工作.Shawn CrosslandDigital Receiver Technology Inc.(301)916-5554 ext。 148 |
Shawn,查看8563E手册,找到分析仪喜欢的I / O终结器。
很可能它喜欢看c / r AND l / f。 这可以解释为什么认为缺少某些东西。 在VEE中,默认值仅为新行(l / f)。通过仔细选择那些终结器,我在老式仪器上取得了成功。在仪器管理器中,编辑仪器,并将终结器修改为George TyrrellTestDynamics LLCThornton,COgeorget @ testdynamics.com-- ---原始消息-----来自:“Shawn Crossland”致:“Vee Group(E-mail)”发送时间:2001年11月7日星期三7:11 AMS主题:vrf 8563E规格85620内存模块锁定> 所有,> Dan最近关于他的PC和sig gen锁定的问题提醒我>这个问题。>>我们有一个带有85620A内存模块和32K卡的8563E频谱分析仪。 当这个模块连接到规范,并且我发送'TS'>(带扫描)命令时,分析器*偶尔会产生一个错误>说没有足够的命令TS参数。>因为我们很少使用内存 模块,解决方法是>删除内存模块。>我们使用Vee和Delphi。 德尔福似乎发生了比> Vee更多的事情,但我确实记得Vee发生了这个问题。>任何想法?> -Shawn> P.S。 我尝试在TS命令之前和之后添加延迟,但它>不起作用。>> Shawn Crossland> Digital Receiver Technology Inc.>(301)916-5554 ext。 148> ------------------------------------------------ --------------------->这是由Majordomo管理的“vrf”maillist。 要向> maillist发送消息,只需发送电子邮件至“vrf@lvld.agilent.com”。 订阅和>取消订阅通过地址“vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com”完成。>如果您需要详细信息,只需将包含文本“help”>的消息发送到“vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com” 。> ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------这是“vrf”maillist,由。管理 管家。 要向该maillist发送消息,只需发送电子邮件至“vrf@lvld.agilent.com”。 订阅和取消订阅是通过地址“vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com”完成的。如果您需要详细信息,只需将包含“help”文本的消息发送到“vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com”.--- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Shawn, Check the 8563E manual to find what I/O terminators the analyzer likes to see. Chances are that it likes to see a c/r AND l/f. This may explain why it thinks something is missing. In VEE, the default is new line only (l/f). I have success with vintage instruments by carefully selecting those terminators. In Instrument Manager, edit the instrument, and modify the terminators to be George Tyrrell TestDynamics LLC Thornton, CO georget@testdynamics.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shawn Crossland" To: "Vee Group (E-mail)" Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 7:11 AM Subject: vrf 8563E Spec An Lockup With 85620 Memory Module > All, > Dan's recent question concerning his PC and sig gen locking up reminded > me of this problem. > > We have an 8563E Spectrum Analyzer with the 85620A Memory Module and 32K > card. When this module is connected to the spec an, and I send a 'TS' > (take sweep) command, the analyzer *occasionally* generates an error > saying there were not enough arguments for command TS. > Since we rarely use the memory module, the work around has been to > remove the memory module. > We use Vee as well as Delphi. It seems to happen more with Delphi than > Vee but I do recall this problem happening with Vee. > Any ideas? > -Shawn > P.S. I tried adding delay before and after the TS command, but it > didn't work. > > Shawn Crossland > Digital Receiver Technology Inc. > (301) 916-5554 ext. 148 > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > This is the "vrf" maillist, managed by Majordomo. To send messages to > this maillist, just email to "vrf@lvld.agilent.com". Subscriptions and > unsubscriptions are done through the address "vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com". > If you need details, just send a message containing the text "help" > to "vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com". > --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the "vrf" maillist, managed by Majordomo. To send messages to this maillist, just email to "vrf@lvld.agilent.com". Subscriptions and unsubscriptions are done through the address "vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com". If you need details, just send a message containing the text "help" to "vrf-request@lvld.agilent.com". --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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