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7 个讨论
广播和连接参数如下 // What is the advertising interval when device is discoverable (units of 625us, 320=200ms) #define DEFAULT_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL 160 // Limited discoverable mode advertises for 30.72s, and then stops // General discoverable mode advertises indefinitely #define DEFAULT_DISCOVERABLE_MODE GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_GENERAL // 频墓悴ダ? // Minimum connection interval (units of 1.25ms, 80=100ms,16=20ms,24=30ms) if automatic parameter update request is enabled #define DEFAULT_DESIRED_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL 16 //20ms // Maximum connection interval (units of 1.25ms, 800=1000ms,16=20ms,24=30ms) if automatic parameter update request is enabled #define DEFAULT_DESIRED_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL 40 //50ms // Slave latency to use if automatic parameter update request is enabled #define DEFAULT_DESIRED_SLAVE_LATENCY 0 // Supervision timeout value (units of 10ms, 1000=10s) if automatic parameter update request is enabled #define DEFAULT_DESIRED_CONN_TIMEOUT 1000 // Whether to enable automatic parameter update request when a connection is formed #define DEFAULT_ENABLE_UPDATE_REQUEST TRUE // Connection Pause Peripheral time value (in seconds) #define DEFAULT_CONN_PAUSE_PERIPHERAL 6 |
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AT32F407在USART2 DMA发送数据时,接包接到了要发送的数据,程序还是处于等待传输完成的标识判断中,为什么?
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