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Â登录XP Pro的管理权限,转到控制面板,管理工具,Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1配置。有多种选择 - 在配置代码访问安全策略,调整区域安全性,对此计算机进行更改,本地Intranet, 选择完全信任,完成。这些设置应该在实施之前由IT人员进行审查。这种变化的安全含义对我来说是未知的。关于FTP的最终说明 - 有一个比Indy.Sockets更小的.NET程序集(2.6MB) 。 EDTFTP(edtftpnet.dll)是一个小得多的.NET程序集(96K). |
当VEE应用程序和.NET DLL都是从映射的网络驱动器运行时,有没有人在修改.NET DLL的安全性以便在VEE中正常运行?
我的.NET DLL是一个gnu FTP客户端。 (edTFTp)我收到错误751,System.Security.SecurityException.Request获得System.Net.SocketPermission类型的权限,System,版本1.0.5000.0 Culture = Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxx failed.I已经将.NET DLL移动到了 本地PC上的.NET框架文件夹,结果相同。谢谢.Joe Flynn ---您目前订阅了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request @ lists.it.agilent.com“在邮件正文中带有订阅单词。要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至”leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com“。要发送邮件到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件 “vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Has anyone worked with modifying security for a .NET DLL to function correctly in VEE when both the VEE app and the .NET DLL are run from a mapped network drive? My .NET DLL is an gnu FTP client. (edTFTp) I'm getting Error 751, with a System.Security.SecurityException.Request for the permission of type System.Net.SocketPermission, System, Version 1.0.5000.0 Culture=Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxx failed. I have also tried moving the .NET DLL to the .NET framework folder on the PC locally, with the same result. Thanks in advance.Joe Flynn ---You are currently subscribed to vrf as: [email=r***@soco.agilent.com]r***@soco.agilent.com[/email]To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body.To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to"owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
当VEE应用程序和.NET DLL从映射的网络驱动器运行时,有没有人修改.NET DLL的安全性才能在VEE中正常运行?我的.NET DLL是一个gnu FTP客户端。
(edTFTp)我得到错误751,System.Security.SecurityException.Request获得System.Net.SocketPermission类型的权限,System,Version 1.0.5000.0 Culture = Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxxfailed.Â我还试图将.NET DLL移动到 本地PC上的.NET框架文件夹,结果相同。提前谢谢.Joe Flynn ---要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,其中包含subscribe 消息体。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Has anyone worked with modifying security for a .NET DLL to function correctly in VEE when both the VEE app and the .NET DLL are run from a mapped network drive? My .NET DLL is an gnu FTP client. (edTFTp)  I'm getting Error 751, with a System.Security.SecurityException. Request for the permission of type System.Net.SocketPermission, System, Version 1.0.5000.0 Culture=Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxx failed.  I have also tried moving the .NET DLL to the .NET framework folder on the PC locally, with the same result.  Thanks in advance. Joe Flynn  --- To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
v:* {BEHAVIOR:url(#default#VML)} o:* {BEHAVIOR:url(#default#VML)} w:* {BEHAVIOR:url(#default#VML)}。shape {BEHAVIOR:url(#
默认#VML)} @ font-face {font-family:Tahoma;} @ page Section1 {size:595.3pt 841.9pt; 保证金:70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt; } M.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:12pt; 保证金:0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY:“Times New Roman”} LI.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:12pt; 保证金:0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY:“Times New Roman”} DIV.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:12pt; 保证金:0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY:“Times New Roman”} A:链接{COLOR:blue; TEXT-DECORATION:下划线} SPAN.MsoHyperlink {颜色:蓝色; 文字装饰:下划线} A:访问过{颜色:紫色; TEXT-DECORATION:下划线} SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {COLOR:purple; TEXT-DECORATION:下划线} SPAN.EmailStyle17 {FONT-WEIGHT:normal; 颜色:蓝色; FONT-STYLE:正常; FONT-FAMILY:Arial; 文字装饰:无; mso-style-type:personal-reply} DIV.Section1 {page:Section1}我发现有一些安全控件绑定到.NET程序集(谢谢Qi)。 从哪里加载应用程序和程序集是基于权限的。 我的计算机,本地Intranet(映射驱动器),Internet等都有不同的安全设置旋钮。使用XP Pro的管理权限登录,转到控制面板,管理工具,Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration.There有几种选择 - 在“配置代码访问安全策略”下,“调整区域安全性”,“对此计算机进行更改”,“本地Intranet”,选择“完全信任”,“完成”。这些设置应在实施前由IT人员进行审核。 这种变化对这些安全的影响对我来说是未知的。关于FTP的附带说明 - 有一个比Indy.Sockets(2.6MB)更小的.NET程序集。 EDTFTP(edtftpnet.dll)是一个小得多的.NET程序集(96K).http://www.enterprisedt.com/Best问候,Joe Flynn来自:Eddy Scherpereel [mailto:Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com]发送:星期三, 2006年9月27日12:15 AM:VRFCc:VRFS主题:RE:[vrf] .NET安全异常和网络驱动器与VEEHi Joe,我有同样的问题。附加2 x FTP网络监控。 一个好的和另一个错误751.Best问候(Fr)EddyFrom:Joe Flynn [mailto:jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com]发送:mardi 26 septembre 2006 23:52To:VRFSubject:[vrf] .NET安全异常和网络驱动器 哪个VEE应用程序和.NET DLL都是从映射的网络驱动器运行的,哪些人都在修改.NET DLL的安全性,以便在VEE中正常运行? 我的.NET DLL是一个gnu FTP客户端。 (edTFTp)我收到错误751,System.Security.SecurityException.Request获得System.Net.SocketPermission类型的权限,System,版本1.0.5000.0 Culture = Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxx failed.I已经将.NET DLL移动到了 本地PC上的.NET框架文件夹,结果相同。谢谢.Joe Flynn ---您目前订阅了vrf:Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf- request@lists.it.agilent.com“在邮件正文中使用了subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 ---您目前订阅了vrf:jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 ---您目前订阅了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。取消订阅发送 发送电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。要发送邮件至此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 v:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}o:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}w:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}.shape { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}@font-face { font-family: Tahoma;}@page Section1 {size: 595.3pt 841.9pt; margin: 70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt; }P.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}LI.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}DIV.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}A:link { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.MsoHyperlink { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}A:visited { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.EmailStyle17 { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: blue; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; TEXT-DECORATION: none; mso-style-type: personal-reply}DIV.Section1 { page: Section1} I discovered there are security controls tied to .NET assemblies (Thanks Qi). Where the Application and Assemblies are loaded from are permission based. My computer, local intranet (mapped drives), internet, etc all have different security setting knobs. Logged in with administrative privileges on XP Pro, go to the control panel, Administrative tools, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration.There are several choices - Under Configure Code Access Security Policy, Adjust Zone Security, Make Changes to this computer, Local Intranet, select Full Trust, Finish. These settings should be reviewed by your IT staff prior to implementation. The security implications of this change are unknown to me. One final note on FTP - There is a smaller .NET assembly than Indy.Sockets (2.6MB). EDTFTP (edtftpnet.dll) is a much smaller .NET assembly (96K). http://www.enterprisedt.com/ Best Regards,Joe Flynn From: Eddy Scherpereel [mailto:Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:15 AMTo: VRFCc: VRFSubject: RE: [vrf] .NET security exceptions and networked drives with VEEHi Joe, I have the same problem. Attached 2 x FTP network monitorings. One good and the other with Error 751. Best regards(Fr) Eddy From: Joe Flynn [mailto:jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com] Sent: mardi 26 septembre 2006 23:52To: VRFSubject: [vrf] .NET security exceptions and networked drives with VEE Has anyone worked with modifying security for a .NET DLL to function correctly in VEE when both the VEE app and the .NET DLL are run from a mapped network drive? My .NET DLL is an gnu FTP client. (edTFTp) I'm getting Error 751, with a System.Security.SecurityException.Request for the permission of type System.Net.SocketPermission, System, Version 1.0.5000.0 Culture=Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxx failed. I have also tried moving the .NET DLL to the .NET framework folder on the PC locally, with the same result. Thanks in advance.Joe Flynn --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". ---You are currently subscribed to vrf as: [email=r***@soco.agilent.com]r***@soco.agilent.com[/email]To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body.To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to"owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
v:* {BEHAVIOR:url(#default#VML)} o:* {BEHAVIOR:url(#default#VML)} w:* {BEHAVIOR:url(#default#VML)}。shape {BEHAVIOR:url(#
默认#VML)} @ font-face {font-family:Tahoma;} @ page Section1 {size:595.3pt 841.9pt; 保证金:70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt; } M.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:12pt; 保证金:0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY:“Times New Roman”} LI.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:12pt; 保证金:0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY:“Times New Roman”} DIV.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:12pt; 保证金:0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY:“Times New Roman”} A:链接{COLOR:blue; TEXT-DECORATION:下划线} SPAN.MsoHyperlink {颜色:蓝色; 文字装饰:下划线} A:访问过{颜色:紫色; TEXT-DECORATION:下划线} SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {COLOR:purple; TEXT-DECORATION:下划线} SPAN.EmailStyle17 {FONT-WEIGHT:normal; 颜色:蓝色; FONT-STYLE:正常; FONT-FAMILY:Arial; 文字装饰:无; mso-style-type:personal-reply} DIV.Section1 {page:Section1}我发现有一些安全控件绑定到.NET程序集(谢谢Qi)。 从哪里加载应用程序和程序集是基于权限的。 我的计算机,本地Intranet(映射驱动器),Internet等都有不同的安全设置旋钮。使用XP Pro的管理权限登录,转到控制面板,管理工具,Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration.There有几种选择 - 在“配置代码访问安全策略”下,“调整区域安全性”,“对此计算机进行更改”,“本地Intranet”,选择“完全信任”,“完成”。这些设置应在实施前由IT人员进行审核。 这种变化对这些安全的影响对我来说是未知的。关于FTP的附带说明 - 有一个比Indy.Sockets(2.6MB)更小的.NET程序集。 EDTFTP(edtftpnet.dll)是一个小得多的.NET程序集(96K).http://www.enterprisedt.com/Best问候,Joe Flynn来自:Eddy Scherpereel [mailto:Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com]发送:星期三, 2006年9月27日12:15 AM:VRFCc:VRFS主题:RE:[vrf] .NET安全异常和网络驱动器与VEEHi Joe,我有同样的问题。附加2 x FTP网络监控。 一个好的和另一个错误751.Best问候(Fr)EddyFrom:Joe Flynn [mailto:jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com]发送:mardi 26 septembre 2006 23:52To:VRFSubject:[vrf] .NET安全异常和网络驱动器 哪个VEE应用程序和.NET DLL都是从映射的网络驱动器运行的,哪些人都在修改.NET DLL的安全性,以便在VEE中正常运行? 我的.NET DLL是一个gnu FTP客户端。 (edTFTp)我收到错误751,System.Security.SecurityException.Request获得System.Net.SocketPermission类型的权限,System,版本1.0.5000.0 Culture = Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxx failed.I已经将.NET DLL移动到了 本地PC上的.NET框架文件夹,结果相同。谢谢.Joe Flynn ---您目前订阅了vrf:Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf- request@lists.it.agilent.com“在邮件正文中使用了subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 ---您目前订阅了vrf:jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 ---您目前订阅了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。取消订阅发送 发送电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。要发送邮件至此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 v:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}o:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}w:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}.shape { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}@font-face { font-family: Tahoma;}@page Section1 {size: 595.3pt 841.9pt; margin: 70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt; }P.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}LI.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}DIV.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}A:link { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.MsoHyperlink { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}A:visited { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.EmailStyle17 { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: blue; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; TEXT-DECORATION: none; mso-style-type: personal-reply}DIV.Section1 { page: Section1} I discovered there are security controls tied to .NET assemblies (Thanks Qi). Where the Application and Assemblies are loaded from are permission based. My computer, local intranet (mapped drives), internet, etc all have different security setting knobs. Logged in with administrative privileges on XP Pro, go to the control panel, Administrative tools, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration.There are several choices - Under Configure Code Access Security Policy, Adjust Zone Security, Make Changes to this computer, Local Intranet, select Full Trust, Finish. These settings should be reviewed by your IT staff prior to implementation. The security implications of this change are unknown to me. One final note on FTP - There is a smaller .NET assembly than Indy.Sockets (2.6MB). EDTFTP (edtftpnet.dll) is a much smaller .NET assembly (96K). http://www.enterprisedt.com/ Best Regards,Joe Flynn From: Eddy Scherpereel [mailto:Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:15 AMTo: VRFCc: VRFSubject: RE: [vrf] .NET security exceptions and networked drives with VEEHi Joe, I have the same problem. Attached 2 x FTP network monitorings. One good and the other with Error 751. Best regards(Fr) Eddy From: Joe Flynn [mailto:jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com] Sent: mardi 26 septembre 2006 23:52To: VRFSubject: [vrf] .NET security exceptions and networked drives with VEE Has anyone worked with modifying security for a .NET DLL to function correctly in VEE when both the VEE app and the .NET DLL are run from a mapped network drive? My .NET DLL is an gnu FTP client. (edTFTp) I'm getting Error 751, with a System.Security.SecurityException.Request for the permission of type System.Net.SocketPermission, System, Version 1.0.5000.0 Culture=Neutral PublicKeyToken xxxx failed. I have also tried moving the .NET DLL to the .NET framework folder on the PC locally, with the same result. Thanks in advance.Joe Flynn --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: Eddy.Scherpereel@punchtelematix.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: jflynn@sequoiacommunications.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". ---You are currently subscribed to vrf as: [email=r***@soco.agilent.com]r***@soco.agilent.com[/email]To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body.To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to"owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
大家好,Â我从Rohde-Schwarz FSQ-K26获取我的数据,带有K-92 WiMax选项。
我从仪器获得Tx功率。 该值在小数点后10-15位。 我读取数据并将其存储在变量中并将数据发送到.txt文件。 有什么办法可以将数据截断到只有两位小数? Â感谢youMonty ---要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Everyone,  I am getting my data from the Rohde-Schwarz FSQ-K26 with K-92 WiMax option. I am getting the Tx power fron the instrument. This value has 10-15 digits after the decimal points. I read the data and store it in the variable and send the data to .txt file. Is there any way I can truncate the data to only two decimal places?  Thank you  Monty --- To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
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