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我正在尝试编写Norma D6000功率分析仪。
发送设置和测量命令有效,但是我无法读取测量数据。在手册中一个基本示例:350FOR N = 1到9380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%)390400 T $ =“UNL LISTEN 5 GET “410 CALL TRANSMIT(T $,STATUS%)412 S $ =”RED?“414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S $,STATUS%)420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%)430440 IF(POLL% AND 16)= 0 THEN 420450 PRINT“STATUS:”; POLL%460 R $ = SPACE $ 72470480 CALL ENTER(R $,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%)490500 PRINT R $ 510 NEXT NHOW我从这里制作VEE代码 ?最好的问候斯蒂格卡尔森---您目前订阅了vrf:hua_jing@agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含“subscribe”字样。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I´m trying to program a Norma D6000 power analyzer. Sending the setup and measurement commands works, but I can not read the measured data. In the manual is a Basic example: 350 FOR N=1 TO 9 380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS %) 390 400 T$="UNL LISTEN 5 GET" 410 CALL TRANSMIT(T$,STATUS%) 412 S$="RED?" 414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S$,STATUS%) 420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%) 430 440 IF (POLL% AND 16) = 0 THEN 420 450 PRINT "STATUS:";POLL% 460 R$=SPACE$72 470 480 CALL ENTER(R$,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%) 490 500 PRINT R$ 510 NEXT N How do I make VEE-code from this? Best regards Stig Carlsson --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: hua_jing@agilent.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". |
谢谢你的回复。是的,我尝试了“读取”命令,但程序只是锁定所以我认为我必须将SPOLL / POLL命令转换为VEE。
在帮助部分有一个条目“轮询GPIB乐器”,我认为我可以使用,但我不知道为动作和掩码输入哪些数据.S。Carlsson -----原始消息----- 来自:HYPERLINK“mailto:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de”Baranski,Detlef To:HYPERLINK“mailto:vrf@agilent.com”VRF发送时间:2007年9月10日星期一1:59 PMS主题:AW:[vrf] Spoll NormaAssuming 你正在使用直接io对象,你只需要发送一些命令并读回数据。例如你的命令是RED?你必须创建一个-Rrite“RED?” - 在directio然后a - 读a-togetyourdata as “a”....它对你有帮助吗? _____ Von:Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Gesendet:Samstag,2007年9月8日07:23安:VRFBetreff:[vrf] Spoll Norma我试图编写Norma D6000功率分析仪。 发送设置和测量命令有效,但是我无法读取测量数据。在手册中一个基本示例:350FOR N = 1到9380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%)390400 T $ =“UNL LISTEN 5 GET “410 CALL TRANSMIT(T $,STATUS%)412 S $ =”RED?“414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S $,STATUS%)420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%)430440 IF(POLL% AND 16)= 0 THEN 420450 PRINT“STATUS:”; POLL%460 R $ = SPACE $ 72470480 CALL ENTER(R $,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%)490500 PRINT R $ 510 NEXT NHOW我从这里制作VEE代码 ?最好的问候斯蒂尔卡尔森---您目前订阅了vrf:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,并在邮件中添加“subscribe”字样 身体。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail(inkl.ransor Anlagen)ist vertraulichundausschließlichfürdenAdressaten bestimmt。 Jede Art der Verbreitung,NutzungoderVervielfältigungist untersagt。 Sollten Sie diese电子邮件irrtümlicherhaltenhaben,informieren Sie bitte sofort den AbsenderundlöschendieE-Mail.Unternehmensangaben der Gesellschaften mit Sitz in Deutschland:Pilkington Holding GmbH,Haydnstraße19,45884GelsenkirchenSitz:Gelsenkirchen,Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB8997Geschäftsführung:Jochen Settelmayer(Vorsitz),Clemens Miller博士,Thomas Kretschmann,Robert HalesVorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:Dr. Axel WiesenerPilkington Deutschland AG,Haydnstraße19,45884Gelsenkirchen Sitz:Gelsenkirchen,Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 2707Vorstand:Clemens Miller博士,Jochen SettelmayerVorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:Dr .Axel WiesenerPilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH,Otto-Seeling-Straße7,58455WittenSitz:Witten,Amtsgericht BochumHRB8443Geschäftsführung:Thomas KretschmannVorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:Jochen SettelmayerBauglasindustrie GmbH,Hüttenstraße33,66839Schmelz / SaarSitz:Schmelz / Saar,AmtsgerichtSaarbrückenHRB202020Geschäf tsführung:Manfred Ebbers ---您目前订阅了vrf:stig_carlsson@bredband.net要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 ---您目前订阅了vrf:hua_jing@agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried the "read a" command but the program just locks so I think I must convert the SPOLL/POLL commands to VEE. In the help section there is an entry "To poll GPIB instruments" which I think I can use but I don´t know which data to enter for the action and mask. Stig Carlsson ----- Original Message ----- From: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de"Baranski, Detlef To: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:vrf@agilent.com"VRF Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 1:59 PM Subject: AW: [vrf] Spoll Norma Assuming you are using direct io object, you just have to send some commands and read back the data. for example your comand is RED? you have to make a -write "RED?"- in directio and then a - read a- to get your data as "a".... Does it help you ? _____ Von: Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Gesendet: Samstag, 8. September 2007 07:23 An: VRF Betreff: [vrf] Spoll Norma I´m trying to program a Norma D6000 power analyzer. Sending the setup and measurement commands works, but I can not read the measured data. In the manual is a Basic example: 350 FOR N=1 TO 9 380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS %) 390 400 T$="UNL LISTEN 5 GET" 410 CALL TRANSMIT(T$,STATUS%) 412 S$="RED?" 414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S$,STATUS%) 420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%) 430 440 IF (POLL% AND 16) = 0 THEN 420 450 PRINT "STATUS:";POLL% 460 R$=SPACE$72 470 480 CALL ENTER(R$,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%) 490 500 PRINT R$ 510 NEXT N How do I make VEE-code from this? Best regards Stig Carlsson --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail (inkl. aller Anlagen) ist vertraulich und ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Jede Art der Verbreitung, Nutzung oder Vervielfältigung ist untersagt. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und löschen die E-Mail. Unternehmensangaben der Gesellschaften mit Sitz in Deutschland: Pilkington Holding GmbH, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 8997 Geschäftsführung: Jochen Settelmayer (Vorsitz), Dr. Clemens Miller, Thomas Kretschmann, Robert Hales Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Deutschland AG, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 2707 Vorstand: Dr. Clemens Miller, Jochen Settelmayer Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH, Otto-Seeling-Straße 7, 58455 Witten Sitz: Witten, Amtsgericht Bochum HRB 8443 Geschäftsführung: Thomas Kretschmann Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jochen Settelmayer Bauglasindustrie GmbH, Hüttenstraße 33, 66839 Schmelz / Saar Sitz: Schmelz / Saar, Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 52020 Geschäftsführung: Manfred Ebbers --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: stig_carlsson@bredband.net To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: hua_jing@agilent.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". |
谢谢你的回复。是的,我尝试了“读取”命令,但程序只是锁定所以我认为我必须将SPOLL / POLL命令转换为VEE。
在帮助部分有一个条目“轮询GPIB乐器”,我认为我可以使用,但我不知道为动作和掩码输入哪些数据.S。Carlsson -----原始消息----- 来自:HYPERLINK“mailto:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de”Baranski,Detlef To:HYPERLINK“mailto:vrf@agilent.com”VRF发送时间:2007年9月10日星期一1:59 PMS主题:AW:[vrf] Spoll NormaAssuming 你正在使用直接io对象,你只需要发送一些命令并读回数据。例如你的命令是RED?你必须创建一个-Rrite“RED?” - 在directio然后a - 读a-togetyourdata as “a”....它对你有帮助吗? _____ Von:Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Gesendet:Samstag,2007年9月8日07:23安:VRFBetreff:[vrf] Spoll Norma我试图编写Norma D6000功率分析仪。 发送设置和测量命令有效,但是我无法读取测量数据。在手册中一个基本示例:350FOR N = 1到9380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%)390400 T $ =“UNL LISTEN 5 GET “410 CALL TRANSMIT(T $,STATUS%)412 S $ =”RED?“414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S $,STATUS%)420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%)430440 IF(POLL% AND 16)= 0 THEN 420450 PRINT“STATUS:”; POLL%460 R $ = SPACE $ 72470480 CALL ENTER(R $,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%)490500 PRINT R $ 510 NEXT NHOW我从这里制作VEE代码 ?最好的问候斯蒂尔卡尔森---您目前订阅了vrf:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,并在邮件中添加“subscribe”字样 身体。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail(inkl.ransor Anlagen)ist vertraulichundausschließlichfürdenAdressaten bestimmt。 Jede Art der Verbreitung,NutzungoderVervielfältigungist untersagt。 Sollten Sie diese电子邮件irrtümlicherhaltenhaben,informieren Sie bitte sofort den AbsenderundlöschendieE-Mail.Unternehmensangaben der Gesellschaften mit Sitz in Deutschland:Pilkington Holding GmbH,Haydnstraße19,45884GelsenkirchenSitz:Gelsenkirchen,Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB8997Geschäftsführung:Jochen Settelmayer(Vorsitz),Clemens Miller博士,Thomas Kretschmann,Robert HalesVorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:Dr. Axel WiesenerPilkington Deutschland AG,Haydnstraße19,45884Gelsenkirchen Sitz:Gelsenkirchen,Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 2707Vorstand:Clemens Miller博士,Jochen SettelmayerVorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:Dr .Axel WiesenerPilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH,Otto-Seeling-Straße7,58455WittenSitz:Witten,Amtsgericht BochumHRB8443Geschäftsführung:Thomas KretschmannVorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:Jochen SettelmayerBauglasindustrie GmbH,Hüttenstraße33,66839Schmelz / SaarSitz:Schmelz / Saar,AmtsgerichtSaarbrückenHRB202020Geschäf tsführung:Manfred Ebbers ---您目前订阅了vrf:stig_carlsson@bredband.net要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 ---您目前订阅了vrf:ming_meng@agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried the "read a" command but the program just locks so I think I must convert the SPOLL/POLL commands to VEE. In the help section there is an entry "To poll GPIB instruments" which I think I can use but I don´t know which data to enter for the action and mask. Stig Carlsson ----- Original Message ----- From: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de"Baranski, Detlef To: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:vrf@agilent.com"VRF Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 1:59 PM Subject: AW: [vrf] Spoll Norma Assuming you are using direct io object, you just have to send some commands and read back the data. for example your comand is RED? you have to make a -write "RED?"- in directio and then a - read a- to get your data as "a".... Does it help you ? _____ Von: Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Gesendet: Samstag, 8. September 2007 07:23 An: VRF Betreff: [vrf] Spoll Norma I´m trying to program a Norma D6000 power analyzer. Sending the setup and measurement commands works, but I can not read the measured data. In the manual is a Basic example: 350 FOR N=1 TO 9 380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS %) 390 400 T$="UNL LISTEN 5 GET" 410 CALL TRANSMIT(T$,STATUS%) 412 S$="RED?" 414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S$,STATUS%) 420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%) 430 440 IF (POLL% AND 16) = 0 THEN 420 450 PRINT "STATUS:";POLL% 460 R$=SPACE$72 470 480 CALL ENTER(R$,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%) 490 500 PRINT R$ 510 NEXT N How do I make VEE-code from this? Best regards Stig Carlsson --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail (inkl. aller Anlagen) ist vertraulich und ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Jede Art der Verbreitung, Nutzung oder Vervielfältigung ist untersagt. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und löschen die E-Mail. Unternehmensangaben der Gesellschaften mit Sitz in Deutschland: Pilkington Holding GmbH, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 8997 Geschäftsführung: Jochen Settelmayer (Vorsitz), Dr. Clemens Miller, Thomas Kretschmann, Robert Hales Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Deutschland AG, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 2707 Vorstand: Dr. Clemens Miller, Jochen Settelmayer Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH, Otto-Seeling-Straße 7, 58455 Witten Sitz: Witten, Amtsgericht Bochum HRB 8443 Geschäftsführung: Thomas Kretschmann Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jochen Settelmayer Bauglasindustrie GmbH, Hüttenstraße 33, 66839 Schmelz / Saar Sitz: Schmelz / Saar, Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 52020 Geschäftsführung: Manfred Ebbers --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: stig_carlsson@bredband.net To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: ming_meng@agilent.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". |
It seems like you want to use SPOLL under I/O>Advanded I/O>Instrument Event and set the mask to 16 and the action to All Clear. Or, you can set it to No Wait, put the object in a loop, and check the output with an IF object until it's clear (value AND 16 == 0) - this way if the event never happens you can also do other things like timeout the loop.
Reiner _____ From: Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 12:34 AM To: VRF Subject: Re: [vrf] Spoll Norma Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried the "read a" command but the program just locks so I think I must convert the SPOLL/POLL commands to VEE. In the help section there is an entry "To poll GPIB instruments" which I think I can use but I don´t know which data to enter for the action and mask. Stig Carlsson ----- Original Message ----- From: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de"Baranski, Detlef To: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:vrf@agilent.com"VRF Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 1:59 PM Subject: AW: [vrf] Spoll Norma Assuming you are using direct io object, you just have to send some commands and read back the data. for example your comand is RED? you have to make a -write "RED?"- in directio and then a - read a- to get your data as "a".... Does it help you ? _____ Von: Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Gesendet: Samstag, 8. September 2007 07:23 An: VRF Betreff: [vrf] Spoll Norma I´m trying to program a Norma D6000 power analyzer. Sending the setup and measurement commands works, but I can not read the measured data. In the manual is a Basic example: 350 FOR N=1 TO 9 380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS %) 390 400 T$="UNL LISTEN 5 GET" 410 CALL TRANSMIT(T$,STATUS%) 412 S$="RED?" 414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S$,STATUS%) 420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%) 430 440 IF (POLL% AND 16) = 0 THEN 420 450 PRINT "STATUS:";POLL% 460 R$=SPACE$72 470 480 CALL ENTER(R$,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%) 490 500 PRINT R$ 510 NEXT N How do I make VEE-code from this? Best regards Stig Carlsson --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail (inkl. aller Anlagen) ist vertraulich und ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Jede Art der Verbreitung, Nutzung oder Vervielfältigung ist untersagt. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und löschen die E-Mail. Unternehmensangaben der Gesellschaften mit Sitz in Deutschland: Pilkington Holding GmbH, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 8997 Geschäftsführung: Jochen Settelmayer (Vorsitz), Dr. Clemens Miller, Thomas Kretschmann, Robert Hales Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Deutschland AG, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 2707 Vorstand: Dr. Clemens Miller, Jochen Settelmayer Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH, Otto-Seeling-Straße 7, 58455 Witten Sitz: Witten, Amtsgericht Bochum HRB 8443 Geschäftsführung: Thomas Kretschmann Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jochen Settelmayer Bauglasindustrie GmbH, Hüttenstraße 33, 66839 Schmelz / Saar Sitz: Schmelz / Saar, Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 52020 Geschäftsführung: Manfred Ebbers --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: stig_carlsson@bredband.net To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: reiner.schlieker@siemens.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: hua_jing@agilent.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". |
It seems like you want to use SPOLL under I/O>Advanded I/O>Instrument Event and set the mask to 16 and the action to All Clear. Or, you can set it to No Wait, put the object in a loop, and check the output with an IF object until it's clear (value AND 16 == 0) - this way if the event never happens you can also do other things like timeout the loop.
Reiner _____ From: Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 12:34 AM To: VRF Subject: Re: [vrf] Spoll Norma Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried the "read a" command but the program just locks so I think I must convert the SPOLL/POLL commands to VEE. In the help section there is an entry "To poll GPIB instruments" which I think I can use but I don´t know which data to enter for the action and mask. Stig Carlsson ----- Original Message ----- From: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de"Baranski, Detlef To: HYPERLINK "//www.obk20.com/bbs/mailto:vrf@agilent.com"VRF Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 1:59 PM Subject: AW: [vrf] Spoll Norma Assuming you are using direct io object, you just have to send some commands and read back the data. for example your comand is RED? you have to make a -write "RED?"- in directio and then a - read a- to get your data as "a".... Does it help you ? _____ Von: Stig Carlsson [mailto:stig_carlsson@bredband.net] Gesendet: Samstag, 8. September 2007 07:23 An: VRF Betreff: [vrf] Spoll Norma I´m trying to program a Norma D6000 power analyzer. Sending the setup and measurement commands works, but I can not read the measured data. In the manual is a Basic example: 350 FOR N=1 TO 9 380 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS %) 390 400 T$="UNL LISTEN 5 GET" 410 CALL TRANSMIT(T$,STATUS%) 412 S$="RED?" 414 CALL SEND(ADDRESS%,S$,STATUS%) 420 CALL SPOLL(ADDRESS%,POLL%,STATUS%) 430 440 IF (POLL% AND 16) = 0 THEN 420 450 PRINT "STATUS:";POLL% 460 R$=SPACE$72 470 480 CALL ENTER(R$,LENGTH%,ADDRESS%,STATUS%) 490 500 PRINT R$ 510 NEXT N How do I make VEE-code from this? Best regards Stig Carlsson --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: Detlef.Baranski@pilkington.de To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail (inkl. aller Anlagen) ist vertraulich und ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Jede Art der Verbreitung, Nutzung oder Vervielfältigung ist untersagt. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und löschen die E-Mail. Unternehmensangaben der Gesellschaften mit Sitz in Deutschland: Pilkington Holding GmbH, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 8997 Geschäftsführung: Jochen Settelmayer (Vorsitz), Dr. Clemens Miller, Thomas Kretschmann, Robert Hales Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Deutschland AG, Haydnstraße 19, 45884 Gelsenkirchen Sitz: Gelsenkirchen, Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 2707 Vorstand: Dr. Clemens Miller, Jochen Settelmayer Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Axel Wiesener Pilkington Automotive Deutschland GmbH, Otto-Seeling-Straße 7, 58455 Witten Sitz: Witten, Amtsgericht Bochum HRB 8443 Geschäftsführung: Thomas Kretschmann Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jochen Settelmayer Bauglasindustrie GmbH, Hüttenstraße 33, 66839 Schmelz / Saar Sitz: Schmelz / Saar, Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 52020 Geschäftsführung: Manfred Ebbers --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: stig_carlsson@bredband.net To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: reiner.schlieker@siemens.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: ming_meng@agilent.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". |
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