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但问题仍然存在,matlabengine中的某些内容发生了变化,不允许在较新的版本中执行此操作。 还有什么不起作用?Dave _____来自:Andersen,Dave R. [mailto:dave.andersen@gd-ais.com]发送时间:2007年10月29日星期一下午1:41至:VRFS主题:[vrf] Matlab脚本 helpHey VRF,有人在那里帮助我创建附加的Matlab脚本来输入用户的评论。 它是在版本6中编写的。我现在发现它将不再在Vee 7.52或Vee 8中运行.'waitforbuttonpress'函数中的脚本错误调用说该函数不能从Matlab引擎调用。 你们其中一位Matlab专家可以帮我解决这个问题吗? 现在有更好的方法吗?>谢谢,Dave Andersen软件工程师综合空间系统通用动力高级信息系统电子邮件:Dave.Andersen@gd-ais.com ---您目前订阅的是vrf:Dave.Andersen@gd- ais.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 ---您目前订阅了vrf:ming_meng@agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 OK, I figured out a different way using the windows form textbox. But the question still remains that something changed in the Matlab engine that doesn't allow this to execute in newer vee versions. What else doesn't work anymore? Dave _____ From: Andersen, Dave R. [mailto:dave.andersen@gd-ais.com] Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 1:41 PM To: VRF Subject: [vrf] Matlab script help Hey VRF, Someone out there helped me create the attached Matlab script to enter a user's comments. It was written in version 6. I now find that this will no longer run in Vee 7.52 or Vee 8. The script errors at the 'waitforbuttonpress' function call saying that this function is not callable from the Matlab Engine. Can one of you Matlab experts help me fix this? Is there now a better way? > Thanks, Dave Andersen Software Engineer Integrated Space Systems General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems email: Dave.Andersen@gd-ais.com --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: Dave.Andersen@gd-ais.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: ming_meng@agilent.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". |
我的意思是程序的其余部分从不调用对象或启动代码的这一部分。 我要做的是打开程序和数据流,并观察程序的其余部分如何与这部分代码接口。 此外,直到程序中断可能会产生意外结果,它会创建一个永无止境的循环,如果它在多线程程序中使用,它可能会导致程序的其他部分无法启动。 另外需要注意的是,屏幕上的执行是从左上角到右下角,在大多数情况下这样可以正常工作,但有时Vee会感到困惑,特别是如果你在屏幕上重新排列对象,那么最好约束 对象以确保执行按照您期望的方式流动。 我会使用程序流和数据流,看看会执行什么,你可能会找到你的问题。 GregKevin Nievaart写道:G'day vrf-ers,几年前我编写了这个糟糕的小代码。 Int32滑块是一个输入,指定HP E1326b将读取的应变计数量,从1到48,输出应该是最后一个读数的地址。 此地址的格式为xyy,其中x是读取最后一个仪表的模块,yy是该模块的通道号。 我们的设备有48个输入通道,每个模块分为6个模块x 8个通道。 因此,如果您正在读取1规格,则最后一个规格的输出地址将为100,如果您正在读取8个规格,则输出最终地址将为107,如果您正在读取20个规格,则输出最终地址将为303 到目前为止并不太难......无论如何,这是我的问题。 下面的代码完全正常。 如果我把这些东西粘在用户对象中,它仍然可以正常工作。 但是当我在实际程序中将它发送到hpe1326b的GPIB命令时,“Module + Channel”添加框拒绝运行。 两个输入都转到公式框,但没有任何结果。 无论我是否在用户对象中获得代码,都会发生这种情况。 另外,下面的代码我从非工作程序中复制并将其粘贴到一个新程序中,并且它每次都有效,它实际上/需要它时它永远不会工作。我遇到过这样的问题很多次 以前,我不知道如何解决它。 无论如何,对我来说,我将在早上回来。 任何答案都将非常感谢,干杯,--Kevin NievaartMaterials Testing OfficerDept。 土木工程蒙纳士大学,克莱顿校区。 (03)9905-1165传真(03)9905-1483“众所周知,世界上有无数的世界,仅仅因为它们有无限的空间。但是,并非每一个世界都有人居住。 因此,必须存在有限数量的有人居住的世界。任何有限数除以无穷大都几乎没有任何可能性,因此宇宙中所有行星的平均数量可以说是零。 宇宙的人口也是零,你不时遇见的任何人只是疯狂的想象力的产物。“ - Douglas Adams ---您目前订阅了vrf:sherekhan_kl@yahoo.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含subscribe一词。取消订阅 发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。要发送邮件到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档.__________________________________________________你是雅虎吗?厌倦了垃圾邮件? 雅虎 Mail拥有围绕http://mail.yahoo.com提供的最佳垃圾邮件保护---您目前订阅了vrf:ming_meng@agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent .com“在邮件正文中使用了subscribe这个词。 要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 要将邮件发送到此邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 在“http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。 在“http://vee.engineering.agilent.com”上搜索Agilent vrf存档。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Not too sure but if it works fine as a stand alone it has to be an issue of program flow. What I mean is that the rest of the program never calls the object or intiates this portion of the code. What I would do is turn on program and data flow and watch how the rest of the program interfaces with this portion of code. Also until break in a program can have unexpected results it creates a never ending loop and if it is used in a multi threaded program it can cause issues with other portions of your program not initiating. Also other things to be aware of is that execution goes from upper left to lower right on a screen and in most cases this works fine but there are times that Vee will get confused especially if you rearrange objects on a screen so it is best to constrain objects to ensure execution flows the way you expect it too. I would use program flow and data flow and see what gets executed you will probably locate your problem. Greg Kevin Nievaart wrote: G'day vrf-ers, I made up this crappy little piece of code a couple of years ago. The Int32 slider is an input that specifies how many strain gauges an HP E1326b will read, from 1 to 48, and the output is supposed to be the address of the last gauge read. The format of this address goes xyy, where x is the module that reads the last gauge, and the yy being the channel number of that module. The device we have has 48 input channels split into 6 modules x 8 channels per module. So if you were reading 1 gauge, the output address of the last gauge would be 100, if you were reading 8 gauges, the output final address would be 107, and if you were reading say 20 gauges, the output final address would be 303. Not too difficult so far.... Anyway here's my problem. The code below works perfectly fine. If I stick this stuff in a user object, it still works fine. However when I've got it in the actual program that does the GPIB commands to the hpe1326b, the "Module + Channel" addition box refuses to operate. Both inputs go to the formula box, but nothing comes out of it. This happens whether I've got the code in a user object or not. Also, the code below I literally copied from the non-working program and stuck it into a new program, and it works everytime, it just never works when I actually /need/ it. I've come across problems like this plenty of times before and I've got no idea how to resolve it. Anyway, end of the day for me, I'll be back in the morning. Any answers would be very much appreciated, Cheers, -- -- Kevin Nievaart Materials Testing Officer Dept. Civil Engineering Monash University, Clayton Campus Ph. (03) 9905-1165 Fax (03) 9905-1483 "It is known that there is an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the product of a deranged imagination." - Douglas Adams --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: sherekhan_kl@yahoo.com To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "http://www.vrfarchive.com/vrf_archive". Search the Agilent vrf archive at "http://vee.engineering.agilent.com". __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! 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