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而对于大多数情况,几乎没有文档。 所有关于VEE自我记录的BS都比二手车销售员告诉你的要糟糕。 如果您不知道算法的作用或原因是什么,即使是最好的编码算法也没有任何意义。 我花了更多的时间来反向工程混乱的代码比我添加功能或适应更改的要求....你猜对了,也没有记录的要求!无论如何,我们正在努力升级到Windows 7但是有 没有足够的时间将一切转换为9.2。 我知道在我所拥有的VEE 6库中存在隐藏的布尔问题。我试图在这里搜索论坛以查看将运行哪些VEE版本但坦率地说,这里的搜索功能还有很多不足之处。 它可能只是我,但我不这么认为。所以,简单明了,我可以在Windows 7下运行VEE 6和VEE 8吗? 或者我需要在IT上踩刹车?保罗 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi All, I have inherited a large collection of VEE programs written in 6.0 and 8.0 with many libraries written in 6.0. And for most of this, there is almost no documentation. All this BS about VEE being self documenting is worse than what a used car salesman tells you. Even the best coded algorithm means nothing if you have no idea what the algorithm does or why it is the way that it is. I spend more time reverse engineering jumbled up code than I do adding features or adapting to changed requirements.... and you guessed it, there are no documented requirements either! Anyway, we are being pushed hard to upgrade to Windows 7 but there are not enough hours in the day to convert everything over to 9.2. I know that there are hidden problems with booleans in the VEE 6 libraries I have as it is. I have tried searching the forum here to see what VEE versions will run but frankly, the search function here leaves much to be desired. It could be just me but I don't think so. So, plain and simple, can I run VEE 6 and VEE 8 under Windows 7? Or do I need to put the brakes on at IT? Paul |
嗨Paul,你不能在Windows 7上运行VEE 6或8.但是......在VEE 9.2下运行那些旧程序你应该没有太多麻烦。
我有很多旧东西在这里运行没有任何问题。当然没有任何东西可以100%无故障,但是在你尝试了一些9.2以下的旧程序之前我不会放弃,看看会发生什么。我 同意自我记录与编写代码的程序员一样好。 我见过一些真正糟糕的VEE代码。 我也见过一些非常糟糕的C代码。比尔 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Paul, You can't run VEE 6 or 8 on Windows 7. But... You shouldn't have much trouble at all running those old programs under VEE 9.2. I have tons of old stuff running here with no problems. Nothing is ever going to be 100% trouble free of course, but I wouldn't give up before you've tried some of those older programs under 9.2 and see what happens. I agree that self documenting is only as good as the programmer writing the code. I've seen some truly awful VEE code. I've seen some really bad C code too. -Bill |
和Bill一样,我可以在VEE和其他语言中使用大量代码,这些代码是“只写”代码,比如100,000行VB,接近250个文件,我不时会支持这些代码。 我做的最好的事情是花几天快乐反向设计一些文档,所以至少我有机会在错误的地方寻找错误!有些文章在Win 7下运行早期版本的VEE但是 我试过这些没有成功,当然需要一些时间来试验。 我会回应比尔的建议购买升级到VEE 9.22,这至少会消除你的一个障碍!我认识的大多数人从VEE开始都享受这种体验。 必须支持复杂,神秘和无证代码的起点听起来像是任何语言的噩梦:没有任何乐趣和所有的挫折。 祝你好运!迈克 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Yes, I think 'self-documenting' is a little optimisitic, especially as good documentation gives you a bit of insight as to the purpose of the code rather than just saying what it does. Like Bill, I could lay my hands on plenty of code in VEE and other languages which is 'write-only' code, like 100,000 lines of VB in something approaching 250 files which I support from time-to-time. The best thing I did with that was to spend a few happy days reverse-engineering some documentation so at least I had a chance of looking in the right place for the bugs! There are some articles of running earlier versions of VEE under Win 7 but I have tried these without success and of course it takes some time to experiment. I would echo Bill's recommendation to purchase an upgrade to VEE 9.22 which at least will remove one of your hurdles! Most people I know who start off with VEE enjoy the experience. A starting point of having to support complex, arcane and undocumented code sounds like a nightmare in any language: none of the fun and all of the frustrations. Good luck with that! Mike |
我已经拥有9.2的许可证,所以我就在那里。 我们使用VEE启动器,当我双击VEE文件时,它会自动为我打开正确版本的VEE。 由于一系列原因,这段代码变老了,只有一个人能够支持其他问题,所以没有更新。 现在我来帮忙,但同时,VEE和微软已经开始了,XP开始变得有点陈旧(虽然我知道它会持续很长时间,还有Office 2000和Office 2003!)。 代码的创始人早已在另一个大陆的另一家公司消失。我最大的问题是我很确定有很多实例涉及VEE 6.0库函数以及带有布尔变量的1,0和TRUE,FALSE情况。 这些库用于许多不同的程序,因此验证任务有点像噩梦。 几乎没有文档,很多代码确实是只写的。 我必须保存代码的特殊版本,我打开一些用户函数,这样我才能真正看到他们做了什么。 似乎即使我可以运行旧版本的VEE,我也会遇到麻烦,而且应该制定计划来修改所有现有的库。 其他任何人都有运行旧版VEE的运气吗?PaulPS不要被我个人资料中的新会员标签所迷惑。 我在Windows和Unix上都在VEE 5上切齿,并且很长一段时间都是VRF用户。 在我发现自己寻找新工作的几个场合,我只是错误地登录了! 我仍然将所有电子邮件都放在一个文件夹中,因为这里的搜索比Shawn在他的网站上的搜索或我所拥有的简单邮件搜索更糟糕! 我希望安捷伦在这方面能够明智。 它们有时会使NI的人们过于轻松......但这完全是另一个话题! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks guys. I do have a license for 9.2 already and so I am set there. We use a VEE launcher which automatically opens the correct version of VEE for me when I double click on a VEE file. For a bunch of reasons, this code got old and was only supported by one guy who had more than enough to do with other issues so no updating was done. Now I come along to help out but meanwhile, VEE and Microsoft have moved on and XP is starting to get a little stale (although I know it will live on for a long long time still, along with Office 2000 and Office 2003!). The originators of the code are long gone in another company on another continent. My biggest problem is that I am pretty sure that there are numerous instances involving the VEE 6.0 library functions and the 1,0 and TRUE,FALSE situation with boolean variables. These libraries are used on many different programs so the validation task is a bit of a nightmare. And with just about no documentation, a lot of this code is indeed write-only. I have to save special versions of the code where I unwrap some of the user functions so that I can actually see what they do. It would seem that even if I could get older versions of VEE to run, I am asking for trouble and really should make a plan to revise upward all the existing libraries. Anyone else have luck running old versions of VEE? Paul PS Don't be fooled by the new member tag on my profile. I cut my teeth on VEE 5 on both Windows and Unix and have been a VRF subscriber for a long time. I just misplace logins on the few occasions where I find myself seeking new employment! I still have all the emails in a folder as the search here is so much worse than the one that Shawn had on his site or the simple mail search that I have! I wish Agilent would wise up in that respect. They sometimes make it too easy for the folks over at NI.... but that is another topic altogether! |
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