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怎么把它交给EGS E4438C? ESG没有任何u***记忆棒选项。 是否有任何实用程序?TM1_64_DC_PAR65.MARKERSTM1_64_DC_PAR65.HEADERTM1_64_DC_PAR65.WAVEFORM和CDMA2K_9CHAN_WFM.SECUREWAVE 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I have the following ARB files for WCDMA modulation in my C drive. How to lad this to EGS E4438C?. The ESG doesn't have any u*** memeory stick option. Is there any utility for this? TM1_64_DC_PAR65.MARKERS TM1_64_DC_PAR65.HEADER TM1_64_DC_PAR65.WAVEFORM and CDMA2K_9CHAN_WFM.SECUREWAVE |
您好 - 您可以使用SCPI命令或FTP程序下载该文件。
1)使用“:MEM:DATA:”命令通过SCPI命令下载。 有关详细信息,请查看E4400-90505编程指南,http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb ... -90505.pdf,第212页(文件)或222(pdf)。 2)FTP程序FTP文件有三种方式:•使用Microsoft的Internet Explorer FTP功能•使用PC或UNIX命令窗口•使用信号发生器的内部Web服务器,遵循固件=> C.03.10,用于E4438C•使用Microsoft的Internet 探险者1号。 输入信号发生器的主机名或IP地址作为FTP URL.ftp:// orftp:// 2的一部分。 按键盘上的Enter键或从Internet Explorer窗口转到。信号生成器文件显示在Internet Explorer窗口中。 在PC和Internet Explorer窗口之间拖放文件•使用命令窗口(PC或UNIX)此过程下载到非易失性存储器。 要下载到易失性存储器,请更改文件路径。 1.从PC命令提示符或UNIX命令行,切换到要下载的文件的目标目录。 从PC命令提示符或UNIX命令行,键入ftp。 仪器名称是信号发生器的主机名或IP地址。 3.在ftp窗口的User:提示符下,按Enter键(不需要输入).4。 在ftp窗口的Password:提示符下,按Enter键(不需要输入).5。 在ftp提示符下,放置文件或获取文件:要放置文件,请键入:put / user / waveform / where是要下载的文件的名称,并且是信号发生器的/ user / waveform /的名称指示符 directory.If未指定,ftp使用指定的名称。•如果标记文件与数据文件关联,请使用以下命令将其下载到信号生成器:put / user / markers / where文件名 下载并是信号发生器的/ user / markers /目录中文件的名称指示符。 标记文件和相关的I / Q波形数据具有相同的名称。•使用信号发生器的内部Web服务器1。 在URL.http://或2中输入信号发生器的主机名或IP地址。单击窗口左侧的信号发生器FTP访问按钮。信号发生器文件出现在Web浏览器的窗口中。 在PC和浏览器窗口之间拖放文件有关详细信息,请查看E4400-90505编程指南,http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb ... -90505.pdf,第219页上的文件或229 在pdf上。 问候 - 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi - You can download the file using SCPI command or FTP procedure. 1) Downloading thru SCPI command, by using the “:MEM:DATA:” command. For more info, please check the E4400-90505 Programming Guide, http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb ... -90505.pdf, page 212 on file or 222 on pdf. 2) FTP Procedures There are three ways to FTP files: • use Microsoft’s® Internet Explorer FTP feature • use the PC’s or UNIX command window • use the signal generator’s internal web server following the firmware =>C.03.10 for the E4438C • Using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 1. Enter the signal generator’s hostname or IP address as part of the FTP URL. ftp:// or ftp:// 2. Press Enter on the keyboard or Go from the Internet Explorer window. The signal generator files appear in the Internet Explorer window. 3. Drag and drop files between the PC and the Internet Explorer window • Using the Command Window (PC or UNIX) This procedure downloads to non- volatile memory. To download to volatile memory, change the file path. 1. From the PC command prompt or UNIX command line, change to the destination directory for the file you intend to download. 2. From the PC command prompt or UNIX command line, type ftp . Where instrument name is the signal generator’s hostname or IP address. 3. At the User: prompt in the ftp window, press Enter (no entry is required). 4. At the Password: prompt in the ftp window, press Enter (no entry is required). 5. At the ftp prompt, either put a file or get a file: To put a file, type: put /user/waveform/ where is the name of the file to download and is the name designator for the signal generator’s /user/waveform/ directory. If is unspecified, ftp uses the specified to name . • If a marker file is associated with the data file, use the following command to download it to the signal generator: put /user/markers/ where is the name of the file to download and is the name designator for the file in the signal generator’s /user/markers/ directory. Marker files and the associated I/Q waveform data have the same name. • Using the Signal Generator’s Internal Web Server 1. Enter the signal generator’s hostname or IP address in the URL. http:// or 2. Click the Signal Generator FTP Access button located on the left side of the window. The signal generator files appear in the web browser’s window. 3. Drag and drop files between the PC and the browser’s window For more info, please check the E4400-90505 Programming Guide, http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb ... -90505.pdf, page 219 on file or 229 on pdf. Regards - |
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