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你好,我可能错过了一些东西,但我找不到关于HARMony如何管理网页(使用文件系统)以生成HTTP服务器中使用的c代码的答案。我使用BSP和相关的评估板(PIC32MZ EC)启动了一个项目。当生成代码时,Ortho使用某个未知的HTML文件生成MPFSI.IMG2.C文件。BSP XML文件中没有任何内容,我无法找到和声知道在哪里得到这些文件。我想它现在启动了MPFS2实用程序,有一些模糊的选项。现在,我想使用我自己的网页,但是我找不到任何选项或信息来改变(未知的)Harmony使用的当前位置。那么,它是如何工作的?如何配置Oracle来管理HTTP服务器的Web页?提前感谢,J.P.E.VoST
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I probably have missed something, but I couldn't find an answer about how Harmony manage the web pages that are processed to generate c code used in HTTP servers (using the file system). I started a project using BSP and the related evaluation board (PIC32MZ EC). When generating code, Harmony generates the mpfs_img2.c file using some unknown HTML files somewhere. There is nothing in the BSP xml file; I couldn't find how Harmony knows where to get these. I suppose that it launches the MPFS2 utility at this moment with some obscure options. Now, I would like to use my own web pages, but I couldn't find any options or information to change (unknown) current location that Harmony uses. So, how it works ? How can I configure Harmony to manage my own web pages for the HTTP server ? Many thanks in advance, J.Prévost |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Do you plan on modifying the webpages through the utility once the device has been programmed, or do you just want the webpages to be in there at programming time only? |
如果你正在寻找MPFSIMIG.C文件正在生成的地方,请看HTTPNET.HCONFIG和HTTP.HCONFIG。它们位于C:Microchip HealthV1Y08FraseTCPICONFIG。具体代码如下:ifblock TCPIP_HTTP_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_SL.HTTP_MPFS_IMG“$HARMONY_VER._PATH/framework/tcpip/config/._app/mpfs_img2.c.ftl”到“$PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES/app/mpfs_img2.c”endif
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Well, if you're just looking for where the mpfs_img.c file is being generate, look at http_net.hconfig and http.hconfig. They are located in C:microchipharmonyv1_08frameworktcpipconfig. The specific code is the following: ifblock TCPIP_HTTP_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_SL template HTTP_MPFS_IMG "$HARMONY_VERSION_PATH/framework/tcpip/config/custom_app/mpfs_img2.c.ftl" to "$PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES/app/mpfs_img2.c" endif |
谢谢大家的回答。我试图让.ony从我的项目中的其他html文件集生成.c,所以我搜索指令在哪里完成,以及哪里设置我的html文件位置,而不是使用Harmony示例代码中的隐藏html文件。我的网页是静态的,所以.c associaTED文件是在构建时生成的(或者在代码生成中从和声中生成)。J.
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for all for the answer. I try to make harmony generate the .c from an other set of html files within my project, so I search where the instruction is done and where to set my html files location instead of using buried html files from Harmony sample code. My web pages are static, so .c associated file is generated at build (or at code generation from Harmony). J. |
您好,我建议您阅读MPLABHarmonyTCP_IP Stack Library pdf文件,HTTP模块部分,这里将解释所有内容。您将html文件放在您希望的位置,并使用MPFS2实用程序对其进行压缩,并生成thempfs_img2.c,然后将随项目一起编译。内存将用HTML文件编程,并通过HTTP Server .Stuph访问MPFS文件系统。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello I suggest you read MPLAB Harmony TCP_IP Stack Library pdf file, HTTP Module section, all is explained there. You put your html files where you want and use the MPFS2 utilility to compress them and generate the mpfs_img2.c which will then be compiled with your project. The memory will be programmed with your html files and access through the MPFS file system by the HTTP server. Steph. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I read this before and I understand the way it works, it is straightforward. That's not what I asked for ( English is not my main language so I could be not clear). Harmony already generates mpfs_img2.c itself automatically when generating source code. My question was how to use our own HTML files instead of the 'unknown' files that Harmony uses to generate this file. Or in other words, where are the options that says to harmony which HTML files to use to generate the mpfs_img2.c. It's much better to use already existing mechanism instead of adding some custom build steps to overwrite what is already done ! Jerome. |
通常它应该这样工作:1)检查项目文件夹。如果从Web服务器示例开始,应该有一个文件夹PrimeCuths固件SRCWebType页面。这是用于网页的。修改这些或在另一个文件夹中生成您自己的网页集。2)使用实用程序“Microchop MPFS Generator”来生成您自己的HTTP文件。例如,它位于C:micro..onyv1_08uti.esmpfs_.mpfs2.jar中。如何使用它以及如何正确设置。它生成您的ownmpfs_img2.c.3)打开MPLAB和谐配置器。4)导航到这个树:和谐Framwork配置>;系统服务>;文件系统>;使用文件系统服务。确保“媒体安装名”是你想要的。这告诉您的程序,在文件系统中将web映像安装在何处。5)导航到这个树:Harmony Framwork Configuration>TCPIP Stack>HTTPServer.heck“包括HTTP自定义模板”。这是一个默认的网页模板的例子。您不需要它,因为您想要您自己的.6)导航到这个树:Harmony Framwork Configuration>TCPIP Stack>TCPIP文件系统包装器确保NVM磁盘路径与点4中的匹配。E“和谐配置器8”按钮编译和编程。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Typically it should work like this: 1) Check your project folder. If you started with a web server example there should be a folder PROJECTFOLDERfirmwaresrcweb_pages. This is used for the web pages. Modify those or generate your own set of web page in another folder. 2) Use the utility "Microchop MPFS Generator" to generate your own HTTP file. It is located for example in C:microchipharmonyv1_08utilitiesmpfs_generatormpfs2.jar The Harmony help file explains you how to use it and how to get the settings right. It generates your own mpfs_img2.c. 3) Open the MPLAB Harmony Configurator. 4) Navigate to this tree: Harmony Framwork Configuration > System Services > File System > Use File System Service You probably might want to use the AUTO Mount Feature for the NVM. Make sure the "Media Mount Name" is what you want it to be. This tells your program, where to mount the web image in the file system 5) Navigate to this tree: Harmony Framwork Configuration > TCPIP Stack > HTTP Server Uncheck "Include HTTP Custom Template. This is a default web page template for the examples. You don't need it, because you want your own. 6) Navigate to this tree: Harmony Framwork Configuration > TCPIP Stack > TCPIP File System Wrapper Make sure the NVM Disk Path matches the one from point 4). This tells, from which file system path it should deliver web pages. 7) Press the "Generate Code" button from Harmony Configurator 8) Compile and program. |
HeloHTML文件可以随心所欲。您可以选择MPFS Generator的工具“源设置”中的“源目录”中的位置。MPFSII IMG2.C新版本的重新编译和编程
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello html files can be wherever you want. You select the location in the MPFS Generator's tool "source settings'' "Source directory". You can do a test, put a basic index.htm file with "Hello" in it, use the MPFS tool, make sure you select Output PIC32Image and them make sure the Project Directory points to your src folder, this is create a new version of mpfs_img2.c. Recompile and program. Steph |
你好,好,我刚才发现Harmony并没有从某个网页生成mpfs_img2.c文件,而是复制一个已经预先编译过的现有文件。更糟糕的是,不能同时使用WiFi和常规TCP-IP示例来使用这种复制机制(我希望,这是可行的),因此在编译时,我必须使用这个外部工具作为构建步骤。这部分看起来更像是临时工作,而不是真正的整合。为什么不为TCP IP堆栈配置添加一个和声选项的路径,并自动生成?J
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, Ok, I just discovered that Harmony does not generate this mpfs_img2.c file from some web pages buried somewhere into the framework, but just copy an already precompiled existing one. To make things worse, it is not possible to have both WiFi and regular TCP-IP example at the same time with this copy mechanism (which is possible - I hope - with the utility). So I have to use this external tool as a build step when compiling. This part looks more like a makeshift job than a true integration. Why not adding a path to the harmony options to the TCP-IP stack configuration(s) and generate automatically ? J. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Because harmony started as several seperate projects that were merged together. That is how the original was done. Several of the other tools have been merged in to MHC I assume that one will eventually. |
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