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我真的很难获得针对宇宙的licence.lic文件。我通过运行Lmreg16k.exe通过电子邮件注册,但我没有收到电子邮件。我必须为此配置Outlook才能创建自己的个人资料。真的很沮丧!我的个人资料可能有问题,但无论如何还有其他选择吗?它显示它发送电子邮件但我尚未收到任何信息。 Plz的帮助。
我也试图使用Raisonance,但我无法配置它来编程我的STM8S105c6。我对这件事毫无头绪 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 i am really having hard time getting licence.lic file for cosmic. I am registering by emailing by running Lmreg16k.exe but i get no email. I had to configure Outlook for that to make my own profile. Really frustrated with this !!! There might be something wrong with my profile but in any case is there any alternative?? It shows that its sending an email but i haven't received any yet. Plz help. i am also trying to use Raisonance but i can't configure it to program my STM8S105c6. I am clueless in this matter |
Reisonance还向我发送了许可证代码,但这里的问题不同。没有一个STM8发现示例可以编译,因为在ST的Discovery演示SW包中,还不支持Reisonance库。 暂时忘掉戒毒。 希望这可以帮助 再见 斯特凡诺 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I succeeded with Cosmic licence file. I really suggest you to use a web mail account instead of Outlook, for example subcribe a new mail account on GMAIL (as I've done). Reisonance also sent me the licence code, but the problem here is different. No one STM8 discovery example can be compiled because in the Discovery demo SW pack by ST, Reisonance libraries are not supported yet. Forget Reisonance for the moment. Hope this helps Bye Stefano |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thx for your reply. As you said '' really suggest you to use a web mail account instead of Outlook'' , should i send it to stm8_16k@cosmic.fr? And how long do i need to wait to get thier reply with the licence file? |
是的,我已将注册信息发送到mailto:stm8_16k@cosmic.fr 在2010年4月8日4:47然后在同一天的9点获得了许可证文件''licence.lic''! (5小时后)。 您必须向他们发送的注册信息必须与以下内容类似: 代替''-----''字符的地方有关于你的PC的信息,你愿意启用宇宙编译器。 用户:-------公司:------- 国家:------电话:-------传真: 产品信息PRODUCT = LXSTM816K HOSTID = '' ---------------------- '' USER = ---------- DISPLAY = ---------- HOSTNAME = ----------- DISK_SERIAL_NUM = --------- 希望能帮助到你 SP 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear friend, Yes, I've sent registration information to mailto:stm8_16k@cosmic.fr at 4:47 of 8th April 2010 and then got the licence file ''licence.lic'' at 9:00 o'clock the same day ! (5 hours later). The registration infos you must send to them must be alike something as follows: where in place of the ''-----'' characters there are infos about your PC where you are willing to enable the cosmic compiler. User: -------Company: ------- Country: ------ Phone: ------- Fax: Product Information PRODUCT=LXSTM816K HOSTID=''----------------------'' USER= ---------- DISPLAY= ---------- HOSTNAME= ----------- DISK_SERIAL_NUM= --------- Hope it helps SP |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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