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在UHF RFID阅读器ST25RU3993中,我在启动VCO时遇到了一些问题。
在VCO控制寄存器11h中,我可以改变内部振荡器偏置电流。通过从默认值更改它可以获得什么? 我也可以手动选择VCO范围段,我想这样做是为了加快频率的变化,但是我如何找出最好的VCO段,是否可以计算它? 在数据表的第2.3.1节中,它说:“有关使用1800MHz VCO的详细信息,请参见专用应用说明”。 哪里可以找到这个应用程序。注意? #UHF-RFID阅读器,st25ru3993 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 In the UHF RFID reader ST25RU3993 I am having a little bit of a problem with startup of the VCO. In VCO control register 11h I can change the internal oscillator bias current. What do I gain by changing it from the default ? I can also manually select the VCO range segment, I will like to do that to speed up the change of frequency, but how do I figure out the best VCO segment, is it possible to calculate it ? In section 2.3.1 in the data sheet it says that: ' Details on using the 1800MHz VCO are described in a dedicated application note'. Where can I find this app. note? #uhf-rfid-reader-st25ru3993 |
如果您将电子邮件地址发送给我,那么从AMS制作芯片时我就有一个演示板 邮寄地址:karstenpil@gmail.com 可以发给你的原理图和电路板布局 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Rakesh, I do have a demo board from the time the chip was made by AMS, if you send me your email address to mailto:karstenpil@gmail.com can send you the schematic and board layout for it |
内部偏置振荡器应保持默认值。 可以通过激活寄存器0x11中的mvco位来确定最佳VCO段。 这将启动VCO控制电压的测量。 结果存储在寄存器0x2C中。 注意寄存器0x2c是一个分页寄存器,这意味着为了使该寄存器显示与VCO控制电压测量相对应的信息,它应相应地配置在寄存器0x29中(r2Cpage [1:0] = 01)。 一旦结果可用,寄存器0x11中的mvco位应再次清零。 结果范围为0到7,结果很好,意味着选择了正确的段,应该是2到5。 如果超出此范围,则应选择下一个上方或下方的段。 在寄存器0x11中再次手动选择VCO段。 请注意,应首先启用手动VCO选择模式。 通过发送直接命令0xA5进入该模式。 通过激活自动VCO范围选择模式 - 发送直接命令0xA4,整个VCO选择过程也可以自动化。 自动VCO范围/段搜索的缺点是,与典型的手动搜索和选择相比,它需要更多的时间来完成。 您会发现虽然总共有16个VCO段可用,但通常只有少数5,6等可用于当前的UHF RFID频率,具体取决于您的读卡器将在哪个国家/地区运营。 干杯, 伯恩哈德 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Karsten, the internal bias oscillator should be kept at the default. The best VCO segment can be determinded by activating the mvco bit in register 0x11. This will initiate a measurement of the VCO controll voltage. The result is stored in the register 0x2C. Note register 0x2c is a paged register, which means in order that this register displays the information corresponding to the VCO control voltage measurement it should be configured in register 0x29 accordingly (r2Cpage[1:0] = 01). Once the result is available the mvco bit in register 0x11 should be cleared again. The result can range from 0 to 7 and a good result, meaning that the correct segment is selected, should be from 2 to 5. If outside this range the next above or below segment should be selected. A manual selection of the VCO segment is done again in register 0x11. Please note that the manual VCO selection mode should be enabled first. This mode is entered by sending the direct command 0xA5. The entire VCO selection process can be automated as well by activating the automatic VCO range selection mode - send direct command 0xA4. The draw back of the automatic VCO range/segment search is that it is taking more timeto complete compared to a typical manual segement search and selection. You will find that while there are in total 16 VCO segments available typically only a few 5,6, etc.. will be usefull for current UHF RFID frequencies, depending in which country/regulation your reader is going to operate. Cheers, Bernhard |
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