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我的三星手机从Android 6.0升级到7.0。但之后24SR似乎无法从移动NFC中检测到。
只有在24SR IC锁定读/写后才会发生。对于通过24SR发现板硬件解锁芯片,24SR可以再次通过移动检测。我在Android 4.4,5.0和6.0中进行了测试并且都可以正常工作。 Android 7.0中是否有任何更改导致此问题?请指教并谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 My Samsung mobile upgraded from Android 6.0 to 7.0. But after that the 24SR seems can't detect from mobile NFC. It happens only after the 24SR IC locked in read/write. For unlocked the chip by 24SR discovery board hardware, 24SR can detect by mobile again. I tested in Android 4.4,5.0 and 6.0 and all work. So is there any changes in Android 7.0 that cause this problem ? Please advise and thanks. |
这种行为确实出乎意料。为了帮助您,您能否分享锁定之前和之后在M24SR中编程的系统文件的内容? 祝你有美好的一天, 问候, 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Customer, This behavior is indeed unexpected. In order to help you out, could you please share the content of the System File that is programmed in M24SR before and after the lock? Have a good day, Regards, |
我检查系统文件内容和所有信息。之前和之前是一样的 锁定后。 系统文件长度:18 I2C保护:I2C主机具有SuperUser权限 I2C看门狗:看门狗关闭 GPO配置:打开RF会话时 计算命令时GPO为低 编程时GPO为低电平 会话活动时GPO为低 何时打开I2C会话 会话活动时GPO为低 RF使能:启用RF接口 内存大小:8192 Ndef文件号:1 UID:0284000206C384 ICRef:0x84 备注:我使用另外的LG移动安装Android 7.0出厂(不是 已升级)并且锁定的24SR可以正常工作。 所以问题出在我将三星C5 Pro手机升级到之后 Android 7.0从6.0开始。 谢谢,您需要的任何信息,请告诉我。 最好的祝福 艳阳天。 在2018-01-2217:46ï¼NFC产品支持3å†™é “ï¼š STMICROELECTRONICS社区 RE:ANDROID 7.0锁定24SR的问题 ST25 NFC / RFID标签和读卡器中NFC产品支持3的回复 - 查看完整的讨论 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear All, I check the system file content and all info. is the same before and after lock. System file length : 18 I2C Protection : the I2C host has the SuperUser right I2C Watchdog : watchdog is off GPO Config : when RF session is opened GPO low when command is computed GPO low when programming GPO low when session active when an I2C session is opened GPO low when session active RF Enable : RF interface enabled Memory size: 8192 Ndef file number : 1 UID :0284000206C384 ICRef :0x84 Remark: I use another LG mobile installed Android 7.0 ex-factory(not upgraded) and work all OK with locked 24SR. So the problem is only after I upgraded my Samsung C5 Pro mobile to Android 7.0 from 6.0. Thanks and any information you need please let me know. best regards Sunny. 在 2018-01-22 17:46,NFC product support3 写é�“: STMICROELECTRONICS COMMUNITY RE: ANDROID 7.0 PROBLEM IN LOCKED 24SR reply from NFC product support3 in ST25 NFC/RFID Tags and Readers - View the full discussion |
随着Android的发展,确实可能某些特定版本存在特殊问题。 您能否发送能力容器的内容? 在此基础上,可以探索不同的替代方案。 最好的祝福, 何塞 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Sunny, as Android is evolving it is indeed possible some specific versions have particular issues. Could you please send also the content of the Capability Container? Based on that, different alternatives can be explored. Best regards, Jose |
没有锁的CC文件读写。 最大读取APDU 246 max write APDU 246 CCLEN 15 地图版本0x20 TLV控制文件 TLV类型:04 长度:6 文件ID:0x0001 TLV文件大小:8192 TLV读访问:00 TLV写访问:00 带锁读写的CC文件,除了(TLV读取和 写访问权限:80) 最好的祝福 艳阳天。 在2018-01-2423:32,JoseMangioneå†™é “ï¼š STMICROELECTRONICS社区 RE:ANDROID 7.0锁定24SR的问题 Jose Mangione在ST25 NFC / RFID标签和读者中的回复 - 查看完整的讨论 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, CC file without lock read and write. max read APDU 246 max write APDU 246 CCLEN 15 Map version 0x20 TLV control file TLV type :04 length : 6 File ID : 0x0001 TLV File size :8192 TLV read access : 00 TLV write access :00 CC file with lock read and write , all is the same except ( TLV read and write access : 80) best regards Sunny. 在 2018-01-24 23:32,Jose Mangione 写é�“: STMICROELECTRONICS COMMUNITY RE: ANDROID 7.0 PROBLEM IN LOCKED 24SR reply from Jose Mangione in ST25 NFC/RFID Tags and Readers - View the full discussion |
很难准确评论特定手机上Android 6.0和7.0之间可能发生的变化,这取决于手机和制造商。 基于Android的自定义应用程序通常可以处理专有的读写访问条件。 专有的写访问权是NFC Forum T4T规范的一部分。从Android 8.1开始,Android本身支持专有写访问条件,这意味着例如在标签上写保护的URL(写访问权限= 80h)将导致在该URL上打开Web浏览器。智能手机制造商有时会出于自己的目的定制Android。我建议您咨询智能手机制造商,了解支持此功能的Android更新。 也可以进行专有的读访问。不同之处在于Android本身不支持它,因为NFC论坛要求NDEF文件易于访问(读访问权限= 00h),这意味着具有受读保护的URL的NDEF文件将无法打开Web浏览器。一旦提供了正确的密码,自定义应用程序就能够读取NDEF文件。 我希望这能回答你的问题。 问候, 何塞 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Sunny, It is difficult to comment precisely on the changes that might have happened between Android 6.0 and 7.0 on a particular phone, which is phone and manufacturer dependent. Custom applications based on Android can normally handle proprietary read and write access conditions. Proprietary write access is part of the NFC Forum T4T specifications. Android is natively supporting Proprietary write access conditions since Android 8.1, meaning that for example an url that is write protected on a tag (write access rights = 80h), will result in a web browser opening on that url. Smartphone manufacturers are sometimes customizing Android for their own purposes. I advise you to check with the smartphone manufacturer for updates of Android supporting this capability. Proprietary read access is also possible. The difference is that Android does not support it natively as NFC Forum requires the NDEF file to be readily accessible (read access rights = 00h), meaning a NDEF file with an url protected in read access will not open a web browser. A custom application will be able to read the NDEF file though once the proper password has been presenting. I hope this answer your question. Regards, Jose |
谢谢,你测试任何升级后的6.0到7.0手机工作正常吗? 最好的祝福 艳阳天。 在2018-01-3021:32,JoseMangioneå†™é “ï¼š STMICROELECTRONICS社区 RE:ANDROID 7.0锁定24SR的问题 Jose Mangione在ST25 NFC / RFID标签和读者中的回复 - 查看完整的讨论 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Jose, Thanks and have you test any upgraded 6.0 to 7.0 phone working OK ? best regards Sunny. 在 2018-01-30 21:32,Jose Mangione 写é�“: STMICROELECTRONICS COMMUNITY RE: ANDROID 7.0 PROBLEM IN LOCKED 24SR reply from Jose Mangione in ST25 NFC/RFID Tags and Readers - View the full discussion |
我们已经看到我们在6.0和7.0之间测试并从本机支持或从自定义应用程序角度升级到7.0的手机上的行为没有区别。听起来这个特定的手机可能表现不同。如果 三星C5 Pro支持它,w 你是否有可能升级到8.1,看看现在的行为是否如你所愿?问候, 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Sunny, We've seen no difference of behavior on the phones we've tested between 6.0 and 7.0 and upgrading to 7.0 from a native support or from a custom application point of view. It sounds like it could this particular phone that behaves differently. If Samsung C5 Pro supports it, w ould it be possible for you to upgrade to 8.1 and see if the behavior is now as you expect? Regards, |
此外,iPhone NFC App的任何源代码? 我在网站上找不到。 谢谢和最好的问候 艳阳天。 在2018-02-07 23:59,JP Miller写道: STMICROELECTRONICS社区 RE:ANDROID 7.0锁定24SR的问题 JP Miller在ST25 NFC / RFID标签和读者中的回复 - 查看完整的讨论 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Miller, Moreover, any source code for iPhone NFC App ? I can't find in website. Thanks and best regards Sunny. 在 2018-02-07 23:59,JP Miller 写道: STMICROELECTRONICS COMMUNITY RE: ANDROID 7.0 PROBLEM IN LOCKED 24SR reply from JP Miller in ST25 NFC/RFID Tags and Readers - View the full discussion |
您是否将ios app源代码传递给HK ST办公室?(我已联系HK Array electronics) 谢谢 最好的祝福 艳阳天。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Would you pass ios app source code to HK ST office?( I have contacted HK Array electronics) Thanks Best regards Sunny. |
当然是。请向香港ST办公室索取iOS应用程序源代码。我们很乐意为您提供。 请注意,我们距离在st.com上发布它还有几天的时间 最好的祝福 J.P 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, yes definitely. Please ask the HK ST office for the iOS application source code. We'll be happy to provide it to you. Please be aware also that we are a few days away from having it published on st.com Best regards JP |
由于我的Android NFC应用程序可以使用ST标签IC读/写和管理密码,我可以知道如何提交ST 团队进行试验或测试?哪个人可以发送应用程序链接? 谢谢和最好的问候 艳阳天。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear All, As my Android NFC Apps can read /write and manage password with ST tag IC , may I know how can submit ST team for trial or testing ? which person can i sent the Apps link ? Thanks and best regards Sunny. |
iOS ST25NFC Tap源代码可用 http://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-st25ios002.html 希望能帮助到你。 BR, VL 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, iOS ST25NFC Tap source code is available under http://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-st25ios002.html Hope it helps. Br, VL |
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