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您好,我使用CyPress CY7C68013A - 100A和驱动程序CysBYS系统在“CyPress套件USB 3.4.6”的Win 7在WLH文件夹。和INF.INF文件(我的.INF)
在这个地址中按AN15566制作一个板 CyPress?RID=12956 当我连接到一些PC的运行Windows 7时,我看到“设备不被识别”和“这个设备不能启动(代码10)”! 我反复检查我的硬件。但是我看到这个错误了。 *我找不到“TPS38—33”的复位引脚,所以我用100K从复位引脚到3.3V和0.1uF到GND * “TPS38—33”是我的问题吗?!!! 感谢您提供的任何帮助 山姆 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi I am using cypress cy7c68013a-100a and driver cyu***.sys in "Cypress Suite USB 3.4.6" for win 7 in wlh folder. and change .inf file (my .inf is attached) and build a board according AN15456 in this address www.cypress.com/?rID=12956 When I connect on some PC's running Windows 7, i see "the device is not recognized" and "this device connot start(code10)"! I checked my hardware again and again.but i see this error yet * i can't find 'tps3820-33' for reset pin so i use a 100k from reset pin to 3.3v and a 0.1uf to gnd * 'tps3820-33' is my problem?!! Thanks in advance for any help you can offer sam |
谢谢GayaTracy尽快回复我,抱歉我的英语不好 -在“设备实例路径”中,我看到了“USB VIDYONG和PIDYOWN 5和2BCCD040和0和1”。 我知道我应该看到VIDPID:04B4/8613!! -第一次EEPROM连接到SCL&AMD;SDA引脚,但现在这些引脚连接到3.3V 1.1K -我连接100K拉到3.3V,1UF拉到地上的复位引脚,但我看不到任何变化 我有一些问题: 1)我使用24MHz的晶体,有两个20PF,我想知道晶体在这个阶段是重要的,你用24MHz振荡器代替晶体的想法是什么? 2)我使用一个“LF33 CV”调节器到3.3V。它适合还是我必须使用LDO(低压差调节器),比如LM29 37? 我认为最好知道: 第一次,我在“设备不被识别”和OS识别我的设备到“其他设备”在设备管理器,当安装我的驱动程序,我没有看到任何错误和驱动程序已安装 但对于其他时间窗口识别我的设备到“USB控制器”,我不能安装驱动程序,看到错误! 也许对你帮助我有帮助 谢谢 山姆 CysB2.2.TXT.ZIP 1.2 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi thanks Gayathry for reply to me soon -in 'device instance path' in detail , i seeing " USBVID_0000&PID_00005&2BCCD040&0&1" i know i should see vidpid :04b4 /8613 !! -at first time eeprom was connected to scl&sda pin but now these pins is connect to 3.3v by 1.1k - i connect 100k pulled up to 3.3V, 1uF pulled down to ground at the RESET pin but i can't see any change i have some question : 1)i use 24mhz crystal with two 20pf , i want to know is crystal important in this stage and what is your idea about use a 24mhz oscillator instead of crystal? 2)i use a 'lf33cv' Regulator to 3.3v .is it suitable or i must use LDO (low-dropout regulator) like the LM2937? i think is better know : in first time that i plaged in "the device is not recognized" and OS recognized my device to "other device" in device manager and when install my driver ,i don't see any error and driver was installed BUT for other time window recognized my device to "u*** controller" and i can't install driver and see error ! maybe it help to you for help to me thanks sam
只要TEH振荡器能够满足频率准则,就不应该是一个问题。 即使是监管者,我也不认为会引起问题。SCL和SDA线路上的首选上拉是2.2K。您可以使用该值给ATRY。这两条线应该分开使用。 USB总线的路由也是很重要的。请按照申请说明中的指南:HTTP://wwwyCysP.COM/?DOCID= 25406为一个好的PDB设计。 当做, 加亚特里 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, As long as teh oscillator is able to meet the frquency criteria, that should not be a proble. Even the regulator, I don't think can cause an issue. The preferred pull-ups on the SCL & SDA lines are 2.2k. You can just give it atry using that value. You should use separate pull-ups for both the lines. Also routing of the USB bus is important. Please follow the guidelines in the application note from: http://www.cypress.com/?docID=25406 for a good PDB design. Regards, Gayathri |
当我通过您的示意图时,我注意到晶体连接在XTALOUT引脚和CLKOUT引脚之间。它应该连接在XTALIN和XTALOUT引脚之间。 此外,我想确认PUN9(AVCC)连接到电源。请尝试只连接到AVCC引脚的电容器,和直接连接到电源供应的VCC引脚。请找到附图连接的VCC引脚和AVCC引脚提供。 当做, 加亚特里 VCXL连接 27.5 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, As I went through your schematic, I noticed that the crystals are connected between the XTALOUT pin and the CLKOUT pin. It is supposed to be connected between XTALIN and XTALOUT pins. Also, I wanted to confirm that the pin9(AVCC) is connected to supply. Please try with the capacitors connected only to the AVCC pins, and VCC pins connected directly to supply. Please find the attached figure for the the connection of VCC pins and AVCC pins to supply. Regards, Gayathri
感谢您及时、完美的答复。 我将AVCC(9,16针)加到盖上,并用4.0欧姆插管到3.3V,但是OS中没有发生任何事情,所以我用导线改变电阻并看到通常的错误(没有设备识别)。 你对我的.INF文件有什么看法?有什么问题吗?你能把你的.INF文件发给我吗?(如果有的话) 你告诉我在以前的答复是重要的。所以你有任何PCB(或示意图)?请寄给我 谢谢你花时间来解决我的问题 山姆 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi thanks you for prompt and perfect reply i cannected avcc(9,16 pin) to caps and cannected to 3.3v with 47ohm but in OS not any thing happen so i changed resistor with a wire and see usual error(not device recognized) what is your idea about my .inf file .have it any problem?and can you send me your .inf file?(if you have) you tell me in Previous reply routing is important.so do you have any pcb(or schematic)?please send to me thanks alot for spending time for my problem sam |
你检查过我之前的回答中指出的水晶连接吗? 当做, 加亚特里 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Did you check your crystal's connection that I had pointed out in my previous response? Regards, Gayathri |
这是一个很好的观点,但是我确实把我的水晶插在我的硬件上,我的错误是在发送给你的示意图上(抱歉) 山姆 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi it's a good point .but i cannected my crystal truly in my hardware and my mistake is in schematic that send to you(sorry) sam |
请找到附件中的INF文件。如果您使用的是Win 7 32位操作系统,请使用WLHx86文件夹中的CysB.IF文件。 如果您使用的是Wi764位操作系统,请使用WLHx64文件夹中的CySUB.IF文件。 当做, 加亚特里 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Please find the attached inf files. If you are using Win 7 32bit OS, please use cyu***.inf file inside wlh x86 folder. If you are using Win7 64bit OS, please use cyu***.inf file inside wlh x64 folder. Regards, Gayathri |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I dont know, why I am not able to attach the zip file. Trying to attach the inf files as such. |
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