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我使用的UART Bootloader Guiand项目提供的塞浦路斯为基础。参见AN68 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am trying to instantiate a UART module in my bootloadable application but as soon as the module is placed into the PSoC does not enter the bootloadable application but stays in the bootloader. I am using the UART Bootloader GUI and project supplied by Cypress as a basis. See AN68272 for a reference |
物理层符合RS232级,UART设置为3线无流量控制, PSOC和PC端可能有9600波特? 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You have established BL application works independently and that UART physical layer meets RS232 levels, UART set up as 3 wire no flow control, maybe 9600 baud on both PSoC and PC side ? REgards, Dana. |
是的,我已经确定项目是独立工作的,而不是一个可引导加载的项目。如果UART模块从项目中移除,则可引导加载项目是成功的。我增加了其他通信设备,也没有收到同样的问题。 至于UART配置,是的,这就是我正在使用的项目。 谢谢, 派克靴 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Dana, Yes I have established that the project works independently but not as a bootloadable project. The bootloadable project is successful if the UART module is removed from the project. I have added other communication devices and not received the same issues as well. As for the UART configuration yes those are what I am using for the project. Thanks, Pac |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am a little confused about your description. The communication port should be placed in bootloader, but not in the bootloadable project. |
鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You may use the same communication interface for the bootloader and for the bootloadable project. Since at a given time only one of the program parts is active they do not influence each other. Even the parameters for the interface may differ from each other, the initialization routines will care for that. Bob |
我曾为我的bootloader的相同结果USB或串口通讯模块之间的切换。我会尽快删除UART从我的项目是成功的,bootloadable bootloader将控制传递到bootloadable。 在这一点上,我想知道如果有一个已知的问题与一个UART组件的PSoC和bootloadable应用。我也尝试与其他组件的USBUART工作预期。如果它是一个固定的功能模块而UDB组件具有相同的问题,UART的I2C器件是成功的,在bootloadable从未成功加载。 如有任何指导,将不胜感激。我的客户设计了他的项目,希望UART通信。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I would prefer to use a UART for my communication needs in my bootloadable program. The issue is if I instantiate a UART module in my bootloadable project the bootloader never passes onto my bootloadable program. I have tried switching between a USB or UART communication module for my bootloader with the same results. As soon as I delete the UART from my project the bootloadable is successfull and the bootloader passes control onto the bootloadable. At this point I am wondering if there is a known issue with the PSoC and bootloadable applications with a UART component. I have also experimented with other components the USBUART works as expected. The I2C component is successful if it is a fixed-function module but the UDB component has the same issue as the UART, where the bootloadable is never successfully loaded. Any Guidance would be appreciated. My client designed his project expecting UART communication. |
现在请检查BooLoad项目中“存储在ECC内存中的配置数据”选项。现在,清理和构建所有项目-gt;程序Bootloader & &;使用AAN6262提供的主机应用程序引导加载。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This seemed to be the issue, from Cypress Technical Support: Now please un-check the option "Store Configuration Data in ECC Memory" of the Bootloadable project. Now clean and build All projects-> Program Bootloader -> Bootload using the Host Application provided with AN68272. |
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