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当在我的BootloadEnject中使用仿真EEPROM组件时,我发现PSoC在后续的上电或复位时会被卡在Bootloader代码中。这是什么原因?有没有解决这个问题的工作?仿真EEPROM组件仿真PSoC闪存中的EEPROM设备,提供对非易失性存储器的简化访问。因此,我们可以使用这个组件来更新BooTo加载项目中的Flash。每次PSoC 3或PSoC 5LpGoot-Upple启动时,引导加载程序代码检查整个可引导加载代码的校验和,并且如果校验和不匹配对应于原始BootloadProject的已经存储的值,则它不加载修改的可引导加载项目。由于仿真EEPROM组件可以更新Flash,这个问题也将在这里适用。为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用PSoC Creator中可用的以下特性。在Bootloader项目中,双击Bootloader组件配置窗口并选择复选框,称为“快速应用验证”。当启用此参数时,Bootloader在下载新的可引导加载代码(应用程序代码)时只计算一次Flash校验和。然后,设置一个非易失性标志,以指示校验和匹配,并且引导加载程序不计算进一步重置的校验和。这给应用程序代码使用模拟EEPROM来更新闪存的自由。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 When I use Emulated EEPROM Component in my Bootloadable Project, I find that PSoC gets stuck in the Bootloader Code on subsequent power-up or reset. What is the reason for this? Is there a work-around for this issue? The Emulated EEPROM component emulates an EEPROM device in the flash memory of a PSoC, providing simplified access to non-volatile memory. So we can use this component to update flash in the Bootloadable project. Every time PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LPboots up, the Bootloader code checks the checksum of the whole Bootloadable code and if the checksum does not match the already stored value corresponding to the original Bootloadable project, it does not load the modified Bootloadable project. Since the Emulated EEPROM Component can update flash, this issue will be applicable here as well. To work around this, we can use the following feature available in PSoC Creator. In the Bootloader project, double-click on the Bootloader component configuration window and select the check box called ‘Fast Application Verification’. When this parameter is enabled, then Bootloader calculates flash checksum only once when the new Bootloadable code (application code) is downloaded. Then, one nonvolatile flag is set to indicate that the checksum matches and the Bootloader does not compute the checksum on further Resets. This gives the application code the freedom to update the flash using Emulated EEPROM. |
我们已经用仿真EEPROM [V1.0]组件识别了几个错误。因此,客户不应该使用PSoC 5或PSoC 5LP设备的版本1。更新的组件(仿真EEPROM [V1.10])与PSOC创建者3组件包7一起发布,该组件可从HTTP下载://www. CyPress。PSoC 5LP设备可以与更新的组件一起使用。
请检查下面给出的链接,看看PSoC 5用户如何使用PSoC Creator 2.2修改组件 HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?ID=4和;RID=87351 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 We have identified a few bugs with the Emulated EEPROM [v1.0] Component. As a result, customers should not use version 1.0 with PSoC 5 or PSoC 5LP devices.The updated component (Emulated EEPROM [v1.10]) is released with the PSoC Creator 3.0 Component Pack 7, which is available for download from http://www.cypress.com/psoccreator/. PSoC 5LP devices can be used with the updated component. Please check the link given below to see how PSoC 5 users can use the modified component with PSoC Creator 2.2 http://www.cypress.com/?id=4&rID=87351 |
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