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你好,我有一个经常出现的问题,当我尝试编程我的微粒经常发生。在点击调试/程序之后,有时编程步骤会被卡住,例如,“编程- 1024块中的8个”(并不总是8个…可以是任何数字,昨天它被卡在1022)。之后,一个窗口弹出说:“在编程设备时有一个错误:PSoC程序员报告错误(103 -编程失败的芯片!)我必须拔掉插头并把我的USB电缆插回去(有时两次)来解决这个问题。知道什么是错的吗?谢谢您。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I have a recurring issue that happens very often when I try to program my mote. After clicking on Debug/Program, sometimes the programming step gets stuck at, for example, "Programming - 8 of 1024 blocks" (it's not always 8... can be any number, yesterday it got stuck at 1022). After that, a window pops up saying "There was an error while programming the device: PSoC Programmer reported error (103 - Failed to program the chip!). I have to unplug and plug back my USB cable (sometimes twice) to fix the problem. Any idea of what could be wrong? Thank you. |
鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 There were reports concerning the USB-cable. Try another (shorter) one. Bob |
会让你知道它是好还是不好。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you Bob, I have not yet tried with another USB cable but I will. Will let you know if it's better or no. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you Bob. I just created a case. If Cypress find what is wrong, I will come back here to give an update. |
你没有告诉我们你的程序员是什么(MixPrim3)?Kitprog?)你的目标板是什么。自制的?柏树套装? 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Welcome in the forum, Michal. You did not tell us what your programmer is (miniprog3? Kitprog?) and what your target board is. Self made? a Cypress kit? Bob |
我的程序员是MIXPROP3,板是我的产生谐波信号最小THD(20Hz -20kHz)。 我的芯片是CY8C5668 AXIILLP042 AudioMeTrpDPS1V1Y0.ZIP 110.9 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hello Bob, my programmer is miniprog 3 and board is my for generate harmonic signal with minimal THD (20Hz - 20kHz). my chip is CY8C5468AXI_LP042
我的BRD是3、3V的操作。如果我使用外部电源,1,8V - 2,5Vo硼编程是很好的,但如果我连接外部3,3V电源,编程没有工作(错误- 103 -未能编程芯片!).
谢马蒂亚克听力计 85.9 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 My bord is designet for 3,3V operating. If i use external supply 1,8V - 2,5V for borad programing is working well but if I connect external 3,3V power supply, programming didn't working (error - 103 - Failed to program the chip!).
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