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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I don't know if this issue came with the latest MPLAB X version but here it goes: I want to debug my software (PIC32mx hARMony 1.8 xc32v1.40, etc.) I set a breakpoint but my program only runs for like a second and then everything is lost if I click the pause button it won't show me the program location, the software runs well on release mode. What can it be? |
最新的MPLAB X版本,在V3.40?我正在用一个现实调试OK
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 latest MPLAB X version as in V3.40? Mine is Debugging OK with a RealICE |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes v3.40 forgot to add it. It's very strange I can't debug for no reason. My application is ok, there aren't any exceptions. I've never experienced something like this issue |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 That is Not an issue with the Real ICE It is MplabX or the Compiler. Unless your code has a bug and has run away, then it is not. Can you debug at all? If you just hit run in the debugger does it work? Do you Have exception Handlers? |
构建过程除了生成程序集指令之外,还生成调试信息,该调试信息解释如何将特定地址的单个程序集指令映射到原始源文件中的代码行。MPLAB X使用这些信息将当前PIC设备PC映射到源代码中的一行代码。上面的消息表示MPLAB X无法将当前PIC PC映射到源代码中的一行代码。通常这种情况发生是因为当前的PC实际上没有映射到源代码行。例如,PC可能处于库例程的中间。或者你的程序可能跳错了,并且正在执行随机的存储器位置。你总是可以使用Windows->PIC内存视图->Program Memory来确切地看到PC在哪里以及正在执行什么操作码。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The build process, in addition to generating the assembly instructions, also generates debug information that explains how to map individual assembly instructions at specific addresses to source lines of code in your original source files. MPLAB X uses this information to map the current PIC device PC to a line of code in your source. The message above is saying that MPLAB X is unable to map the current PIC PC to a line of code in your source. Usually this happens because the current PC doesn't actually map to a line of source code. For example, the PC may be in the middle of a library routine. Or your program may have made a bad jump and is executing random memory locations. You can always use the Window -> PIC Memory Views -> Program Memory to see exactly where the PC is and what opcodes are being executed. |
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