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我想使用PIC16F1829或类似的驱动DC-DC转换器的变压器。我设计了一个使用Irs24531自振荡全桥驱动器在大约75千赫,它工作得很好,但它有一个固定的50%占空比与500纳秒死区时间。看PIC的PWM的各种拓扑结构,看来驱动零DC偏置的变压器的唯一方法是PWM 50%,或者使用全桥并在每个PWM周期之后反转驱动器。基本上,我想做的是,使用全桥驱动顶部侧MOS。FET的PWM变量从0到50%的每个传导周期,当驱动器关闭时,低侧MOSFET应该是开启的。这里是电路和波形的图像:实际上,该模拟通过在M3打开之前打开M2 5 USEC获得良好波形,然后当M3关断时,M1导通5个USEC,然后M4导通。如果M1和M2均为ON,则存在高频振荡:该控制系统与ACIM VFD(逆变器)相似。我在Micro.App notes中找到的大多数信息是关于直流电机控制的,其中PWM产生可变的直流电压,可以反转。[编辑]由于某些原因,论坛不允许我插入图像……:(
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I want to use a PIC16F1829 or similar to drive a transformer for a DC-DC converter. I designed one that uses an IRS24531 self-oscillating full-bridge driver at about 75 kHz and it works well, but it has a fixed 50% duty cycle with 500nS dead time. Looking at the various topologies for the PWM of the PIC, it appears that the only way to drive a transformer with zero DC bias is with a PWM of 50%, or by using a full bridge and reversing the drive after each PWM cycle. Basically what I want to do, using a full bridge, is to drive the top side MOSFETs with a PWM variable from 0 to 50% of each conduction cycle, and when the drive is OFF, the low side MOSFET should be ON. Here is an image of the circuit and waveforms: Actually, this simulation obtains a good waveform by turning on M2 5 uSec before M3 turns on, and then when M3 turns off, M1 turns on for 5 uSec, and then M4 turns on. If both M1 and M2 are on, there is high frequency oscillation: This control system is similar to that for an ACIM VFD (inverter). Most of the information I found in Microchip App notes is about DC motor control where PWM creates a variable DC voltage that can be reversed. [edit] For some reason the forum won't let me insert the images... :( |
这是一个HTTP://www. McCHIP.COM/FUMMS/M9597.7.ASPX的副本,但另一个主题有一些额外的链接。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This is a duplicate of http://www.microchip.com/forums/m957397.aspx but the other topic has some extra links. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, I had problems posting the images, and tried another browser, but no joy. I can't delete the duplicate post. I can see the images in my draft, but get "Access denied" when I try to save or update. When I tried to insert image, I got a default icon. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yeah. Maybe it was because I added two images. Here is the other one: |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 OK, I'll continue the discussion here, and hopefully the duplicate thread can be deleted. I just did another simulation, where the opposite MOSFETs are driven together at 25% duty cycle, and the waveform seems OK. Interestingly, the output voltage has not changed much, and the waveform on the transformer primary and secondary is still a square wave with 50% duty cycle. It may be due to the leakage inductance, shown as L4. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have a project working in the simulator and the logic analyzer shows the PWM signals on P1 and P2. However, although I set a delay time of 3 cycles, the analyzer does not show the delay. Is this a limitation pf the simulator I/O, or am I doing something wrong? Here is my code for PWM: HAHA! Access Denied again!! I'll try adding a few lines of code at a time... #define CLKFREQ 16 //Clock Frequency (MHz) #define PR2_VAL 99 // 199 => 1.25 kHz, 99 => 2.5 kHz #define PWM1CONSET 0b00000011 // <7>PWM1RSEN (Restart), <6:0> P1DC (Delay Count) /****************************** Setup PWM - Uses TMR2, T2CON **************************/ void SetupPWM(void) { INTCONbits.GIE = 0; //Turn off Global Interrupts // TRISAbits.TRISA5 = 1; // disable output PR2 = PR2_VAL; // 16*4*15=960 uSec, 16*4*16=1024 uSec was 199 CCP1CON = 0b10001100; // <7:6>Half Bridge output P1A, P1B, <5:4>LSB, <3:0> All active high CCPR1L = 0; // Pulse width = 40*16=640/960 = 67% // Duty cycle = (CCPR2L + CCP2CON<4:5>) / 4*(PR4+1) // Duty cycle = 10*4 /4*15 = 40/60 // Period = (PRx+1)*4*Tosc*TMRxPS = 960 // 16 MHz clock PS=1=>20 kHz PWM, PS=4=>5 kHz PWM // 1/20 = (PR+1)*4/16000; PR+1 = 16000/(20*4) = 200; PR = 199 PIE1bits.CCP1IE = 1; PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0; PSTR1CON = 0; PSTR1CONbits.STR1B = 1; // 1=CCP1 Output to P1B pin RA2/RA5, 0 = P1B pin is port PSTR1CONbits.STR1A = 1; // 1=CCP1 Output to P1A pin RA2/RA5, 0 = P1A pin is port PWM1CON = PWM1CONSET; TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 0; // enable output RC4 TRISCbits.TRISC5 = 0; // enable output RC5 T2CON = T2CONSET; // <6:3> Postscale 1, <0:1> Prescale 1 T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 1; INTCONbits.GIE = 1; //Turn on Global Interrupts } // P=(PR2+1)*4*TOSC*PS // PW=NUM*PS*TOSC => NUM=PW*FCLK/PS // DC=NUM/(4*(PR2+1)) // NUM=DC*(PR2+1)*4 void SetPWM(int DC) { // Duty Cycle DC 0 to 100% unsigned long Period; // PWM period in nSec // unsigned long PulseWidth; // PWM pulse width in nSec unsigned long Numerator; Period = (1000L*(PR2+1)*4*PSVAL)/CLKFREQ; // 20kHz:50000 nSec = 1000*200*4/16 // PulseWidth = DC * Period / 100; // 50% => 25000 = 50*50000/100 Numerator = (DC*(PR2+1)*4)/100; // PulseWidth*CLKFREQ/(4*PS); // Numerator /= 1000; CCP1CONbits.DC1B = Numerator & 0b00000011; CCPR1L = Numerator >> 2; } |
我刚刚有一个关于如何用可变PWM实现推挽拓扑的想法。由于我将使用至少50kHz的变压器驱动器,每个输出在50%占空比的周期将名义上10uSec。使用16 MHz时钟,每个死区时延计数将是1/4=250毫微秒。因此,20个计数的延迟将产生仅5uSec的导通时间,这相当于半桥模式下两个PWM输出的25%占空比。PIC16F1829有一个32MHz的内部时钟,这对100kHz的PWM很有用。我很惊讶没有PWM模式是真的。具有相同正负驱动的推挽式PWM。但是,我想没有太多的原因,因为减少PWM通过变压器,并进入FWB与电容器滤波器实际上并不改变输出,直到负载足够大,以排水电容器之间的脉冲,然后纹波将非常高。然而,它可能在电容器滤波器之前在DC电路中具有足够的电感。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I just had an idea about how to implement a push-pull topology with variable PWM. Since I will be using at least 50 kHz for the transformer drive, the period of each output at 50% duty cycle will be nominally 10 uSec. With a 16 MHz clock, each dead time delay count will be 1/4 = 250 nSec. So a delay of 20 counts would produce an ON time of just 5 uSec, which would be equivalent to 25% duty cycle on both PWM outputs in half-bridge mode. The PIC16F1829 has an internal clock capable of 32 MHz, which would be useful for a 100 kHz PWM. I'm very surprised that there is no PWM mode for true push-pull PWM with equal positive and negative drives. But I suppose there is really not much reason for it, as reduced PWM through a transformer and into a FWB with capacitor filter does not actually change the output until the load is great enough to drain the capacitor between pulses, and then the ripple will be very high. However, it may work with enough inductance in the DC circuit before the capacitor filter. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Is there a specific reason you chose the 16F1829 over any of the 16F17XX parts with a COG? The main advantage of the 16F1829 is the dual MSSP modules. I think the COG peripheral will do all the functions you need in hardware. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have looked at the COG peripheral and I didn't think it will do what I want, but I'm really not familiar with it. I found this document that shows a "push-pull" mode that seems to do what I want. But the devices with COG are only in 28 and 40 pin packages, and I want to keep it 20 pins or less. And I don't have any of the devices with COG. BTW, here is the screen shot showing the simulator logic analyzer, and the P1A and P1B outputs having no dead-time delay: http://enginuitysystems.com/pix/electronics/MPLABX_SIM_PWM_delay.png Darned "Access Denied" again. Arrghh! |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have looked at the COG peripheral and I didn't think it will do what I want, but I'm really not familiar with it. I found this document that shows a "push-pull" mode that seems to do what I want. But the devices with COG are only in 28 and 40 pin packages, and I want to keep it 20 pins or less. And I don't have any of the devices with COG. BTW, here is the screen shot showing the simulator logic analyzer, and the P1A and P1B outputs having no dead-time delay: http://enginuitysystems.com/pix/electronics/MPLABX_SIM_PWM_delay.png Darned "Access Denied" again. Arrghh! |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Take a look at the 16F1708, 16F1709 or the 16F1769 for 20p parts with a COG. I think most of the functions you are trying to accomplish are built into the COG peripheral with little or no software intervention after initialization. |
如果我正确理解您的仿真原理图,输出电压应该总是大约VIN/Tr,其中TR是变压器的匝数比(次级匝数除以主匝数,NSEC/NPRI)。这通常被用来制造有时被称为“直流变压器”的东西。它提供高效率的转换,但没有调节输出的能力。如果你想把输出电压调节到一个恒定值,不管输入电压或输出负载电流,那么你将需要和电感器在次级将输出滤波器转变成本质。LY和平均电路(加PWM控制器)。如果您有大师2015或硕士2016会议的演示,请参阅PC1类(电源转换1,由我教)的演示文稿。如果不是,看看这个演示(它类似于主控2015 PC1、http://www-嵌入式DealDealsLab.com /下载/开关%20MOD%20POWER %20%%20% %20i% 2020151105 .ppsx),用于开关转换器工作的一些基本信息。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 If I understand your simulation schematic correctly, the output voltage should always be approximately Vin/TR where TR is the turns ratio of the transformer (number of secondary turns divided by the primary turns, Nsec/Npri). This is commonly done to make what is sometimes called a "dc transformer". It offers conversion at high efficiency but without the ability to regulate the output. If you want to regulate the output voltage to a constant value regardless of input voltage or output load current, then you will need and inductor in the secondary to turn the output filter into what is essentially and averaging circuit (plus a PWM controller). If you have the presentations for the MASTERS 2015 or MASTERS 2016 conference see the presentations for class PC1 (Power Conversion 1, taught by me). If not, take a look at this presentation (which is similar to the MASTERS 2015 PC1, http://www.embeddedpowerlabs.com/Downloads/Switch%20Mode%20Power%20Concepts%20Part%20I%2020151105.ppsx) for some basic info on how switching converters work. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 12F1501 has 4 PWMs, CWG with dead-time, 2 CLC logic cells, and only 8 pins. This should be enough. |
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