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接收数据JPG 158.2 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 problem with sending and receiving data: I send my data to FX2LP and when I want to read it back again , the data is shifted. how can i write data to the first address of fifo and read data from the first address of ?
请在EZ-USB开发工具包用户指南vAccess Atc:CyPress USB(Cy3684EZ-EZ-UBJFX2LPYDVK 1)中安装BulkLoad示例,然后安装FX2LP DVK。 当做 普拉吉斯 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Please go through bulkloop example given in EZ-USB Development Kit User Guide vailable at C:CypressUSBCY3684_EZ-USB_FX2LP_DVK1.0Documentation after installing FX2LP DVK. Regards Prajith |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 i read and tested it and it didn`t have any problem, but when i changed it to save recieving data to memory(or registers) and send the saved data from memory(or registers) , the data shifted several bytes like the picture( that i uploaded it here)! :( |
嗨,我不太了解你的问题。您是否试图从FX2LP FIFO中执行DAT循环回?如果是这样,则与PRKI建议的BulkLoad示例中所做的相同。或者你是试图写和读一些寄存器?请详细说明你所看到的问题和步骤。问候,Gayathri
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I did not understand your problem well. Are you trying to do a loop back of dat into/ from FX2LP FIFO; if so it is same as what is done in Bulkloop example as suggested by PRJI. Or are you trying to write into and read from some register? Please detail your problem and steps by which you are seeing the issue. regards, Gayathri |
我试图把数据从FX2LP(USB)传输到FPGA,反之亦然。 我搜索了一个例子,发现了“EZ-USB威廉希尔官方网站 参考手册”和一个简单的VHDL代码。 用于批量循环数据传输。在这个代码中,FPGA从FX2LP获取数据并将其保存在变量中。然后添加变量1 并将其提供给FX2LP。 在此之前,我没有任何问题,但是当我保存在FPGA内存中的数据,然后我把它发送到FX2LP, 接收到的数据(PC端)像我在第一篇文章中上传的图片一样移动: … 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hi i`m trying to transfer data from fx2lp(u***) to FPGA and vice versa. i searched for an example and found "EZ-USB Technical ReferenceManual " and a simple VHDL code for bulk loop data transfer. in this code FPGA gets data from FX2LP and saves it in a variable. then adds variable with 1 and gives it to FX2LP. until here i haven`t any problem, but when i save recieving data in a memory in the FPGA and then i send it to FX2LP, the recieved data(pc side) shifted like the picture that i uploaded in my first post :( ... |
嗨,请检查一下:HTTP://www. CyPress?RID=43046。我相信这应该对你的询问有答案。当做
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Please check this out: http://www.cypress.com/?rID=43046. This should have answers to your queries I believe. Regards |
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