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信息:OS:Windows 10MPLAB X版本:V3.45 PIC:PIC24FJ64 GA204I一直试图让MDB工作在代码覆盖范围内,但遇到Java错误。请参阅下面的错误消息。我正在运行带有配置文件的MDB,下面也会显示。生成MPLAB X(使用模拟器的设置)中的CODECPLAGE输出似乎很好。我已经试着作为管理员运行,但结果相同。这是MDB中的一个bug,还是我在这里做了什么错事?错误消息:MDB命令
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Information: OS: Windows 10 MPLAB X version: v3.45 PIC: PIC24FJ64GA204 I've been trying to get the MDB working with code coverage, but ran into an Java error. See below for the error message. I'm running the MDB with an configuration file, also shown below. Generating the codecoverage output in MPLAB X (using the simulator's settings) seems to work just fine. I've already tried to run as administrator, but same result. Is this a bug in the MDB or am I doing something wrong here? Error message: Programming target... Resetting SFRs Resetting peripherals Program succeeded. set codecoverage.enabled "Enabled/Reset on Run" set codecoverage.enableoutputtofile true set codecoverage.outputfile "C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitHubVSPcodecoverage.txt" Reset Resetting SFRs Resetting peripherals Sleep 1500 Run Running Sleep 5000 Quit Simulator halted Stop at address:0x1e40 >E0108-SIM: Failed simulator operation: java.lang.NullPointerException com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.simulator.Simulator.RunTarget(Simulator.java:342) com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.debugger.MCDebugger$1.run(MCDebugger.java:352) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport.GenerateReport(CodeCoverageReport.java:183) at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport.DoReport(CodeCoverageReport.java:123) at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport.access$000(CodeCoverageReport.java:36) at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport$1.run(CodeCoverageReport.java:71) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) MDB commands.txt: Device PIC24FJ64GA204 Hwtool SIM set oscillator.frequency 8 set oscillator.frequencyunit Mega set oscillator.rcfrequency 1 set oscillator.rcfrequencyunit Kilo Set uart1io.uartioenabled true Set uart1io.output file Set uart1io.outputfile "C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitHubVSPout.txt" Program "C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitHubVSPVSP.XdistdefaultproductionVSP.X.production.hex" set codecoverage.enabled "Enabled/Reset on Run" set codecoverage.enableoutputtofile true set codecoverage.outputfile "C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitHubVSPcodecoverage.txt" Reset Sleep 1500 Run Sleep 5000 Quit |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Could you please upload your hex file or a hex file that will duplicate this issue so that we could debug and see whether this is a MDB issue or a Simulator issue? |
谢谢你的回复!我已经添加了(附件)的HEX文件作为附件(它是用XC-16V1.26构建的)。出于其他原因,我重新安装了Windows 10并得到了稍微不同的输出(注意到TyRel-5中的异常仍然是相同的)。MDB使用包含在MPLAB中的Java,还是使用系统Java?我想知道为什么我现在得到的输出略有不同。(我现在安装了Java版本8U112)。编辑:我想我刚刚在我的MDB命令中发现了一个错误。我执行了“设置CODEPLAGE.OutPuffFILE”,它应该是“设置CODEPLAGE.OuttoToFILE”,这对我所犯的错误没有影响。当我在程序之前或之后执行SET CODECPLAGE命令时,它也不是。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for your response! I've added the (zipped) hex file I used as attachment (it is built using xc-16 v1.26). For other reasons I have reinstalled Windows 10 and got a slightly different output (note the exception in thread-5 is still the same) for some reason. Does mdb uses java that is included with MPLAB or does it uses the system java? I'm trying to guess why the output I get now is slightly different. (I have java version 8u112 installed at the moment.) Edit: I think I've just found an error in my mdb commands. I executed "set codecoverage.outputfile" where it should have been "set codecoverage.outputtofile", it makes no difference to the error I'm getting though. Neither is it when I'm doing the set codecoverage commands (before or after the program. C:Program Files (x86)MicrochipMPLABXv3.45mplab_idebin>mdb C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitVSPcommand.txt Device PIC24FJ64GA204 ERROR: Has EDS, but no content/mplab/mplab.deviceSupport content/mplab/PluginBoardSupport.xml Hwtool SIM Nov 28, 2016 6:38:24 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node SoftwareJavaSoftPrefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. set oscillator.frequency 8 set oscillator.frequencyunit Mega set oscillator.rcfrequency 1 set oscillator.rcfrequencyunit Kilo Set uart1io.uartioenabled true Set uart1io.output file Set uart1io.outputfile "C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitVSPout.txt" Program "C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitVSPVSP.XdistdefaultproductionVSP.X.production.hex" Programming target... Resetting SFRs Resetting peripherals Program succeeded. set codecoverage.enabled "Enabled/Reset on Run" set codecoverage.enableoutputtofile true set codecoverage.outputfile "C:UsersjdebruijnDocumentsGitVSPcodecoverage.txt" Reset Resetting SFRs Resetting peripherals Sleep 1500 Run Running Sleep 5000 Quit Simulator halted Stop at address:0x2390 >Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport.GenerateReport(CodeCoverageReport.java:183) at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport.DoReport(CodeCoverageReport.java:123) at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport.access$000(CodeCoverageReport.java:36) at com.microchip.mplab.mdb.debugapi.CodeCoverageReport$1.run(CodeCoverageReport.java:71) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) Attachment(s) VSP.X.production.zip (13.12 KB) - downloaded 45 times |
感谢您报告此错误。我们确认这是代码覆盖函数中的MDB问题。是的,它需要“设置CODECPLAGE,OuttoFoFLE”。在生成代码覆盖率报告期间抛出NullPointerException,该报告是在将报告输出到文件之前抛出的。我已经注意到了createdan SSRto的这个问题。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you for reporting this bug. We confirmed that this is a MDB issue in the code coverage function. Yes, it needs to be "set codecoverage.outputtofile". The NullPointerException is thrown during generating code coverage report which is before outputting the report to the file. I already created an SSR to keep track of this issue. |
谢谢!我认为这将是固定在一个新的(下一个)吗?MPLAB X的释放?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks! Am I correct to think that this will be fixed in a new (the next?) release of MPLAB X? |
我们已经为下一个版本的MPLLABXv3.50进行了分支,并且我们正在致力于这个问题的修复,所以希望修复程序将在MPLAB X v3.55中进行。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 We already branched for the next release MPLAB X v3.50 and we are still working on the fix of this problem, so hopefully the fix will be in MPLAB X v3.55. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 We took a closer look at this issue. We noticed that you were using the hex file. The hex file does not contain debug information, so code coverage does not get the expected information and throws the NullPointerException. Please try again with the elf file (or the cof file if it doesn't generate the elf file) if you need to do code coverage with MDB. |
我确实在使用HEX文件,因为我不太清楚。我刚刚把它改成了ELF文件,它几乎像一个符咒。代码覆盖文件按预期生成,但是模拟被暂停和停止(可能只是正常的模拟结束。)并且模拟顶部仍然有一个警告。NG是正常的(或者是我在构建过程中所犯的一些错误或错误)。FYI:据我所知,我通常使用XC16编译器在MPLAB X中编译代码,而对于代码覆盖集没有任何特定的选项。(如果愿意查看,可以附上模拟输出、.hex和.elf文件和其他文件。使用/可视化代码覆盖率输出的类似方法?(我还没有时间去互联网上寻找一个好的工具,以获得代码覆盖率%和可视化,或者只是打印未运行的代码部分。)无论如何,多谢指点我(愚蠢的)使用.elf文件而不是.HEX文件!1.2.3.
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I'm indeed were using the hex file as I didn't know any better. I've just changed that to the .elf file and it worked like a charm (almost). The code coverage file gets generated as expected, however the simulation is halted and stopped (might just be the normal simulation ending..) with an error and there is still a warning at the top of the simulation. Although it is working I would still like to know of the warning and error I'm getting are normal to have (or it's some bug or fault I made in the build process or something). FYI: I'm normally compiling the code in MPLAB X using the XC16 compiler, as far as I know, without any particular option for code coverage set. (Simulation output, .hex and .elf files and the rest of the files are attached, if you'd be so kind to have a look at it. Another thing, do you have any recommendations for using/visualizing the code coverage output like this? (I haven't, yet, had the time to look on the internet for an good tool to get code coverage in % and visualize, or just print, the parts of the code that were not run. ) Anyhow thanks a lot for pointing me out to (my stupid) using the .elf file instead of the .hex file! 1. ERROR: Has EDS, but no 2. WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node SoftwareJavaSoftPrefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. 3. Quit Simulator halted Stop at address:0x24e0 >E0108-SIM: Failed simulator operation: java.lang.NullPointerException com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.simulator.Simulator.RunTarget(Simulator.java:342) com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.debugger.MCDebugger$1.run(MCDebugger.java:352) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) Attachment(s) Simulation_err.zip (74.40 KB) - downloaded 45 times |
第一个是来自我们的数据库文件处理的消息;第二个是Java问题;第三个是在模拟器中安装的一个bug,它将被固定在MPLAB X V3.55中。它们都不应该影响任何操作和结果,所以您不必担心它们。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The first one is a message from our database file handling; the second one is a Java issue; and the third one is a bug in dismissing the Simulator which will be fixed in MPLAB X v3.55. All of them should not affect any operations and the results, so you don't have to worry about them. |
我也有一个Java空指针问题,因为更新到3.45,但是,它发生时,只是试图使用调试模式与我真正的冰。装配工程(无C)。一旦选择了调试主项目按钮,我就在显示的右下角看到一个红色(1),它显示了COM.Microchip .MPLAB。NBID.SimStudio.Simult.Simult.ReGuiCeTababMeldel.CuffgGPRSoDPROGLAMABELS(ReGijeCtTababMeldel.java:569)在COM.Microics:Java.Lang.NulLoPoExtExeExchange中的Acj.MicroBase.NulLoPoExtExeExchange。Copy.MPLA.NbID.SimStudio.Cuff.UI.ReGueCuthPosi.FravePrimeBug(ReGueCuthPosi.java:292)在COM. Microchip .NPLID.NBID.SimStudio.Simult.SimultFuffics. RealPuthEsSeaPrimeCube构建(SuffHuthPosith.java:304)在C.MicroChIP.MPLAB.NBIDE.SimDISPLA.Simulas.SimultExpCon在COM.Microchip的Microchip。MPLAB。UTIL。观察员。可观察到的$$ 1。运行(可观察到。Java:31)[java.Lang.Trime.Run(线程。Java:745)],我创建了一个全新的项目,并以相同的结果将程序集导入到它。我从来没有真正的冰问题,直到升级。我可以进行调试,但是断点最终位于随机位置(比如在注释块的中间),然后单步遍历注释(尽管PROGRAM MEMORY位置显示它是真实的代码——以及设置断点的错误代码)。是的,我重新启动了机器,卸载了MPLAX3.45,重新安装了,等等。奇怪的事情发生时通常的步骤。有什么想法吗?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am also have a Java null pointer problem since updating to 3.45, however, it occurs when just trying to use DEBUG mode with my REAL ICE. Assembly project (no C). As soon as the DEBUG MAIN PROJECT button is selected I see a red (1) in the lower right corner of the display that shows as: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.microchip.mplab.nbide.simdisplays.stimulus.models.RegInjectTableModel.refreshGPRsAndProgLabels(RegInjectTableModel.java:569) at com.microchip.mplab.nbide.simdisplays.stimulus.ui.RegInjectPanel.handleProjectBuild(RegInjectPanel.java:292) at com.microchip.mplab.nbide.simdisplays.stimulus.StimulusTopComponent.refreshPagesAfterProjectBuild(StimulusTopComponent.java:304) at com.microchip.mplab.nbide.simdisplays.stimulus.StimulusTopComponent.Update(StimulusTopComponent.java:753) at com.microchip.mplab.util.observers.Observable$1.run(Observable.java:31) [catch] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) I created a brand new project and imported the assembly files to it with the same results. I have never had an issue with REAL ICE until upgrading. I can debug, but break points end up being in random locations (like in the middle of a comment block) and single stepping then steps through the comments (although the PROGRAM MEMORY location shows it as being real code - and the wrong code from where a break point is set). Yes, I rebooted the machine, uninstalled MPLABX3.45, re-installed it, etc.. the usual steps when odd things happen. Any ideas? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 @JimDrew I suggest you start a new topic for your problem, since this is solved you might get more reactions that way. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Actually... looking at this exception stack trace it looks like the stimulus display is throwing the exception. Since you are using Real ICE, maybe just close the stimulus display? |
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