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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Which register is written on calling CyGlobalIntEnable? |
{ ELIF定义(α-GnUcj*)定义CyGualActhiabl {α-ASM(“CPSIEE I”);}定义CyGulalaltuabele{{asi-ASM(“CPSID I”);} 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 In CyLib.h you find #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define CyGlobalIntEnable {__asm("CPSIE i");} #define CyGlobalIntDisable {__asm("CPSID i");} Bob |
ncmza 发表于 2019-6-10 10:11 详述鲍伯的回答: CyGalAcActuable是执行汇编指令“CPSIEE I”的宏,这意味着“更改处理器状态、中断使能”,而“i”指定中断IRQ而不是其他选项。这是一个原子命令,它写到“Primase'(优先级掩码)寄存器中,它看起来是1位寄存器,(据我所知)不是内存可寻址的(不能用调试器查看)。您可以使用函数y*GETyPrimask.()读取寄存器值。因为它是一个掩码寄存器,0的值使中断,1禁用它们。 附加细节如下: 从随机人的WordPress站点(谷歌搜索): CORTEX-M3中断/异常控制嵌入式FRACK… “CPSIEE I”是一个用于启用优先级可配置中断的汇编指令。事实上,这是一个捷径: ASM易失性(“MOVS R0,α0”n MSR引物,R0“”; MSR操作码=从ARM寄存器移动到系统协处理器寄存器。 汇编用户指南:CPS 在CyBootAsmRv UCIT8细胞临界切片(空白) 细胞临界截面函数 出口循环临界断面 保存和返回中断状态R0 禁用中断 BX-LR 终端功能 从PSOC5LPYCY8C58LP系列数据表: Prasase: 1位中断屏蔽寄存器。设置时,它允许 只有不可屏蔽中断(NMI)和硬故障 例外。所有其他异常和中断都是 蒙面的 来自CMSISARMARCC /** 简短获取优先级掩码 细节从优先级掩码寄存器返回优先级掩码位的当前状态。 返回优先级掩码值 */ UnthistaIn内联UIT32 { 注册UTIN 32×T.RigPraskasyASM(“Primask”); 退货(退货); } 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 To elaborate on Bob's answer: CyGlobalIntEnable is a macro that executes the Assembly instruction "CPSIE i", which means "Change Processor State, Interrupt Enable", and the 'i' specifies interrupt IRQs instead of other options. This is an atomic command that writes to the "PRIMASK" (Priority Mask) register, which appears to be a 1-bit register that (as far as I can find) is not memory-addressable (can't view with the debugger). You can read the register value using the function __get_PRIMASK(). Because it's a masking register, a value of 0 enables interrupts and 1 disables them. Additional details follow: From random person's Wordpress site (Google search): Cortex-M3 Interrupt/Exception Control | Embedded Freaks.. “CPSIE I” is a assembly instruction to enable the priority configurable interrupts. Actually, it’s a shortcut to this longer procedure: asm volatile ("MOVS r0, #0n MSR PRIMASK, r0"); MSR opcode = Move to system coprocessor register from ARM register. Assembler User Guide: CPS In CyBootAsmRv.s ; uint8 CyEnterCriticalSection(void) CyEnterCriticalSection FUNCTION EXPORT CyEnterCriticalSection MRS r0, PRIMASK ; Save and return interrupt state CPSID I ; Disable interrupts BX lr ENDFUNC From the PSoC5LP_CY8C58LP Family Datasheet: PRIMASK: A 1-bit interrupt mask register. When set, it allows only the nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) and hard fault exception. All other exceptions and interrupts are masked. From cmsis_armcc.h /** brief Get Priority Mask details Returns the current state of the priority mask bit from the Priority Mask Register. return Priority Mask value */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void) { register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask"); return(__regPriMask); } |
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