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我正在从BMMUSUBKITK-01黑客代码。在Eng.C文件或KEY .C文件中,EpApktz大小似乎没有任何定义或定义,但该项目构建得很好。当我将代码剪切并粘贴到项目中时,在生成过程中会发现一个错误(称为EpApPKTyStand)是未定义的。
当我将其定义为UIT16(每个数据表为UBFSX Load in Enter();API(8)作为值时,我可以得到大部分项目的工作(实际上,我所看到的一切)…… 但是,有人告诉我为什么我必须定义它吗?或者,告诉我在BMM代码里我应该看什么? 谢谢! tim Miner(又名TDGM) 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am hacking code from BMM_USB_KIT-001. There does not appear to be a definition or #define for EP_PKT_SIZE anywhere in the main.c file or the Key.c file and yet that project builds just fine. When I cut and paste that code into my project, I get an error during the build that says it (EP_PKT_SIZE) is undefined. When I define it as a uint16 (per the datasheet for the USBFS_LoadInEP(); API)(and assign 8 as the value, I can get most of the project working (actually, everything I have looked at so far)... BUT, Would someone tell me why I had to define it?OR, tell me where I should have looked in the BMM code? Thanks a TON! Tim Miner (aka TDGM) |
我想现在我需要知道如何(以及何时)创建额外的.c文件和.h文件。 谢谢 提姆矿工 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Sorry, everyone. I found it in Key.h which was #included in Key.c. I guess now I need to know how (and when) to create additional .c files and .h files. thanks Tim Miner |
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