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我正在寻找一些起点和一些文档来阅读以下内容。让我先解释一下安装程序。我有一个板,有PSoC,温度传感器和电流传感器。我将有24以上的这些在广泛的设置。它将通过单个COM端口连接到PC。我希望PSoC向用户吐出一张表,以便用户可以根据他的要求设置PSoC。它可以是超终端、Terra术语或matlab。由于终端用户不是威廉希尔官方网站 人员,我不希望他们做任何编程。所以我想给他们一个预定义的命令列表,这样用户就可以只使用这个命令。PSoC应该存储该信息,然后基于该信息实现。至少现在我们从PSoC获得的信息是当前测量和来自板的温度。数据速率将小于100kb/s,因为我们只是想不时地检查它是否正在做我们设置它要做的事情。这是我想要PSoC做的,它是如何设置的。因此,我想知道是否有任何材料可能有助于在这种情况下,我将非常感激。目前,我正在寻找一个起点来实现这个设置。问候,杰瑞 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi all, I'm looking for some starting point and some documents to read to do the following. Let me explain the setup first. I have a board that has a PSOC, temp sensor and a current sensor. I am going to have 24+ of these in a broad setup. It will be connected to the PC through a single COM PORT. I want the PSOC to spit out a table to the user, so that the user can set the PSOC according to his requirements. It can either be on hyperterminal, terra-term or MATLAB. As the end user is not technical I don’t want them to do any programming. So I want to just give them a list of pre-defined commands and so that the user can use only that. The PSOC should store that information and then implement based on that information. At least for now the information that we are getting back from the PSOC is the current measurement and the temperature from the board. The data rate will be less than 100kb/s, as we just want it from time to time just to check if it is doing what we set it to do. This is what I want the PSOC to do and how it is setup. So I would like to know if there is any material that might be helpful in this scenario, I will greatly appreciate it. Currently I'm looking for a starting point to implement this setup. Regards, Jerry |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 There is an example project on USB UART in creator. Just Start with that. I guess it should help you. |
我想我最关心的是如何保存我收到的数据,这样当芯片被关闭并打开时,它会记住用户输入的先前信息。有没有办法在Flash上存储信息并从那里运行,直到用户输入新的命令集? 让我说得更清楚些。用户将通过COM端口通过UB-UART或UART接口设置PSoC做一组特定的命令。他只会输入一些字符。字符将在PSoC中有一组与之相关联的命令。 现在,我不希望用户每次进入关机时都会输入这个字符。我希望能够将闪存存储在闪存中,我假设PSoC可以直接读取,不必等待用户提供输入。 谢谢你在这件事上的任何帮助。如果有一个示例代码也会很棒。 如果我不清楚我要完成什么,请告诉我。 问候,杰瑞 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks rahul. I guess my Most Concern is how do I save the data that I have received such that when the chip is turned off and turned on it remembers the previous information that was entered by the user. Is there a way to store the information onboard the flash and run from there till the user enters a new set of commands? Let me make it more clear. The user will set the PSOC do a specific set of commands through the USB-UART or UART interface through com port. He will only enter some char. The char will have a set of commands associated with it in the PSOC. Now I dont want the user to enter that char every time he turns off and on the PSOC. I want to be able to store the char in flash memory I suppose such that the PSOC can read that directly and does not have to wait for the USER to provide an input. Thank you for any help in this matter. If there is an example code that will be great too. Please let me know if I'm not clear on what I'm trying to accomplish. Regards, Jerry |
特性:512 B到2 KB EEPROM存储器1000000个周期,20年保留,一次读取1字节,程序一次16字节。 有几个APENK显示了使用,比如这个A/D校准应用程序。 HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?RID=50320 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, there is EEPROM module to save / update settings, etc.. Features 512 B to 2 KB EEPROM memory 1,000,000 cycles, 20-year retention Read 1 byte at a time Program 16 bytes at a time There are several apnotes that show usage, like this A/D calibration application - http://www.cypress.com/?rID=50320 Regards, Dana. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 A project to write into flash is reaaly welcome.... |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 A project to write into flash is really welcome.... |
www. elnt/com /DOCS/DOC-48049/L/CyPress—CE6284--应用-写-写-内闪存PSO-3—PSOC-5 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This might help - www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-48049/l/cypress-ce62384--application-note-on-writing-to-internal-flash-in-psoc-3-and-psoc-5 Regards, Dana. |
CyPress公司 CyPress公司 CyPress公司 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Also bootloader projects show this - www.cypress.com/ www.cypress.com/ www.cypress.com/ Regards, Dana. |
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