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我将LIS3DH设置为低功耗模式和5.376 kHz采样频率,输出8位输出。我使用spi从传感器获取数据。我使用数据表中给出的灵敏度值将此原始输出更改为 g'。 我的问题是:即使没有施加振动并且传感器安装在水平表面上,传感器也会显示Z轴输出的波动。这种波动的范围大约为0.6g至1.2g。我附上了一张显示这种输出的图像。 (X轴是时间,Y轴是以g为单位的振动) 有人可以帮我解释为什么会这样吗?有没有办法以某种方式从输出中消除这种噪音? 请帮忙。 #lis3dh-spi #lis3dh #mems-accelerometer 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I am trying to measure a machine's vibration using LIS3DH sensor. I set the LIS3DH in low power mode and 5.376 kHz sampling frequency which outputs 8 bit output. I use spi to get the data from the sensor. I changed this raw output into �g' using the sensitivity value given in the datasheet. My problem is: The sensor shows a fluctuation in its output of Z axis even when there is no vibration applied and the sensor is fitted on a horizontal surface. The range of this fluctuation is approximately from 0.6g to 1.2g. I have attached a image that shows such output. (X axis is time and Y axis is vibration in terms of g) Can someone please help me to interpret why this is happening ? Is there a method to somehow remove this noise from the output ? Please help. #lis3dh-spi #lis3dh #mems-accelerometer |
您能否分享您的传感器配置和代码如何将原始数据转换为g加速? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The fluctuation is really big, it is not correct. Can you please share your sensor configuration and the code how do you convert the raw data into acceleration in g? |
谢谢您的回复。我不明白传感器配置的含义。我在低功耗模式下使用LIS3DH传感器。采样频率为5.376 kHz,输出为8位长。输出范围为+/- 4g。我使用FIFO流模式和水印中断来累积数据。从FIFO中读取数据后,我将其乘以0.032,将其转换为g。我使用Raspberry PI通过SPI通信处理数据。由于某些威廉希尔官方网站
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thank you for your reply. I do not understand what you mean by sensor configuration. I am using LIS3DH sensor in low power mode. The sampling frequency is 5.376 kHz and the output is 8 bit long.The range of output is +/- 4g. I use FIFO stream mode and watermark interrupt to accumulate the data. After reading the data from the FIFO I multiply it by 0.032 to convert it into g. I use Raspberry PI to process the data via SPI communication. I am unable to show you the code right now due to some technical difficulties. |
还有一件事我想澄清一下。 8位输出位于OUT_X,OUT_Y,OUT_Z寄存器的高位寄存器中。我按原样读取这些数据并将其乘以0.032并以g为单位显示加速度。这种方法对吗?我知道LIS3DH的输出是左对齐的。我假设因为输出是8位我可以原样使用它。我的假设是对的吗?
请帮忙。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 There is one more thing I would like to clarify. The 8 bit output is in the High register of the OUT_X,OUT_Y,OUT_Z registers. I read this data as it is and multiply it with 0.032 and display the acceleration in g. Is this method right ? I know the output of LIS3DH is left justified. I assumed that since the output is 8 bit I can use it as it is. Am I right in my assumption ? Please help. |
确认x和y轴没有显示相同的噪声输出。 将灵敏度设置为2g。 设置高精度模式。 将采样率设置为10/50 / 100hz(我已经尝试过这些速率,它们对我来说效果很好) 关闭FIFO模式并尝试直接从28-2D寄存器中采样加速度值。 尝试将低位和高位读取为16位值。然后,您需要更改缩放系数以获得正确的g值。 我找到了这个线程,因为我在传感器上的z轴上看到的噪声比在x或y上看到的噪声更大。然而,与平均值的最大偏差仅为约0.05g(x和y倾向于保持在约0.025g内)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Please try the following and see if you still get the same noisy output: Verify that the x and the y axes do not show the same noisy output. Set the sensitivity to 2g. Set high precision mode on. Set the sample rate to something like 10/50/100hz (I've tried these rates and they work well for me) Turn off FIFO mode and try to sample the acceleration values directly from the 28-2D registers. Try reading both the low and the high bits as a 16 bit value. You then need to change the scaling factors to get the correct g value. I found this thread because I was seeing more noise in the z axis on my sensor than on the x or y. However, the maximum deviation from the mean is only about 0.05g (x and y tend to stay within about 0.025g). |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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