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当编程PIC 16f676时,我们得到一个错误“Target的校准数据无效(0x3f)”。我们尝试了以下选项来修复它:选项1)XC8链接器->运行时->校准振荡器。设置这一点,也设置它关闭。这并没有帮助选项2)程序员选项->程序选项->程序校准内存。设置这一点,也设置它关闭。这也无济于事。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 When programming PIC 16f676 we get an error " Target has invalid calibration data (0x3f) " . We have tried below options to fix it: Option 1) XC8 Linker ->Runtime-> Caliberate oscillator. Set this on and also set it off. This did not help Option 2) Programmer options -> program options -> Program calibration memory. Set this on and also set it off. This too did not help |
你确定不是0x3FF吗?0x3FF是一个可能的指示器,在OSCCAL重写之前,该部分是批量删除和从程序员删除的。这些设备将OSCCAL存储到程序存储器的最后一个位置。你可以重新编程一个标称校准值与皮卡2,如果你可以在你的板上的时钟输出引脚,或者你有一个低引脚数演示板,仍然有ICSP头的PIN 6到位。拾取2 GUI具有用于振荡器校准的模式。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Are you sure it is not 0x3FF? 0x3FF is a likely indicator that the part was bulk erased and removed from the programmer before the OSCCAL value was rewritten. These devices store OSCCAL to the last location of program memory. You can reprogram a nominal calibration value with a PICKit 2 if you have access to the clock out pin in your board or you have a low pin count demo board that still has pin 6 of the ICSP header in place. The PICKit 2 GUI has a mode for oscillator calibration. |
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