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我已经安装了PSOC创建者1和创建者2在我的PC,这是与Windows 7一起工作。但是,当我试图用创建者1编程我的代码时,它成功地编程了…但是当我尝试与创建者2。O时,我不能把我的代码编程到第一触动启动器(CY8CITK-03)套件… 基本上,当我试图让我的LED连接到P2(0)的第一触控套件发光…我不能使用创建者1,因为没有在其组件列表中的PIN……但通过使用创建者2,我能够写程序发光二极管连接到P2(0)的第一触摸套件,由于引脚的存在在创建者2的组件列表中,但即使它成功构建,当我尝试对它进行编程时,它也要求选择目标设备……当我选择目标设备并单击“OK”时,它在窗口的左下角显示“准备就绪”消息……这是否混淆了它?程序或不…如果我确信它是编程的……我的LED并没有按照我的代码闪烁……无论如何,我都没有得到“程序成功完成”的消息。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hi to all, i have installed both psoc creator 1.0 and creator 2.0 in my pc which is working with windows 7. But, when i tried to program my code with creator 1.0, it is programming successfully...but the same when i trying with creator 2.o i couldnt program my code to first touch starter (CY8cKIT-003) kit.... basically, when i tried to make my LED connected to P2[0] of first touch kit to glow....i am unable to use creator 1, because of not having pins in its component list....but by using creator 2.0 i am able to write the program to glow led connected to p2[0] of first touch kit due to presence of pins in the component list of creator 2.0, but eventhough it builds successfully, when i tried to program it, it is asking to select the target device...when i select the target device and click "ok" then it is showing "ready" message at the down left corner of window.....which is confusing whether it programmed or not....if i convinced myself it as programmed....my LED is not blinking as per my code.......any way iam not getting that "program successfuly completed" message. |
2.1不再支持较老的ES2硅,但2仍然支持。 可能你的2版本安装得不太正确。您可以在这里找到一个可下载版本的HTTP://wwwyCyp.com/?RID=39551 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This is a bit complicated since Creator 1.0 is a very old version, 2.0 superseded by 2.1 already. 2.1 does not support the older ES2-silicons any more, but 2.0 still does. Probably your 2.0 version is not quite correct installed. You can find a downloadable version here http://www.cypress.com/?rID=39551 Bob |
哦,我忘了:有一个交换程序HTTP://www. CyPress?RID=5399,以获得最新触摸屏的最新版本。这将帮助您使用最新版本的创建者软件(2.1)。
鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Oh, and I forgot: There is an exchange-program http://www.cypress.com/?rID=53994 to get you the latest revision of your FirstTouch-board. This will help you to use the latest revision of the Creator-software (2.1) Bob |
谢谢你的回复,你是说PSoC创建者2与早期版本的第一触包(CY8CKIT-00)不兼容吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hi Mr.Bob Thanks for ur reply, did you mean that the psoc creator 2.0 is not compatible with the earlier version of First touch kit(CY8Ckit-003) ? |
到目前为止,我使用的是第一个触摸套件属于我的学院…现在我想买一套PSoC3在我自己……请你建议我的工具包,创造者2和2.1兼容在Windows 7平台。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 hi bob.... Till now i am using the first touch kit belongs to my college.....now i would like to buy a kit of PSOC3 on my own....can you please suggest me the kit to which creator 2.0 and 2.1 are compatible in windows 7 platform. |
HTTP://www. CyPress?COM/?RID=39551 注意,一般来说,最新版本,2.1,因为它包含 改进和错误修复。 对于工具包阅读他们的更新发布笔记在线,工具包,以重点 在CY8CITK- 030或CY8CKIT-1001上。 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Here are Creator Requirements - http://www.cypress.com/?rID=39551 Note you should use, generally speaking, latest release, 2.1, as it contains both improvements and bug fixes. For kits read their updated release notes online, kits to focus on CY8CKIT -030 or CY8CKIT-001. Regards, Dana. |
Windows操作系统 WindowsXP SP2或SP3 WindowsVista(32和64位支持)和SP1 Windows 7(32和64位支持)和SP1 MaOS V10并行桌面V6运行WindowsXP SP3 1 GHz CPU 512 MB RAM(最小值),1 GB RAM(优选)2 GB硬盘空间USB 2 1024X768屏幕分辨率 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 So there is no confusion here are 2.0 and 2.1 requirements for Creator - Windows Operating System
Regards, Dana. |
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