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在示波器上报告数据表:高分辨率模式12位分辨率,当4 GSa / s和5 GSa / s(1 GHz型号)≥10μs/ div或≥2-μs/ div,2 GSa / s及以下
示波器用户指南,第199页写入:显示的采样率(sr,每通道,最大2 Gsa / s)...分辨率为500 MSa / s 100 MSa / s 20 MSa / s 5 MSa / ssr≤ 5 MSa / s .............................................. ...................... 12从数据表中我了解到,获得12位分辨率足以使时基设置≥20-μs / div为2 GSa / s; 但是从用户手册看,只有当采样率≤5MSa / s时才能看到12位分辨率。 显然有一些我不理解的东西,我想知道如何解释上面报道的规范。 Ciao和许多人提前感谢对此事的任何澄清。 Franco Web:http://www.flanguasco.org 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 On the oscilloscope Data Sheet is reported: High Resolution Mode 12 bits of resolution when ≥10 μs/div at 4 GSa/s and 5 GSa/s (1 GHz models) or ≥20-μs/div at 2 GSa/s and on the oscilloscope User's Guide, page 199, is written: Displayed Sample Rate (sr, per channel, 2 Gsa/s max)...Bits of resolution 500 MSa/s < sr ≤ 2 Gsa/s................................................8 100 MSa/s < sr ≤ 500 MSa/s...........................................9 20 MSa/s < sr ≤ 100 MSa/s.............................................10 5 MSa/s < sr ≤ 20 MSa/s.................................................11 sr ≤ 5 MSa/s....................................................................12 From the Data Sheet I understand that for getting the 12 bits of resolution is enough to to have a Time Base setting ≥20-μs/div at 2 GSa/s; but from the User Manual it looks like the 12 bits resolution is available only when the Sample Rate is ≤ 5 MSa/s. Obviously there is something that I don't understand and I would like to know how I have to interpret the above reported specifications. Ciao and many thanks in advance for any clarification on this matter. Franco Web: http://www.flanguasco.org |
亲爱的Algoss:>您应该查看用户指南,点击“文档库”,“手册”,然后点击“用户指南......”我已经查看了用户手册(实际上是报告的规范) 我之前的文章摘自本手册第199页)但我仍然不了解数据表规范,其中指出:>高分辨率模式12位分辨率,当4 GSa / s时≥10μs/ div和5 GSa / s (1 GHz型号)>或≥20-μs/ div,2 GSa / s只是为了澄清,如果示波器设置为20-μs/ div并且采样率为2 GSa / s,那么分辨率是多少? - 数据手册中写入的12位或 - 用户指南中所述的8位? Ciao,感谢您的兴趣和下一个。 佛朗哥 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Algoss: > You should take a look in the User's Guide, here Click on "Document Library", and "Manuals", then "User's Guide..." I have already looked at the user manual (and actually the specification reported on my previous post are taken from this manual at page 199) but I don't still understand the Data Sheet specification that states: > High Resolution Mode 12 bits of resolution when ≥10 μs/div at 4 GSa/s and 5 GSa/s (1 GHz models) > or ≥20-μs/div at 2 GSa/s Just to clarify, if the oscilloscope is set at 20-μs/div and shows a Sample rate of 2 GSa/s what is the Resolution? - 12 bits as written in the Data Sheet or - 8 bits as stated on the User's Guide? Ciao, thanks for the interest and to the next. Franco |
xuyin8425 发表于 2019-4-29 10:00 对不起,我想我不清楚......要获得更多的分辨率,你必须告诉你想要高分辨率模式的范围。 当您这样做并降低采样率时,“实际”采样率保持较高,但由于平均值,“有效”采样率会下降。 从手册前面几页开始:选择采集模式:1)按前面板上的“获取”键。 2)在Acquire Menu中,按Acq Mode软键; 然后,转动Entry旋钮选择采集模式。 其中包括:正常 - 在较慢的时间/格设置,正常抽取,并且没有平均。 对大多数波形使用此模式。 高分辨率 - 在较慢的时间/格设置下,对有效采样周期内的所有采样进行平均,并存储平均值。 使用此模式可降低随机噪音。 如果在正常模式下降低采样率,则由于奈奎斯特问题而降低了BW,并且您必须注意混叠,因为抗混叠滤波器具有固定配置。 如果在高分辨率模式下降低采样率,则由于平均而导致BW减少。 人 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I'm sorry I guess I wasn't clear... To get more bits of resolution, you have to tell the scope you want high-resolution mode. When you do that, and reduce the sample rate, the 'real' sample rate stays high, but the 'effective' sample rate drops, due to the averaging. From a few pages earlier in the manual: To select the acquisition mode: 1) Press the 'Acquire' key on the front panel. 2) In the Acquire Menu, press the Acq Mode softkey; then, turn the Entry knob to select the acquisition mode. Among the choices are: Normal — at slower time/div settings, normal decimation occurs, and there is no averaging. Use this mode for most waveforms. High Resolution — at slower time/div settings, all samples in the effective sample period are averaged and the average value is stored. Use this mode for reducing random noise. If you reduce the sample rate in Normal mode, you reduce the BW, due to Nyquist issues, and you have to watch out for aliasing, since the anti-aliasing filter has a fixed configuration. If you reduce the sample rate in High-Res mode, you get reduced BW due to the averaging. Al |
nvywyerwer 发表于 2019-4-29 10:14 亲爱的Algoss:>对不起,我想我不清楚......不,你很清楚,很明显,我已经(非常仔细地)阅读了手册并完成了你建议的所有事情,比如按下Acquire, 选择高分辨率等...我想了解的是与数据表中所写的内容以及用户指南中所述内容的差异。 因此,我重复上一个问题:*如果示波器处于高分辨率模式,设置为20-μs/ div并显示采样率为2 GSa / s分辨率是多少?* ** 12位,如数据表中所述 * *或* ** 8位如用户指南中所述?* Ciao,再次感谢下一次。 Franco Web:http://www.flanguasco.org编辑:flanguasco于2013年1月7日上午8:51 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Algoss: > I'm sorry I guess I wasn't clear... No, you were very clear and, obviously, I have read (quite carefully) the manual and done all the things you suggest, like press the Acquire, select the High Resolution, etc... What I would like to understand is the discrepancy from what is written in the Data Sheet and what is stated in the User's Guide. I therefore repeat my previous question: *if the oscilloscope is in High Resolution mode, set at 20-μs/div and shows a Sample rate of 2 GSa/s what is the Resolution?* ** 12 bits as written in the Data Sheet* *or* ** 8 bits as stated on the User's Guide?* Ciao, thanks again and to the next. Franco Web: http://www.flanguasco.org Edited by: flanguasco on Jan 7, 2013 8:51 AM |
xuyin8425 发表于 2019-4-29 10:32 我同意flanguasco。 我记得按钮的帮助和手册的帮助显示了一个不同值的表,这是不符合的。 我认为问题不在于它是如何工作的,而在于信任的价值(帮助或数据表?)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I agree with flanguasco. I recall that the button's help and manual's help shows a table of different values, which does not tally. I think the question is not on how it works, but which value to trust (the help or data sheet?). |
oqw1 发表于 2019-4-29 10:38 我没有3000可用,所以我不知道按钮帮助说的是什么,但是在将数据表与手册进行比较时,我得出以下结论:显示的采样率(sr)优先。 如果您处于高分辨率模式,并且示波器表示采样率为2GSa /秒,那么您有8位分辨率。 现在,那就说,我要看看能否找到低BW(Al 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I don't have a 3000 available, so I don't know what the button help says, but when comparing the datasheet to the manual, I come to the following conclusion: The Displayed Sample Rate (sr) takes precedence. If you are in High-Res mode, and the scope says the Sample Rate is 2GSa/sec, then you have 8 bits of resolution. Now, that said, I'll have to see if I can find a low-BW (<1G) 3000 on the web inside Agilent to see what the button help shows, and how the scope actually performs. Until then, this is the only answer I have. Al |
nvywyerwer 发表于 2019-4-29 10:53 嗨Algoss,> ...>现在,那说,我必须看看我是否能找到低BW(过去两周没有收到你的任何消息)我现在可以假设用户指南的信息是 正确和*数据表性能特征不正确*?请您确认一下吗?我想知道,因为我必须设计最好的采集策略,以便在一系列PC控制测量中获得最大可能的分辨率.Ciao和感谢 关注.Franco Web:http://www.flanguasco.org 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Algoss, >... >Now, that said, I'll have to see if I can find a low-BW (<1G) 3000 on the web inside Agilent to see what the button help shows, and how the scope actually performs. Until then, this is the only answer I have. haven't heard anything from you for the last two weeks may I now assume that the Users's Guide information are right and *the Data Sheet Performance characteristics are incorrect*? Could you please confirm this? I would like to know because I have to devise the best acquisition strategy to get the maximum possible resolution during a series of PC controlled measurements. Ciao and thanks for the attention. Franco Web: http://www.flanguasco.org |
xuyin8425 发表于 2019-4-29 10:58 在生病和出差之间,我没有机会对此进行测试。 您可以尝试致电当地的威廉希尔官方网站 呼叫中心。 他们可能会在几分钟内解决这个问题。 人 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Between illness and traveling on business, I haven't ha d a chance to test this out. You might try calling your local Technical Call Center. They may be able to resolve this in a few minutes. Al |
嗨flanguasco,你提到的5M采样率应该是“显示的采样率”,即高分辨率模式下平均后的采样率,而不是原始采样率。 在条件“> 10us / div with 4Gs / s SR”中提到的,SR指的是原始SR。 你可以验证你的范围。 启用高分辨率模式后,缩小时基时,HR模式生效时会出现SR中断。 关于ST 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi flanguasco, The 5M sampling rate you referred should be the "Displayed Sampling Rate", that is the sampling rate after average in High Resolution Mode, not the raw sampling rate. what's mentioned in the condition ">10us/div with 4Gs/s SR", that SR is referring the raw SR. you can verify that on your scope. With the High Resolution mode enabled, when scaling down the time base, there is a SR discontinuance when the HR mode taking effect. regards ST |
细水爱长流 发表于 2019-4-29 11:21 您好st_lee,>您提到的5M采样率应为“显示的采样率”,即高分辨率模式下平均后的采样率,而不是原始采样率。 在条件“10us / div with 4Gs / s SR”中提到的,SR指的是原始SR。 感谢您对我的问题感兴趣,但我不完全理解您的答案。 在数据表中性能特性写为“高分辨率模式:* 4位GSa / s时为*≥10μs/ div且5 GSa / s(1 GHz型号)或*≥20-μs/ div *时为12位分辨率 2 GSa / s“并没有提及”显示的采样率“或”原始采样率“; 另一方面,每次在数据表中使用GSa / s单元时,据我所知,它始终与“显示的采样率”相关,无论如何,我想知道的是哪种高分辨率模式条件 当时基设置≥20-μs/ div *时,我可以获得* 12位分辨率(注意等于20-μs/ div的可能性)。 或者换句话说,当我将示波器设置为高分辨率模式时,时基设置为20-μs/ div,得到的分辨率是多少? 12位或不? Ciao,再次感谢你的回答和下一个回答。 Franco Web:http://www.flanguasco.org 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi st_lee, > The 5M sampling rate you referred should be the "Displayed Sampling Rate", that is the sampling rate after average in High Resolution Mode, not the raw sampling rate. what's mentioned in the condition "10us/div with 4Gs/s SR", that SR is referring the raw SR. Thanks for your interest in my problem but I don't completely understand your answer. On the Data Sheet Performance characteristics is written "High Resolution Mode: *12 bits of resolution when* ≥10 μs/div at 4 GSa/s and 5 GSa/s (1 GHz models) or *≥20-μs/div* at 2 GSa/s" and there is no mention about "Displayed Sampling Rate" or "raw sampling rate"; on the other hand, every time the GSa/s unit is used in the Data Sheet, it is always related, to my knowledge, to the "Displayed Sampling Rate" Anyway, what I would like to know is in which High Resolution Mode condition I can get the *12 bits of resolution when the Time Base setting is ≥20-μs/div* (note the equal to 20-μs/div possibility). Or, put in another way, when I set the oscilloscope in High Resolution Mode, with a Time Base setting of 20-μs/div what is the resulting resolution? 12 bits or not? Ciao, thanks again for your answer and to the next. Franco Web: http://www.flanguasco.org |
xuyin8425 发表于 2019-4-29 11:38 佛朗哥,你是对的,在线帮助和文档不一致。 它们将在下一版软件中得到纠正。 以下是各种扫描速度下的垂直位分辨率:= 20 us / div - 12位希望这能回答你的问题。 短发 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Franco, You are correct, the on line help and documentation are not consistent. They will be corrected on the next release of software. Here are the vertical bits of resolution at various sweep speeds: = 20 us/div - 12 bits Hopefully, this answers your question. Bob |
iujwers 发表于 2019-4-29 11:49 鲍勃,非常感谢你明确而直接的回答。 我实际上无法相信安捷伦数据表的特性不正确,但是......现在我确切知道,在高分辨率模式下,预期的比特分辨率是多少。 Ciao和下一个。 Franco Web:http://www.flanguasco.org 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Bob, thank you very much for your clear and direct answer. I couldn't actually believe that the Agilent Data Sheet characteristics were incorrect, but ... Now I know for sure, when in High Resolution Mode, what is the expected bit resolution. Ciao and to the next. Franco Web: http://www.flanguasco.org |
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