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谢谢,乐华晨 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I have large amount of data to be transferred from FPGA to FX3 and then to PC (one direction). At present, our FPGA system is still in design. I plan to connect the related GPIF pins to GND or VCC to test the SlaveFifoAsync example. Then how could I check the throughput of the data transfer in this case (I did it in the USBBulkSourceSink example with Streamer)? Thanks, Lehua Chen |
在这种情况下,也可以使用同一个应用程序来测量吞吐量。 请确保SLaveFIFOASYC示例代码的VID和PID被列出在CysB3.IF中。 当做, 西克里希纳。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Have you tried with the same streamer application. You can use the same application for measuring the throughput in this scenario as well. Please make sure that VID and PID of SlaveFifoAsync example code is listed in the cyu***3.inf. Regards, sai krishna. |
谢谢你的回复。%VIDA04B4&PIDY0F0. DEVICE DES0C4B4,USB VIDY04B4&PIDY0.00 F0%VIDU04B4和PIDY00 F1 . DeVice DISC%= CYSB3,USB VIDY04B4和PIDY00 F1%VIDY04B4和PIDY00 F2 . DeVice DISC%= CYSB3,USB VIDY04B4和PIDY00 F2%VIDY04B4我把SLaveFIFOASYNC的VID和PID放在CysB3.IF列表中。&;pid_00f3。DeviceDesc % = cyu***3,USB vid_04b4 &;pid_00f3 % vid_04b4 &;pid_4720。DeviceDesc % = cyu***3,USB vid_04b4 &;这样设置pid_4720,我只能和USBBulkSourceSink和USBIsoSourceSink bulkloop流光检查u***bulkloop实例。SlaveFifoAsync,既没有响应bulkloop和流光。在USB控制中心,我可以下载slavefifoasync.img的FX3 RAM和批量转移的成功,如附件所示。在转移的大失败,可能的原因是,GPIF接口引脚浮。所以我认为VID和PID设置是可以的。我怎么能激活流光与SlaveFifoAsync的例子吗?谢谢你,乐华晨 SLAVEFIFOASYNC JPG 38.8 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, RSKV, Thank you for your reply. I have put the VID and PID of SlaveFifoAsync in the list of cyu***3.inf. %VID_04B4&PID_00F0.DeviceDesc%=CyU***3, USBVID_04B4&PID_00F0 %VID_04B4&PID_00F1.DeviceDesc%=CyU***3, USBVID_04B4&PID_00F1 %VID_04B4&PID_00F2.DeviceDesc%=CyU***3, USBVID_04B4&PID_00F2 %VID_04B4&PID_00F3.DeviceDesc%=CyU***3, USBVID_04B4&PID_00F3 %VID_04B4&PID_4720.DeviceDesc%=CyU***3, USBVID_04B4&PID_4720 With this setting, I can only check the USBBulkloop examples with Bulkloop and USBBulkSourceSink and USBIsoSourceSink with Streamer. For SlaveFifoAsync, both Bulkloop and Streamer have no response. In the USB Control Center, I can download the SlaveFifoAsync.img to the RAM of FX3 and the bulk out transfer successes, as shown in the attachment. The bulk in transfer fails, the reason may be that the GPIF interface pins are floating. So I think the VID and PID settings are OK. How could I activate the Streamer with the SlaveFifoAsync example? Thank you, Lehua Chen
基本上,它正在寻找与PID F1的设备。 所以,请将SLavaFIFOASYNC示例的PID值更改为F1。(可以转到TyfFxSLIFUSSBDSCR.C文件,并将PID值更改为F1)。 然后拖缆应用程序将识别您的设备没有任何问题。 如果不知道,请告诉我。 当做, 西克里希纳。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 OK. I have gone through the Streamer application soruce code. Basically it is looking for the devices with PID F1. So, please change the PID value of SlaveFifoAsync example to F1. (You can go to cyfxslfifou***dscr.c file and change the PID value to F1). Then streamer application will identify your device without any issues. Please let me know if not. Regards, sai krishna. |
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