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PWMblock上的数据表表示,pWMLRead COMPARATE()可以返回Uti8或UIT16。我只能让它返回UTIT8值,但是我需要它来回复UTIT16,我该怎么做?
PWM被设置为16位UDB。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The data sheet on the PWM block says that the PWM_ReadCompare() can return either a uint8 or uint16. I can only get it to return a uint8 value, but I need it to returna uint16, how can I do this? The PWM is set as a 16-bit UDB |
API的返回正确值。API调用的SAMEIN描述。 快速测试编译器,返回到8位变量,就应该抱怨了。 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 There is some verbiage in DS, under "Block Diagram and Configuration" that implies generated API's return correct vaule. Same in descriptions of API call. Quick test of compiler, return to an 8 bit variable, it should complain. Regards, Dana. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Is there any reason that changing the compare value and period value of a PWM block in code will cause the period to spike before reaching the desired value? |
相信我,我们仍然不知道为什么E= IX R,为什么这是真实的。也没有其他解决办法。
我们不知道宇宙膨胀的速度为什么远离凝聚体的质量。我们认为 暗物质是一个用来描述我们不了解的物质的术语。 编译器。如果它是好的,发出警告,而不是错误。有时我也会有不同。 更改到Reg的编写、周期和比较,API描述没有显示任何副作用……?不知道什么 事实上正在发生。 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Trust me, we still do not know why E = I x R, why that is physically true. And can be no other solution. We do not know why the universe's rate of expansion is away from the mass that coeleseces it. We think it is dark matter, a convienent term to describe a prtoblem we do not understand. The compiler. if it is good, issues a warning, not an error. Sometimes the difference escapes me. Change to reg writes, period and compare, the API descriptions do not show any side effects......? Not sure whats actually happening. Regards, Dana. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Changing the compare value can immediately affect the state of the compare output (this is also stated in the data sheet), when the current PWM counter is above the new compare value (depending on the configuration). It might also be, in that case, that the comparision doesn't trigger, and the PWM counter runs for the full period, starts again and only then triggers the compare. CHanging the period value should not affect the output, as it is used only when the PWM counter reaches the terminal count. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I figured it might have been something like if I increase the compare value mid run, since it updates immediately, it would just add on to my signal that was already high. I only see that spike when I increase so that makes sense. Would there be a way to make sure I only update my compare and period values at the end of a pulse. I guess I could use an interrupt and a flag |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Although I forgot I'm looking at the output through a NOT gate so that means my spike is really a long low time from the PWM block. But the problem remains the same, that is I'm resetting my compare and period values before they completed the previous iteration. |
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