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据我了解,Vivado仅在合成过程的地点和路线部分使用多线程。 那么,真正改变vivado性能的方法(性能=从头开始合成项目的速度+在vivado合成时在计算机上执行其他工作的能力)主要是核心的时钟速度? 所以最后一个问题是:具有3 Ghz时钟的i5 cpu将比i7更高效,比方说2.8 Ghz时钟? (数字是任意的) 干杯 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi all, As I understand, Vivado uses multi-threading on only the place&route part of the synthesizing process. So, what really makes a difference on the performance of vivado (performance=speed of synthesizing a project from scratch + ability to do other stuff on your computer while vivado is synthesizing) is mainly the clocking speed of your cores? So the final question is: an i5 cpu with 3 Ghz clock will be more efficient than an i7 with, let's say 2.8 Ghz clock? (the numbers are arbitrary) Cheers |
Vivado使用CPU的多个内核来加速该过程。 例如,实现时使用的默认核心数为4,但工具不会使用比计算机核心数更多的线程(即双核机器将使用两个核心)。 这适用于地点和路线。 覆盖此行为的TCL参数是: set_param general.maxThreads 1 另请参阅http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2016_2/ug973-vivado-release-notes-install-license.pdf的第11页,了解有关Vivado系统要求的详细信息。 谢谢,维杰----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------请将帖子标记为 一个答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。如果一个帖子引导到解决方案,请给予赞誉。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi @cbakal Vivado uses multiple cores of the CPU to speedup the process. For example, The default number of cores used will be 4 for implementation, but the tools will not use more threads than the number of cores on the machine (i.e., a dual core machine will use two cores). This applies to both place and route. The TCL parameter for overriding this behavior is: set_param general.maxThreads 1 Also check pae 11 of http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2016_2/ug973-vivado-release-notes-install-license.pdf for details on the system requirements for Vivado. Thanks,Vijay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helped resolve your query. Give kudos in case a post in case it guided to the solution. |
我目前在三个核心上运行合成(留给我一个其他的东西)。 它不仅对地点/路线有用。 你正在看哪两个CPU? 我可能会在更低时钟的四核i7上采用更高时钟的四核i5,但我绝对会选择任何双核i5的四核i7。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Vivado can use multiple cores in several places. Mine's currently running synthesis on three cores (leaving me one for other things). It's not just useful for place/route. Exactly which two CPUs are you looking at? I'd probably take a higher-clocked quad-core i5 over a lower-clocked quad-core i7, but I'd definitely take a quad-core i7 over any dual-core i5. |
感谢您的快速回复。 我不是在看特定的机器...我只想要一些一般信息。 我想我会选择一款快速的四核i7。 最后一个问题。 我偶然发现网上的一些帖子说从标准硬盘升级到SSD会对编译时间产生很大影响(一般来说,对于任何类型的编程语言)。 有没有人对vivado和这种升级有任何个人经验? 干杯 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi again, Thank you for your quick replies. I am not looking at a particular machine...I just want some general info. I think I will choose a fast quad-core i7. One last question. I have stumbled upon some posts on the web saying that upgrading from a standard HDD to a SSD made a big difference on compilation times (generally speaking, for any kind of programming language). Does anyone have any personal experience with vivado and this kind of upgrade? Cheers |
感谢您的快速回复。 我不是在看特定的机器...我只想要一些一般信息。 我想我会选择一款快速的四核i7。 最后一个问题。 我偶然发现网上的一些帖子说从标准硬盘升级到SSD会对编译时间产生很大影响(一般来说,对于任何类型的编程语言)。 有没有人对vivado和这种升级有任何个人经验? 干杯 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi again, Thank you for your quick replies. I am not looking at a particular machine...I just want some general info. I think I will choose a fast quad-core i7. One last question. I have stumbled upon some posts on the web saying that upgrading from a standard HDD to a SSD made a big difference on compilation times (generally speaking, for any kind of programming language). Does anyone have any personal experience with vivado and this kind of upgrade? Cheers |
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